getting high the "healthy" way?

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  • Kat
    A pretty fn good milkshake
    • Mar 2006
    • 4695

    getting high the "healthy" way?

    hey boys and gals
    has anyone ever tried this. i'm curious to try but a bit sceptical. is it safe? does it work?
    found it on this board
    if you want dl links you have to register there or send me a PM

    I-Doser v4.5 *COMPLETE SUIT* + 3.52 Gigabytes of Mp3 Doses! This is the newest version of I-doser and does NOT require you to add a registry entry or crack to the use doses more than once, it does it automatically.

    1. What is I-Doser?

    I-Doser Labs is the leading producer of Binaural Brainwave CDs and computer applications. Using proven, scientific, and safe methods of synchronizing your brainwaves; a simulated state can be achieved through the use of our advanced audio CDs, or the I-Doser Application, and a pair of high quality stereo headphones. Our Binaural process has been refined with years of research and development. With thousands of satisfied users, the I-Doser Labs CDs and the I-Doser Application for PCs continue to lead the industry as the only safe and effective method to achieve a simulated mood or experience.

    Recreational Simulation CDs are collections of binaural doses on standard audio CDs. Each audio track contains our advanced binaural beats that will synchronize your brainwaves to the same state as the recreational dose. Mixed with our advanced auditory pulses are soothing backtracks of ambient soundscapes to help the brain induce of state of mood lift, euphoria, sedation, and hallucination. I-Doser CDs are also perfect for using with iPods and other MP3 players, or simply through a regular CD player.

    I-Doser for the PC is the most advanced computer application available to achieve a simulated mood or experience through the use of binaural beats. Use I-Doser to play one-time use doses purchased through the I-Doser Store. Each dose is scientifically designed to give you the optimal measure of pure beats safely and effectively to induce state. Every download of the I-Doser application includes two free doses.

    2. Does I-Doser really work?

    All I-Doser doses are tested by a panel of users who consider themselves experienced in binaural beat modification. A dose is not passed on to the I-Doser Store until it is proven working by a good majority of the tester staff. We find that users of I-Doser fall into one of 3 categories: Susceptible to Binaural Beats, Originally Unsusceptible to Binuaral Beats, and Immune to Binaural Beats. This is why we include several free doses with the application, so you can see for yourself if the process works for you. Some users have also reported that it may take several uses over a period of time before they see results. We can only tell you to try for yourself. Some other things that could effect your dose are: not taking your dose in a quiet serene environment, damaged or poor quality headphones, or the volume you are playing the dose at. These issues will be addressed elsewhere in the FAQ. Before purchasing a Recreational Simulation CD, we advice you try the I-Doser Application and Free Doses to see if I-Doser works for you.

    3. Is I-Doser safe?

    Absolutely! I-Doser has been tested on many people of many different age ranges and there has never been an issue with the safety of the I-Doser doses. However, for doses marked "strong or long program doses, it is highly advisable you do not operate heavy machinery or drive under the influence of a strong I-Doser dose. Use it with the same respects you would a doctor prescribed or recreational drug.

    4. How does administrating a dose work?

    With a Recreational Simulation CD, it's easy. Pick a track and listen to the entire program throgh a pair of high quality headphones. With the I-Doser Application, a dose is purchased through the I-Doser store and emailed to you within 24 hours after order approval. The dose is opened through the I-Doser application and played as binaural beats through high quality headphones to achieve the mood specified by the dose description. After the dose is administrated, the file can no longer be used through the I-Doser application and can be deleted from your system. A new dose will then have to be purchased.

    5. Can I use an I-Doser dose to replace doctor prescribed medication?

    Absolutely NOT! I-Doser and the purchased doses are intended for entertainment purposes only. While we fully stand behind the fact that the process works, it is NOT intended to replace doctor prescribed medication.

    6. Can I use an I-Doser dose to replace a recreational drug?

    Yes (and no.) We have received many emails from users who have used I-Doser doses to help them kick the habit of recreational drugs. I-Doser makes no claims to the effectiveness of using I-Doser doses to help treat a drug addiction, and we highly recommend professional help for people wishing to break a harmful drug habit. But, if I-Doser helps in conjunction with professional help, we are always happy to hear of such results.

    7. Can I mix prescribed or recreational drugs and I-Doser doses?

    Yes. For doctor prescribed medication, I-Doser will not interfere with any form of this medication. For recreational drugs, I-Doser has received many emails from users who have had great experiences enhancing their recreational drug taking with doses supplied with I-Doser. We can, however, not recommend the mixing of illegal drugs with doses supplied by I-Doser. Any illegal drug can be dangerous, so we make no claims or recommendations for users wanting to experiment with I-Doser and recreational drugs.

    8. How long will the effects of a dose last?

    We have done much research into this to try and give our users a solid answer. The truth it, this varies quite a bit. It seems to be dependent on how quickly you return to normal brain activity. See "how to maximize the duration of a dose."

    9. What steps can be taken to maximize a dose?

    Several steps can be taken to maximize the potential of an I-Doser dose. We at I-Doser actually consider this essential to the dosing experience. First, set a serene mood. It is recommended that you administrate the dose while lying down in a dim-lit room in solitude without any noisy distractions. No interruptions, no phone ringing, nothing! It should be you and the dose. It is advisable that you use a pair of high quality headphones, and the headphones that I-Doser scientists use when designing doses are listed at Play the dose at a comfortable soft level, not too loud, and just lay back and clear your mind. Let the dose do the work. Let the entire dose play out without removing the headphones, and remove them only when the dose is finished playing.

    10. How can I maximize the duration of the effects?

    We have done many tests with I-Doser to get the most out of each dose. The duration of the effects seems dependent on how quickly your brain returns to its prior state. We recommend that you carefully read the description of the dose and stick to activity related to the dose you just took.

    11. All I hear is hisses and beeps?

    I-Doser works by playing two separate binaural beats through the headphones and into each ear. The hertz level is mixed with the beats and sent on a carrier tone of white noise. The hiss or static is the white noise, and is completely normal and essential to the dose. For a further explanation see further questions in the FAQ explaining usage.

