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  • shosh
    • Jun 2004
    • 4668


    Thousands of suspicious voter registrations collected by the group ACORN have turned up in Nevada, raising concern about voter fraud and local canvassing practices as we near the presidential election.

    A nationwide voter registration drive that has registered some 1.3 million voters this year is facing new allegations of local canvasser fraud and complaints about its practices.

    As citizens registered to vote in record-breaking numbers across the country this week, local election officials raised concerns about thousands of suspicious voter registration cards collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, commonly known as ACORN. The group, along with its partner Project Vote, operates one of the nation's largest voter registration drives focusing mostly on low-income African-Americans and Latinos.

    The most recent allegations emerged yesterday after Nevada authorities raided the group's Las Vegas offices. Authorities are investigating reports of fake or duplicate voter registrations submitted by ACORN, including some using the names of Dallas Cowboys football players.

    Investigators have alleged that ACORN hired 59 inmates on work release as canvassers. One inmate who had worked as a "team leader" for ACORN told investigators that "some of the canvassers hired by ACORN were 'lazy crackheads' who were not interested in working and just wanted money," according to the search warrant affidavit.

    ACORN and Project Vote say they have been fully cooperating with investigators and called yesterday's raid a "stunt" designed to discredit the groups' work in registering more than 80,000 Nevadans. Mike Slater, the executive director for Project Vote, says the group regularly reported concerns about potentially fraudulent applications to county election officials who ignored the information for months.

    Since June, local election officials in at least nine other states have reported problems with thousands of registrations submitted by ACORN's this election year, according to media reports.

    Earlier in the week, election officials in Lake County, IN reported that nearly half of the 2,040 registrations submitted by ACORN on county's final day of registration were deemed "suspicious" because of missing or incorrect information or other irregularities.
    Fake Voter Registration Cards

    Sally LaSota, the director of the Lake County elections board, said information on some of the registration cards appeared to have been copied from the telephone book. LaSota says her employees have also identified more than 100 cards with forged signatures.

    "We don't know if any of these people are legitimate," said LaSota, who is concerned that many legitimate voters may be unable to vote due to the high volume of problematic registration dumped on their office at the very last minute.

    On the campus of University of New Mexico, College Democrats sought to have ACORN kicked off campus after receiving "dismal" reports about the group practices according to the campus newspaper, Daily Lobo.

    In Bernalillo County, which encompasses Albuquerque and UNM, election officials have reported 1,400 "problem cards," many of which were collected by ACORN, to local and federal law enforcement authorities. Maggie Toulouse Oliver, the county clerk, said that some of the irregularities included cards with addresses that did not exist and duplicate registrations for voters with inaccurate information.

    Charles Jackson, a spokesperson for ACORN, said the number of problematic registrations were "relatively low" considering that 1.3 million voter registrations collected by the group this year. "You have these isolated incidents that people seem to amplify and make a bigger deal that it really is," said Jackson.

    ACORN has touted its success in collecting nearly 3 million voter registrations since 2004, but the group's track record has been marred with allegations of voter registration fraud and the criminal prosecutions of employees caught tampering and falsifying registration cards.

    Last year, King County prosecutors in Washington state brought felony charges against seven ACORN canvassers in what one official described as the worst case of voter registration fraud in the state's history. Some OF the workers pled guilty and went to jail, while the ACORN agreed to pay the county $25,000 and have its activities monitored by authorities as a part of a settlement.
    ACORN: New Quality Control

    ACORN says that it has worked to clean up its act by adopting new "quality control" standards, including procedures to double-check all registrations and flag any questionable or incomplete cards for officials. "We pay people to do a job and sometimes they don't do it," said Jackson. "They turn in cards that are not complete, turn in cards that they have tampered with, and so we have a program in place to catch those types of things."

    Jackson added that the group has a policy of firing any employee it finds tampering with registrations, and referring those former employees for criminal prosecution.

    ACORN's past problems and liberal leanings have made the group a frequent target of Republican attacks. "It is clear that ACORN is engaging in an effort to try and take away from our election system by submitting thousands of forms that are unusable on county clerks place the burden on them," said Republican National Committee spokesperson Danny Diaz in a conference call with reporters yesterday.

    Diaz cited the recent incidents to accuse ACORN of perpetrating "systemic voter fraud."

    Jackson says there is no evidence of ACORN registrations being used to cast fraudulent votes. "Our goal is to empower low-income people," said Jackson. "In no way, shape, or form do we want to tamper with the electoral process, we'd have nothing to gain from that."
    this is ridiculous. taxpayer's money pay for their shit and its a known they support obama and encourage people to vote for him
  • Jenks
    I'm kind of a big deal.
    • Jun 2004
    • 10250

    Re: Acorn



    • ddr
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 7006

      Re: Acorn

      i <3 squirrels... cute little rodents
      "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


      • shosh
        • Jun 2004
        • 4668

        Re: Acorn

        damn vb settings wont let me post thread in caps


        • Jenks
          I'm kind of a big deal.
          • Jun 2004
          • 10250

          Re: Acorn

          ^That feature is especially for you. I can has squirrel??


          • shosh
            • Jun 2004
            • 4668

            Re: Acorn

            Originally posted by Jenks
            ^That feature is especially for you. I can has squirrel??
            hell naw


            • sammwalk
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 769

              Re: Acorn

              Originally posted by shosh
              damn vb settings wont let me post thread in caps
              yeah what's up with that? damn annoying.


              • Jenks
                I'm kind of a big deal.
                • Jun 2004
                • 10250

                Re: Acorn

                ^The alternative is, SHOSH YELLING HIS POINT ALL THE TIME.


                • thesightless
                  Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 13567

                  Re: Acorn

                  ill say one thing about this group...

                  the shit is about to hit the fan. federal investigation initiated today on all thier offices and management. so far, according NY local's, the feds have no less than 50 witnesses stepping forward in regards to the action taken by acorn in registering voters in multiple districts, and literally, doing what happened in black sheep (farley/spade movie) in that there is now evidence of dead people registering for obama.
                  your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                  Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                  download that. deep shit listed there

                  my dick is its own superhero.


                  • Cj Tari
                    MCast Resident DJ
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 557

                    Re: Acorn

                    didnt the same thing happen when W was running the second time, when they found some shaddy shit in florida with some dead people being registered to vote.
                    ..:: listen :: react ::..


                    • thesightless
                      Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 13567

                      Re: Acorn

                      yup, and thats why florida shouldnt be allowed to vote anymore. everyone should leave the state and let georgia police take the ballots at the border as they let ppl back in. again, like the other thread, just a statement of fact. nothing more. today, a proverbail shitstorm of potential federal offenses landed on them. when 50 people are willing to attest that you (acorn) made them reigister in multiple districts, you're in trouble, and when the FBI and secret service come knocking, you're fucked. glad to see this years election is like me, equal oppurtunity hatred to the asshats.
                      your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                      Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                      download that. deep shit listed there

                      my dick is its own superhero.


                      • shosh
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 4668

                        Re: Acorn

                        interesting how the obama supporters arent saying much about this... it's just me being racist, right?
                        didnt the liberals want to give acorn a shit load of money as part of the bailout bill?

                        heres a new article:

                        CLEVELAND - A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.
                        "Sometimes, they come up and bribe me with a cigarette, or they'll give me a dollar to sign up," said Freddie Johnson, 19, who filled out 72 separate voter-registration cards over an 18-month period at the behest of the left-leaning Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
                        "The ACORN people are everywhere, looking to sign people up. I tell them I am already registered. The girl said, 'You are?' I say, 'Yup,' and then they say, 'Can you just sign up again?' " he said.
                        Johnson used the same information on all of his registration cards, and officials say they usually catch and toss out duplicate registrations. But the practice sparks fear that some multiple registrants could provide different information and vote more than once by absentee ballot.
                        ACORN is under investigation in Ohio and at least eight other states - including Missouri, where the FBI said it's planning to look into potential voter fraud - for over-the-top efforts to get as many names as possible on the voter rolls regardless of whether a person is registered or eligible.
                        It's even under investigation in Bridgeport, Conn., for allegedly registering a 7-year-old girl to vote, according to the State Elections Enforcement Commission.
                        Meanwhile, a federal judge yesterday ordered Ohio's Secretary of State to verify the identity of newly registered voters by matching them with other government documents. The order was in response to a Republican lawsuit unrelated to the ACORN probe in Cuyahoga County, in which at least three people, including Johnson, have been subpoenaed.
                        Bribing citizens with gifts, property or anything of value is a fourth-degree felony in Ohio, punishable by up to 18 months in prison. And it's a fifth-degree felony - punishable by 12 months in jail - for a person to pay "compensation on a fee-per-registration" system when signing up someone to vote.
                        Johnson, who works at a cellphone kiosk in downtown Cleveland, said he was a sitting duck for the signature hunters, but was always happy to help them out in exchange for a smoke or a little scratch. He'd collected 10 to 20 cigarettes and anywhere from $10 to $15, he said.
                        The Cleveland voting probe, first reported by The Post yesterday, also focused on Lateala Goins, who said she put her name on multiple voter registrations. She guessed ACORN canvassers then put fake addresses on them. "You can tell them you're registered as many times as you want - they do not care," she said.
                        ACORN spokesman Kris Harsh said the group does not tolerate its workers paying people to sign the voter-registration cards.
                        ACORN's political wing has endorsed Barack Obama for president, but Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign in Ohio, said ACORN has no role in its get-out-the-vote drive.
                        During the primary season, however, the Obama camp paid another group, Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors.
                        In Wisconsin yesterday, John McCain blasted ACORN.
                        "No one should be corrupting the most precious right we have, that is the right to vote," he said.
                        It's a right Johnson will exercise. "Yeah, I've registered enough - I might as well vote."
                        i'll just leave these here too:


                        • Jenks
                          I'm kind of a big deal.
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 10250

                          Re: Acorn



                          • shosh
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 4668

                            Re: Acorn

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            comeon, we all know whos baby acorn is


                            • Jenks
                              I'm kind of a big deal.
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 10250

                              Re: Acorn

                              hey, it's there.