    12. Do I need headphones? Can't I just play it through my speakers?

    Headphones are REQUIRED. Simply playing your dose through your computer or laptop speakers will have no effect. Binaural beats need to travel in separate tones through each isolated ear at the same time. This is not possible through speakers. The higher quality the headphones, the better your experience will be. See to purchase the headphones used by I-Doser scientists when designing doses.

    13. My headphones won't stretch to a comfortable place, like my bed?

    You have 3 choices when it comes to headphones and your location. First, you can just use a pair of regular headphones and sit at your computer with your eyes closed. Or, you can order a headphone cable extension cable and run the cable somewhere comfortable. Finally, and this is what I-Doser techs do, you can order a wireless headphone unit and take your dose anywhere in your house. Check for the exact headphones used by I-Doser scientists when designing doses.

    14. What headphones do you recommend?

    Please check We list the exact headphones used by I-Doser scientists when designing doses, and they wll give you the best experience with I-Doser brand products.

    15. How loud should I play my dose?

    Generally, our lab tests have shown that the overall volume of the dose will not alter the effect. Because of this, we recommend you play the dose at a soft, pleasing, level. Playing the dose too loudly can distort the beats or cause brain distraction. Keep that in mind. You want to hear it, but you don't want it blasting.

    Descriptions of Each Mp3:

    5HTP / Antidepressant (Moderate) / 25 Minutes / Do you know your brain makes "happy hormones?" 5HTP is an amino acid that is used in the brain to make the hormone Serotonin, which is your HAPPY Hormone. We desinged the 5HTP dose to assist your master hormone gland, the pineal gland that makes Melatonin at night and Serotonin during the day. When these two hormones get out of balance, wee feel depressed during the day and cannot sleep well at night. A guaranteed formula for stress. Let our 5HTP dose put things back in the norm. Best taken in the morning when you wake and/or at night before sleep, 5HTP will re-level your hormones and help you feel happy again!

    A-BOMB / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / BOOOOM! That is your brain on A-BOMB! And it works just like that: It starts with a low upramp of emotional feelings that seep into the deep crevices of your brain, hardly there, with hardly any effect at all in the beginning. You feel something, that is for sure, as the dose begins to slowly work its way into your mind. A bit a bit of euphoria, that slight cold-sweat your body makes to warm you that something is happening. Not the strongest dose, so far. Not even all that great. Then, it hits! BOOOM! The A-BOMB goes off and the hrz level propels you into the deepest reaches of space where there is NO reality, which is why this dose is often called the reality buster. A-BOMB mixes everything we know about how binaural doses can effect you, and ramps it up times infinity. We get constant emails about this favorite, and they all say basically the same thing: IT BLEW MY MIND! Exactly.

    Absinthe / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes / The Green Fairy; The Green Goddess; La Fee Verte. Our engineers went back to first-hand accounts recorded as far bast as the 1850s, and attempted to simulate the effects of of this mystic green drink. Did we succed? We may never know for sure, since Absinthe was banned long ago. We've compared it to other real-world wormwood concoctions, and we think you will agree there is something to this: lucidity hits slowly as your speech becomes very articulate and your ideas clear, the haze sets, but but drifts, you are drunk but you aren't. Suddenly you realize why this was the drug of choice for Van Gogh, Baudelaire, and Verlaine - it is a surreal smooth unlike anything available on the street today that opens your mind, glosses over the universe, but makes everything clear all at once. Amazing, is what you will call it. Absinthe is what it is.

    ACID / Recreational (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / The acid dose recreates the psychoactive experience: general change in consciousness, difficulty focusing, unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goose bumps, body energy), unusual thoughts and speech, change in perception of time, quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, giddiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation), slight increase in body temperature and a feeling of unity will abound as this dose rushes through the paces. This dose will come on very strong, with an initial burst followed by a stream of conscious mellowing that fades into bliss. The first bump is a big one, and quite jarring, so be prepared for the ride of your life.

    ADRENOCHROME / Recreational (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine). It has achieved mythical status as a deliberately-ingested psychoactive -- boosted by H.S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It is reputed to cause disorientation and hallucinations. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

    AFTERGLOW / Sexual (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / The feeling of afterglow: when the heat of lust has passed, this is the content glow you bathe in... A quiet inner shimmering following the fireworks of orgasm. So, lean back, be still, except for breathing - cherish all the millions of tiny sensations as they change every second. This is AFTERGLOW!

    AfterMath / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / This is a new designer drug that hits hard. There is no mellow upbring like many of our doses have - this one rocks, and doesn't let up until it is over. Prepare for a feeling of well-being, exhilaration and euphoria, with a massive increase in alertness and energy as any fatigue gets wiped from your body... you will actually go through such a rush that it leaves you bombed. This is why we call this hot designer dose AFTERMATH!

    Alcohol / Recreational (Moderate) / 35 Minutes / Liquor. Spirits. Beer. Wine. Alcohol is one of the most common strong psychoactives used by humans. It has a long history of use and its intoxicating effects are well studied and documented: relaxation, mood lift, happiness, giddiness, talkativeness, lowered inhibitions, reduced social anxiety, and analgesia. Our alcohol dose is like shot gunning five glasses of gin, in force. The effects come on strong, but mellow fast, and ease into a condition of relaxation flightiness and overexcitement. Some have even experienced pure drunkenness from a single dose. Best of all, no hangover.

    Alpha / Pure (8 to 13 Hz) / 30 Minutes / This is produced when you are awake and fully conscious, but with your awareness focussed inside, such as when trying to remember something, or when your eyes are closed. For beginner meditation, etc, Alpha is the perfect starting point in moving forward in meditation. Alpha causes Slower brain waves that are conducive to creative problem solving, accelerated learning, mood elevation, stress reduction, etc, characterized by intuitive insights, creative juice, inspiration, motivation, daydreams etc. Relaxed, yet alert.

    Anesthesia / Sedative (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / Let's not beat around the bush: Anesthesia will mess you up. DO NOT get in a car after this dose! Not like you can, since the only thing you will want to do is drop to the floor and let the world swirl around you. Testers have called it a "short lived, but a crazy numbing experience." You can use it for any form of pain (toothache, headache, etc.) and it works great, or simply get it for a good example of what an i-doser dose can do. Just make sure your bed isn't far from your computer. Trust us.

    Anti-Migraine / Sedative (Moderate) / 20 Minutes / Everybody get headaches, and it is usually just a pop of the aspirin bottle. However, sometimes they are so bad "nothing" helps. This is why we designed Anti-Migraine. For those of you who don't like medication, can't find something that works for those migraines, cluster headaches, or just plain vanilla headaches - this takes you from a normal alpha state to a .5hz migraine-busting level. Sure to bring you some soothing relief!

    AntiSad / Antidepressant (Strong) / 30 Minutes / We all have those bad days. AntiSad is our strongest antidepressant dose we make, and it if for those days when everything goes wrong. Put on the headphones, listen past the binaural beats as it takes your brain from .30hz to .15hz from your normal alpha 10hz, where bouts of depression wash away. Happiness CAN be obtained!

    Astral Projection / Sleep (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming, deep meditation, or the use of psychotropics. Proponents of astral projection maintain that their consciousness or soul has transferred into an astral body (or "double"), which moves in tandem with the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane. The concept of astral projection has been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. Astral projection is also known as "Soul Travel." Take this dose in a dark room, lay back, and see what it feels like to have your entire soul leave your physical body and go on a journey.

    Beta / Pure (13 to 30 Hz) / 30 Minutes / This is normally generated when you are awake, with the attention focussed outside, dealing with the outside world. It is also generated when you are solving logical problems, such asmental arithmetic. Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks. Earth resonance. Beta causes an increase mental ability, focus, alertness, and IQ.

    Black Sunshine / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes / You know a dose is good when all of a sudden our email box is spammed with high regards for a specific dose. That happened when White Crosses was released, another popular dose of ours. All everyone could talk about was White Crosses. Black Sunshine can be considered our first sequel dose. From the team who created White Crosses, comes BLACK SUNSHINE. They said they could do a dose just as good or better than White Crosses, and everybody laughed. Well, THEY DID IT! BLACK SUNSHINE is the anti-stimulant. I wish we could easily put into words what this dose does, but it is so beyond words... let's try: It takes your brain and twists it so that everything shines with a beautiful glow, then it goes beyond and reverses all that glow deep inside you. There is no sunshine when you are looking face to face with your soul, and Black Sunshine puts you in a room with your soul and lets you two talk it out, but without talking. Communicating, with yourself, but so deep under you will strain to remember. Highly advanced, this dose attempts to bring you further under than any dose before it. Be warned, this is not a dose for everyone. If you aren't sure, stick to the lighter, more earthly, doses. A dose that can't be described. BLACK SUNSHINE.

    Brain + / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Brain + is our hybrid recreational smart drug. It was not designed to get you high or remove reality, it is designed you bring you to that next level. If you want to escape reality, there are many doses for you. If you want to massage your brain, spur creative and deep thoughts, ponder existence, then BRAIN + is for you. It brings your brain level to the hz rail responsible for creative and deep smart thinking. As the dose ends its cycle, you will find you mind wandering on some of lifes mysteries. Who know, maybe you can even solve them when you brain if overclocked to a pure, clear, mode of thinking.

    Bufo)Toad / Recreational (Strongest) / 35 Minutes / There are several species of toads which produce venom that has psychoactive properties. The venom of one species (Bufo alvarius) contains both 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin, while several others contain only bufotenin. The psychoactivity of 5-MeO-DMT is clearly established and more data is coming to light which suggests that bufotenin is equally psychoactive (both smoked and oral) although somewhat less potent. While dried toad skins are sold by some vendors, there is little benefit to this method as toad venom can be collected without harming the toad 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine or N,N-dimethylserotonin. Bufo)Toad has proven to be one of your strongest doses, so it is highly advised that beginners start with another dose.

    Calm ME / Antianxiety (Moderate) / 20 Minutes / Almost everyone suffers from at least small bouts of anxiety. Some people have nearly crippling battles with being anxious almost every day. Calm ME was designed to work on two levels: If you feel anxious or are having any form of anxiety attack, Calm ME will help to calm you and assist you in getting past it. It also works very well to prevent an anxiety attack: Great for public speaking, heading into large crowds or parties, or just getting through the day. In one study thirty patients experienced relaxation states of 80-100% after five minutes. Eight patients had blood tests before and after the sessions and showed improved beta-endorphin levels of 10-50%. This is some of the best results we have seem from formal dose testing.

    Chakra / Stimulant (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / A chakra is thought to be a nexus of metaphysical and/or biophysical energy residing in the human body and there are several basic chakras: Sahasrara is said to be the chakra of consciousness, Ajna is the chakra of time and awareness and of light, Vishuddha is said to be related to communication and growth, Anahata is related to the transition from base to higher energy, Swadhisthana is related to sexuality and creativity, and Muladhara is related to instinct. The Chakra dose is a journey though all the major chakras in 30 minutes, so be aware this can be a strain on the body and soul. Be prepared for this jouney as we have reports of outer level consciousness, increased awareness, a great understanding, supreme instinct and a hint of sexuality. The effects of this dose are soul-wide, and not recommended for beginners.

    Cliff Hanger / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes / Cliff Hanger is another hybid designer dose that didn't fit in with any specific dose simulation. It gets its name from the feeling it gives you: as if you are standing on the very edge of a bottomless cliff, your toes just slightly over the edge, but with your eyes closed. You know the cliff is there, you FEEL it is there, but you just can't SEE it. Veritgo sets in, the world spins ever so slightly, the air is thin but crisp, and you have that drunken hazy high feeling that you would normally only feel at high altitude, looking down like you were hanging from the edge of a cliff, the universe below. You may have a dizzy feeling, so please take this dose laying down. Not for the new doser, this dose should be considered advanced. As one user puts it: like I just inhaled 3 tanks of nitrous and passed out.

    Cocaine / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Cocaine is a common stimulant derived from the Erythroxylum coca plant. It is best known for its massive popularity in powdered and freebase forms. Are you ready for it as it: Increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, and increases energy? Warning, this one comes close! We have marked it VERY STRONG for a reason, and you will soon find out why.

    Content / Sedative (Moderate) / 20 Minutes / When everything is right, and you don't have a care in the world, you are Content. Life is complicated and fast, and it is a rare occurrence when you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Content will calm you, energize you, bring a smile to your face and, for a period of time, make you feel like everything is right. It wipes negative static from your mind, soothes you, and gives you a boost when life gets crazy. Become Content.

    Crystal Meth / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes / This dose seems to do both good and bad, but it is such a fine example of how a binaural dose can really effect your entire body. Expect increased energy and alertness, decreased need for sleep, euphoria, increased sexuality, excessive talking, sweating, visual & auditory hallucinations (hearing voices.) This dose literally freaked out several of our beta testers when they got sweats and reported hearing things from inside their head. This dose can often feel somewhat more like MDMA (Ecstasy) than a simple stimulant including a sense of euphoria, openness, and intellectual expansion. There can be a mild psychedelic component as the new user feels they see the world a little differently. The sensation of mind-expansion and openness quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the experiential effects. Because of some of adverse effects like sweating and auditory hallucinations, we have marked this very strong. Use caution!

    Delta / Pure (0.5 to 4 Hz) / 30 Minutes / This is normally generated in deep sleep, or when unconsious. Those experienced in deep trance states can generate these waves whilst remaining conscious. Conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being and personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, one with the universe experiences (samadhi), near death experience, characterized by unknowing merely a blissful being state such as deep sleep or coma. High level mediation, Delta can assit you reach peak monk-type levels.

    Demerol / Sedative (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / Demerol is a synthetic opioid analgesic used for the relief of moderate to severe pain. It is also prescribed off-label for the treatment of shivering. Our Demerol dose is felt 10-15 minutes after the dose begins and lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. It will slows your brain activity and brings on strong sedation and euphoria because it hits the pleasure centers of the brain in a soothing slow come-on with no harsh aftereffects. This dose is best described as smooth.

    Dexies / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes / We delayed releasing this dose after the first report from a test user came in: My mind was racing away. I started to get nervous and paraniod. The breeze from the open windows freaked me out cause one second I felt hot then the other I felt ice cold. I was really scared. My mind fely like it was completly unatched to my body. It was so weird it was like the day before had never ended and my memory was severely impaired. I didnt remeber what i had done the day before. Amphetamine - straight up and pure. No padding, no filler. There is a warning attached to this dose: It could be a rough one. You heart will pound as this rollercoaster ride begins, and it will not stop until this dose has taken you over, ravaged you, and spit you out in an awake, jittery, shaking, mess of a person. For advanced users only. There is nothing smooth about this dose.

    Divinorum / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Divine: To see in new light the world around you, shimmering. Divinorum is the result of 2 months of testing and the only dose to be created by the creator and visionary behind I-Doser. It is her baby. When we say this is a very strong dose, we are not kidding. It was designed to give you inner insight, a view inside, and a deep trip into your soul. Take this dose in the dark, on your bed, and get ready for one of the most spiritual trips possible through an I-Doser dose. I have seen inside myself, and not everything is clear.

    DMT / Prescription (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes / The feeling of doing our DMT dose is as though one had been struck by noetic lightning. The ordinary world is almost instantaneously replaced, not only with a hallucination, but a hallucination whose alien character is its utter alienness. Nothing in this world can prepare one for the impressions that fill your mind when you enter the DMT dose sensorium. The paradox is that DMT is the most powerful yet most harmless of all these things. Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

    Downer / Sedative (Moderate) / 20 Minutes / When you want to calm Dooooown. Downer takes your from high to low in 20 minutes flat. Great for use after a stressful day, we have also had many reports that it works good as a recreational drug when you are so tweaked that all you want to do is relax and end the night. It won't put you to sleep, but it WILL calm you, ease you out of your buzzing mind-quake, melt away stress, zone you perfectly, and ease you back. For users who want to calm, but don't want to pass out.

    DXM / Prescription (VERY Strong) / 45 Minutes / Dextromethorphan is a semisynthetic narcotic which is legally available over-the-counter in the United States. It is most commonly found in cough suppressants, especially those with "DM" or "Tuss" in their names. Our DXM dose comes very close to achieving the effects of the real thing: mood lift, euphoria, giggling, laughing, dissociation of mind from body, creative dreamlike experiences, and some users report empathic feelings, forgiveness, and warm feelings towards others. Some have even go as far to say that our dose is better than the real thing!

    Ecstasy / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / Let's face it. Sometimes you just want to MAKE it happen, and make it happen hard and good. Ecstasy was designed to bring you to the mind-state of near orgasm. Our strongest, fastest, sexual dose- we do not recommend this for casual users. Bring that experience to the NEXXXT level with Ecstasy. This is not for romance. This is not for cuddle. This was designed to make you explode in pure ecstasy, tingle your body, and melt your soul.

    Energizer / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / When you need a little pick me up, you try coffee. When you need to be completely wired, use our Energizer dose! Popular with students and those who need to sometimes pull "all nighters," our Energizer dose was designed to keep you going until the sun comes up with very little crash. Forget the energy drinks and coffee, our Energizer dose is the pure and nature way to stay awake when you just don't have the luxury of sleep.

    Excite / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 50 Minutes / Excite is the perfect dose to put you (or your partner) "in the mood." Designed to be used just prior to sexual activity, or to put you in a sexual brain-state, it takes you through several levels of brain activity to leave you fully charged, ready, and "able." Starting from your normal state, it eases you from slight euphoria into somatic responses, tingling, heat and then melts away anxiety to leave you in the Venus state of love, sexuality, sensuality, and harmony. You WILL be ready.

    Extend / Sexual (Moderate) / 20 Minutes / When the mood is right, you want and need to LAST! Extend is the perfect supplement to any sexual endeavor. Designed to be a quick dose right before sexual activity, it will leave you feeling refreshed, ready, and able to go all the way and more. Finish too soon? Can't finish at all? Never get started? Extend may be the dose you need.

    First Love / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / The feeling of love is such a hard thing to definem so we will let you experience it yourself. We interviewed hundreds of epople to ask them how they felt, mentally and physically, when they first met the "one." We took all those experiences and feelings and packed them into the First Love dose. You will feel your heart sink, a gentle warming, some arousal, a feeling of well-being, and everything will just be brighter, more beautiful, because you you are in love... love struck by one of our more interesting and powerful doses.

    French Roast / Stimulant (Moderate) / 5 Minutes / French Roast is the perfect Early Morning pick-me-up, or a late night boost when you need a few more hours of open eyes. This dose takes you from an existing state of blah to a normal mid-day condition of awake. Use it in the morning just as you wake up to start the day off right. French Roast synchronizes your brain to 14z, or the state of being alert and awake.

    Gamma / Pure (25.00-34.75 HZ) / 30 Minutes / Gamma is associated with information-rich task processing and high-level information processing "A New Theory of Consciousness" For scientists who study the human brain, even its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy. Gamma brain activity may be a kind of binding mechanism. Gamma waves serve to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing occurs, and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay and integrative functions are carried out. Gamma pulses are thought to lead to synchronization and coordination of neurons assigned to the processing of incoming sensory stimulation. Put in computerese, Gamma may be the brain's operating system frequency.

    Genesis / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / The universe was created with a bang, and we offer you Genesis so you can feel that explosion deep inside. At the start it will feel like a little spark, you will have to concentrate to feel it, like a tiny match burning deep in your soul. By halfway though the dose, the spark will be a forest fire consuming everything that is dark or bad inside you. Bad feelings wash away in this incredible soul-fire. By the end of the dose, your body will be shaking under an explosion of heat, you may feel jittery, alive, awake, and shaking when the final minutes of Genesis hit you: the Big Bang of your soul. When the dose is over, you will feel new, washed away in the incredible fire. Words can not describe the complete wash of this soul bomb: Genesis.

    Gray-B-Gone / Experimental (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / We are not going to lie: Gray-B-Gone will not bring a head of gray hair back to color. This is an experimental dose for a reason: at 1.05hz the brain triggers the release of our growth hormones. In various labs, over extended use, binaural technicians have found that this forced release of growth hormone has brought intriguing reports of some gray hair returning to its original color, or the seemingly slowing of gray hair growth. This seems to happen when the user is subjected only to longer doses at the 1.05hz mark. Use at your own risk, we offer Gray-B-Gone as an Experimental dose.

    Hand of God / Premium (Unexplainable) / 30 Minutes / A dose that has been a lifetime achievement for, and only held internal to I-Doser Labs for a very good reason: It isn't meant for public consumption because it is considered just too powerful. It's like the Holy One reaches from the sky, as you lay with closed eyes, and shows you the universe, everything, infinity. Only 5 people have ever witnessed the power of this dose, and it was put away in the I-Doser vault for fear of release. Fluttering eyelids, great and almost supernatural clairvoyance, rings of light and great insight, but all this comes with a price. It could also bring fear, an unknowing realization of self, and a breakdown of all senses. Weeping, fear, anger: you need to realize with such insight could come bad consequences.

    Hangover Cure / Recreational (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / We've all been there, and sometimes popping some aspirin just won't save you. Order early, and keep "Hangover Cure" as your backup plan. You will thank us later when the pounding head and nausea are doing nothing but keeping you in bed praying for relief. Get up, grab yourself a large glass of water, and go through the hangover cure program. In nearly every case we tested, the hangover cure brought the user to some level of comfort. One of our best selling doses, we like it call it "Plan B." You will too.

    HASH / Recreational (VERY Strong) / 45 Minutes / Marijuana is one of most popular doses, but we were getting asked all the time to create something just a little more powerful. For the seasoned dosers, I give you HASH! Stronger than marijuana, hash will bring on effects of mood lift, euphoria, laughter, relaxation, stress reduction, creative, philosophical or deep thinking - all with much greater effects than marijuana, so a warning is in order. Start with our Marijuana dose and ONLY move on to the Hash dose after you are experienced.

    Heroin / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / For a much stronger dose than our popular OPIUM, here is Heroin. We get constant reports of feeling a surge of euphoria rush accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, a dry mouth, and heavy extremities. Following this initial euphoria, the user goes on the nod, an alternately wakeful and drowsy state. You will dream while awake, and be awake while you dream. Unlike any dose we have. If you have tried our opium dose, times it by ten and you are close. Just like the real thing, without the instant addiction and horrific side effects, but still strong beyond belief. New users please try Opium. Experts and those wishing to push the limits, we wish you luck. You'll need it.

    Inhalant / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Inhalants are either chemicals in gaseous form or volatile solvents (liquids) that becomes gas at the time of use, which are inhaled by people for their psychoactive effects. Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe use of most volatile solvents, aerosols or other street inhalants: their psychoactive effects may be inseparable from nerve and organ damage, so we've created a safe alternative. You will feel dizzy, and it will be a wild and crazy ride, so hold on tight.

    Insomniac / Sleep (STRONG) / 45 Minutes / Many of our sleep doses do the job for a casual users - lulling them into a gentle sleep. None of them were designed for people with a problem, those that can't sleep no matter what. Now there is the Insomniac. It is much stronger than out other sleep doses, so be prepared to get knocked out. You will gentle be rocked into the deepest sleep you have ever had, even if you are a troubled sleeper.

    Inspire / Experimental (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / This dose was created for users who require inspiration, for whatever reason! If you work in a creative job: be it writing, art, or just needing the ability to creatively think, then you know that being in the mood to be creative is not always an easy thing. The Theta 3-7hz level is normally associated with recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, inspiration, future planning, dreaming, and switching thoughts. Writers block chips away with this dose, ideas flow, and you will have creative thoughts more freely flow with this dose.

    JuiceIT! / Steroid (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / JuiceIT! was designed for the sports or workout user. If flows through 3 levels to finely tune you as a preparation for workout or sports activity. At 3hz, your reaction time greatly increases. At 3.5hz there is an "Enhancement of Receptivity," and finally at 6.3hz there is an increase in accelerated learning. Use JuiceIT! When used just prior to sports or workouts, we found it to profoundly affect our performance! The PERFECT supplement for sports users who do not want to use chemicals or steroids, this is as close as you can get to the real thing. When competition is high, kick it into high gear!

    LSD / Recreational (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / LSD is the best known and most researched psychedelic. It is the standard against which all other psychedelics are compared. It is active at extremely low doses, and we have captured its' essence in binaural form. Expect the following with the LSD dose, and in a very strong initial onset: increase in energy (stimulation), increase in associative and creative thinking, mood lift, increased awareness and appreciation, increased awareness of senses, closed and open eye visuals... and a profound life-changing spiritual experience.

    Lucid Dream / Sleep (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Lucid Dreams... or the act of being awake and aware inside your dreams. This dose was designed to be taken just before you go to bed. It is important you hit the pillows just as the dose is over so it can work its magic into the night... and magic is it! This dose was designed to do two things: Help you to remember your dreams, and aid you in being lucid in them and control them by bringing you from a high to a low theta, where dreams can intensify! Normally being able to control a dream takes months of intense practice, but with this dose it can come much easier! Since the first few times a user becomes lucid can be intense, this dose is marked VERY STRONG! Be aware!

    Marijuana / Recreational (VERY Strong) / 45 Minutes / All the effects of that sticky-icky leaf, without the smoke! The main active chemical in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). The membranes of certain nerve cells in the brain contain protein receptors that bind to THC. Once securely in place, THC kicks off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the high that users experience when they smoke marijuana. That is EXACLTLY what we tried to emulate with this dose, to GREAT effect: mood lift, philosophical or deep thinking, increased appreciation of music, pleasant body feel, and that HIGH that only THC could bring... until now! One of our most "complicated" doses, over a year in the making!

    Masochist / Sexual (VERY VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / This is NOT for the faint of heart. This is for that special breed of man or woman who associates sexual pleasure and PAIN! First, it forces the brain and body to release numbing opiates at a 2.5hz range, sending pleasure opium-like waves through the body. Just when your entire body falls numb, we surge you with hot beams of ecstasy where users have reported near-orgasm-like feelings in their sexual organs at 15hz with wetness, erections, uncontrollable sexual thoughts and feelings... finally, just as your body is wilting in sexual bliss, we administer the pain: .20-.26hz causes pain in the body. Reports of pings of pain in your teeth (like drilling,) under your skin (feeling as if you were getting a tattoo,) and vice-grip like sensations on parts of your body are not uncommon... this pain, mixed with the euphoria and ecstasy, make this a very powerful, painful, sexual experience that is NOT intended for all users. Use ONLY if you want an intense experience like no other. POWERFUL BEYOND BELIEF!

    Morphine / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / The great Poppy. The extreme opiate. You aren't floating, you are sinking. But, not just any decent: sinking into slowness but with a coherent calming. As this dose sets, you will be overwhelmed with a relaxing feeling almost to the extent of being uncomfortable. Relax. Let it play through and you will be rewarded with a wash of relief. Social boundary has been broken. Dreams will become a reality. Don't plan anything for after this dose, because you will be a wash of calm and want to just lay back and let life haze over. One tester, laying in a bed with headphones on as the dose finished, only mumbled: Everything is just good. Everything is just good. We knew then we had a hit dose.

    MultipleO / Sexual (VERY Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / An orgasm is one thing: after your body is spent and you lay there in complete pleasure, feeling wave after wave of sensations. Multiple Orgasms are when you do it all over again. They are intense, your body is thrown into complete chaos doing over and over what makes it feel good, as the glow of sexual pleasure gets more intense with every time you explode in pure sexual glory. Start with our orgasm dose; it is more than enough for almost anyone. If ritual intense pleasure is what you seek, then it's time to feel an orgasm over and over: MultipleO!

    Nicotine / Recreational (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / Nicotine changes how your brain and your body function. The net results are somewhat of a paradox: Nicotine can both invigorate and relax. Nicotine initially causes a rapid release of adrenaline, the "fight-or-flight" hormone. If you've ever jumped in fright at a scary movie or rushed around the office trying to finish a project by your deadline, you may be familiar with adrenaline's effects: rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure and shallow breathing - this will quickly mellow as the nicotine dose wears off. The nicotine dose brings the initial onset of an actual cigarette without the harmful side effects.

    Nitrous / Recreational (STRONG) / 10 Minutes / Just like the real deal: the effects come on quickly, and are gone just as fast. They don't call it Hippy Crack for nothing. Check our results: Total Duration 1-5 mins. Onset 0 - 1 mins. Coming Up 15 - 30 secs. Plateau 1 - 5 mins. Coming Down 10 mins. After Effects 15 - 30 mins. What does this mean? We have created the perfect quick-high dose that will mess you up real fast, and leave you as good as new in no time. Don't have time for our longer-lasting doses and just want a quickie? Here it is! Effects include: Giggling, Euphoria, Exhilaration, Sound Distortion, Reduction of External Stimuli, Clumsiness, Loss of Dexterity, and Loss of Balance. Want the perfect dose to show off the quick power of I-Doser! This is THE ONE!

    Opium / Recreational (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / THE JOY PLANT! Opium is a naturally occurring analgesic harvested as a latex from ripe Papaver somniferum (opium poppy) pods. It has a long history of use by humans as an oral and smoked psychoactive. Opium can cause euphoria, followed by a sense of well-being and a calm drowsiness or sedation. Breathing slows, time reverses or stops... the world is a haze. While we have not been able to fully emulate the effects of opium, we have come pretty close. A favorite dose of the I-Doser technicians, this could very well be your favorite also!

    Orgasm / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 50 Minutes / An orgasm is defined as the release of sexual tension built up during sexual stimulation such as masturbation or intercourse. It is a feeling of intense pleasure. Contractions of muscles occur, a world of pleasures and vibrations envelope your entire body and soul, and there is a release unlike anything you have ever experienced. You shake, quiver, and a sensation unlike any other in the world happens over every inch of your pleasured body. Orgasms are one of those things that are difficult to describe, but if you have one, you'll know it. With out orgasm dose, you'll know it!

    Out of Body / Stimulant (Strong) / 30 Minutes / This dose is to help assist you in experiencing an out of body experience: defined as an experience in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside the physical body. The consciousness separates from the body and is free to roam the earth plane. Phenomena associated with the out of body experience are things like remote viewing or other such seeing of places and people as they exist in this time and place. "I floated up out of the house into the sky and became aware of everything around me. Then suddenly, I could perceive all time and in particular the whole of my life. I could see clearly that everything that seemed real and solid was just an illusion of mind. Time and space did not exist." 750f out of body experiences happen while the user is laying down or sitting and relaxed, so put on the headphones and go into a deep state. You just may have an out of body experience.

    oxy / Prescription (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Probably one of the most abused prescription drugs ever, we have finally achieved the impossible: The PERFECT simulation of a high level dose of oxycontin. Oxycodone is an opiate, narcotic analgesic, used primarily in the treatment of pain. It is one of two derivatives of morphine, the other being hydromorphone. While oxycontin in it's prescribed form is always time-release, we have removed that factor from our simulation. Oxy will hit you will full force, so that is why we recommend those for only the most advanced doser!

    Peyote / Recreational (VERY VERY Strong) / 35 Minutes / If you are new to hallucinogenic experiences then we HIGHLY suggest starting with our TRIP dose. It is MUCH more mellow than Peyote. If you really want to fly through the outer stratosphere, then we are happy to offer you Peyote. We sent one of our senior techs to Amsterdam to sample some of the best Peyote in the world, equipped him with a laptop, and told him to write a dose that gets you as close as possible. He came back with this, and it BLEW OUR MINDS! Causes a mystical loss of oneself, disorientation of the senses, distortions in body image, distortions in perception, the inability to communicate and hyper suggestibility. A true altered state of consciousness, not a toy, not for the weak minded, not for MOST people. If you aren't ready, STAY AWAY! We warned you.

    Prozium / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / The ups and downs of life can hurt. People can feel happy, sad, depressed, all over an entire gambit of moods and stimulations. Prozium is the answer to an evened-out life, mellow and secure, and able to deal with any of the barriers life can throw in front of you. Do you feel angry? Prozium. Do you feel sad? Prozium. Is something just a little off with you today! PROZIUM! Even out your entire day, and be ready for anything. Dose it in the morning, and drift through the day with ease and confidence. Dose it at night, and be able to deal with the trials and tribulations or family, relationships, or inner chaos. This dose will smooth over your soul. You will never feel so even.

    QuickHappy / Antidepressant (Moderate) / 5 Minutes / QuickHappy is for when you need that quick little pick-me-up. While not as strong or as long-lasting as our other antidepressant doses, it is the perfect amount for when you need a quick hit in the morning, at lunch, or right when you get home from work. At only 5 minutes to bring you from an alpha 10hz down to a soothing carefree .20hz, it has become a favorite "Monday Morning Dose." You will be amazed at how much easier it is to head into the office after using QuickHappy.

    QUIT! / Experimental (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / The simple fact is, when between 4hz and 6hz the human brain is in a state of "attiude and behavior change." As we start to raise you just above, at the 8hz mark, it seems to trigger synapsis to aid in the quitting of addictions. We started to experiment with several users who were in the process of quitting cigarettes, and most found that while using this dose either during an addiction crave, or as a preventative measure, it greatly aided them in getting over the horrible addiction of cigarettes. While not a cure-all by any means, we have heard very good things about this dose when combined with pure human will-power. Maybe it can help you quit once and for all!

    RAVE / Recreational (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / Party all night! The lights, the waves of bliss that cover over your entire body, the euphoria that streams through your veins, pumping music, non-stop dance, the way every single little touch or look hits you with such force that the world is completely inside you, around you, over and under you, one with you. Perfect for a night out dancing, going to a rave, being with friends or lovers, and good for overall enhancement. This dose was modeled after that oh-so-popular rave drug and let us tell you: it comes VERY close: warm-hearted, connected - and a very powerful emotional release! Experienced users only, please! Ecstasy! FINALLY!

    Reset / Brain Reset / 20 Minutes / Reset will reset your brain to a normal 8hz level, or normal and awake. This dose was designed so you could "reset" your brain if you wanted to get rid of the effects of a dose, or try another dose and "clear" your brain before you administrate another one! Because many I-Doser doses are so very powerful, we do not recommend you piggy-back doses one after another. If you try a dose, and then want to try another, MAKE SURE you use a reset dose in between! Order some today so you always have them on hand! Using reset is the ONLY way to try multiple doses in succession.

    Serene / Sedative (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / A quite day when nobody is around, just you and your thoughts, is what we attempt to achieve with this dose. You give all to life, so it is time to take back just a few calm minutes to yourself when you will feel like everything is well, and your troubles vanish for just a short time. The mind-static that the general hassles of life can bring you simply melt away as your brain is toned to the perfect frequency until you are simply calm, peaceful, composed... serene.

    Sleeping Angel / Sleep (STRONG) / 25 Minutes / "Sleeping Angel" is our perfect nap, or evening doze into sleeping bliss. Lay back, put on the headphones, and let it open by syncing to your current awake brain waves, then gradually bring you down into a Theta state, and tuck you gently into Delta. Your sleep, your perfect rest, is delivered through pink noise that gradually fades while the binaural beats take charge. By the end of 25min you will have gone from your regular awake state, softly guiding through Theta, and then drift into a perfect-sync Delta, at which point you will be zoning in a perfect rest: hypnotic, wonder, sleep. Sleeping with Angels. (Includes 3 doses.)

    Speed / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / When we did a poll asking I-Doser users what they were looking for, many said they would love a pick-me-up for when days were sluggish. Our popular French Roast dose did the trick, but the emails still poured in. They wanted more, complete awake, aware, heart-pounding, spine tingling awake to REALLY get trough a day (or, a night!) Here it is, perfected and FINALLY available after months of waiting: SPEED! Get: increased energy and alertness, a decreased need for sleep, euphoria, increased sexuality, and visual & auditory hallucinations. You must be aware this is more extreme than other wake-you-up doses, so it is recommended for only advanced users. VERY advanced users.

    Theta / Pure (4 to 8 Hz) / 30 Minutes / This is the region between sleep and wakefulness, in which dreaming and other dream-like or hypnagogic experiences occur. It's that bit just before you actually fall asleep at night, or just before you are really awake in the morning. They say it's in this band that the unconscious talks to the conscious mind. It also seems to be connected with psychic or ESP-type functioning. Found in states of deep relaxation, theta activity is also associated with bursts of creative insight, twilight sleep, learning and vivid mental imagery. It is also found in more advanced meditators.

    Tranquil / Sedative (Semi-Moderate) / 30 Minutes / Tranquil is so hard to define we almost didn't approve it as a dose. Such an interesting one, Tranquil is. There were so many supporters of it, we had to include it. What it does NOT DO: Tranquil does not make you tired, it does not put you to sleep, and won't even make you drowsy. Tranquil is a soul dose. It eases your soul, harmonizes you with the earth, and space, and everything that is. Called the "mircale drug" around the offices, it just seems to melt you easily into the earth, warms your soul and heart, and covers you in invisible glow. So hard to describe, we can only beg you try it for yourself. Feel the warm soul experience.

    Trip / Recreational (Very Strong) / 35 Minutes / This is a pure model recreation of a hallucinogenic experience. You will feel open-eye visual effects, lights gain auras, star-pattern effects, rainbowing around lighting, lights seem brighter and often more beautiful. You may experience feelings of time-dilation, belonging and connection, and increased emotional sensitivity. Gain a new perspective on current lifestyle and behaviors, feelings of connection with those around you, noticing things which are normally ignored or taken for granted, feelings of wonder, spirit, joy, sadness, despair, religious awakening, contentment and possibly latent psychological feelings can come out. Often referred to as our most powerful and life-altering dose, it is for this reason we DO NOT recommend it for everyone. Treat it as you would any other long trip. One of the most interesting effects is the feeling of awakening for the first time ever from a previous state of sleep, of liberation from what is now seen as a life-long state of bondage. Paradoxically, it is this new awareness, which feels normal and natural, and the previous fog, which is seen to have been unreal all along. The seeker is convinced that, once gained, this awareness is impossible to lose, but inexplicably by the next day it is just a memory. Be very careful - your life may change.

    Vico / Prescription (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Modeled after the effects achieved from a strong dose of Vicodin, this is soon to become one of our most popular prescription doses. It will bring on in waves: improvement of mood, reduction of pain, and extreme euphoria. As the dose nears the end you will feel twinges of light-headedness, sedation, and you will notice a change in focus and attention. Things will drift, lights will fade, and you will feel the massive haze that is one of our most powerful prescription simulations: Vico!

    Victory / Steroid (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Our JuiceIT dose will get your body ready, now get your mind ready! Our victory dose was designed to work with JuiceIT to put your mind in a state like you've "already won." It gives you a huge mental advantage in any game of sports, but don't think it's just for sports: great for workouts, public speaking, or anything where you need to "win" in any sense of the word! Guarentee a victory by putting your mind in a state where it already feels like you've won! Victorious!

    White Crosses / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / White Crosses is a strange one. When the team that invented this dose showed it at our monthy dose meeting, it was greeted with a bunch of confused faces. Describe it, we said. OK. White Crosses is a simple stimulant that brings a sense of euphoria, openness, and intellectual expansion. There can be a mild psychedelic component as the new user feels they see the world a little differently. The sensation of mind-expansion and openness quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the experiential effects. It is a hybrid designer dose for experienced users. Fine. When we put on the headphones, and White Crosses finished, we couldn't believe it. This underground ~censored~-dose that has been talked about in the halls of I-Doser Labs turned out to blow the minds of everyone who tried it. THAT says a lot for White Crosses.

    YaBa / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / It is known as crazy medicine. This dose, which creates an intense hallucinogenic effect and can enable users to stay aware, alert, and awake, makes for a powerful one-two punch: hallucinogenic + stimulant = YaBa. You will have an extreme sense of alert while experiencing some hallucinogenic effects such as sound distortion, vivid colors, and visual effects. The combination of these two types of doses can have different effects on the user, but on thing is sure: it has the potential to be a very powerful combination, so please use with caution. CRAZY MEDICINE!

    You-Choose / (3 to 25 Hz) (VERY STRONG!) / 1 Hour / You-Choose is one of our most advanced I-Doser Doses! It puts the power of the Dose in your hands, because sometimes you just want to dose until you feel good. This is where the powerful You-Choose Dose comes in. This is an hour long dose, but it is not intended to be used for the full hour. The concept is simple: Start the dose, and then only dose until you feel the effect you want. If you feel the powerful change of Delta after only 10 minutes, then shut the dose off. If you hit full Gamma after 50 minutes and peak, then stop. You do not need to dose for the full hour of the dose, only until you reach the level you want. Included with each You-Choose dose is a DETAILED user manual that outlines what effects You-Choose can achieve. The You-Choose Dose travels through all levels: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta - You WILL hit one level somewhere in this dose and things will just click, you will shut the dose off, and feel like you have never felt before. That amazing point where the right level is achieved feels like nothing you have felt before: Your brain snaps into place, and you know you have reached the exact perfect point in the dose. Yes, it is slightly more expensive, but you will FEEL IT in the EXPERIENCE. NOTE! Because of the extreme powerful nature of this dose, it is intended for ADVANCED I-Doser users ONLY!
    ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

    Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.

  • diegoff
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jun 2004
    • 3860

    Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

    I didn΄t try it, but I read about it in the web...
    Some time ago I got a software that produces sounds to take the brain to some specific states for sleeping, concentrating, and meditation. It works for that issues, and it has a scientific support refered to the frequencies at which the brain works (alpha state, or so, I don΄t remember).
    I use it and it really works; but nothing I can say about feeling drugs using a software....
    The sounds are created using binaural decorrelation (you have to use nice headphones, that can reproduce well the low frequencies, that΄s my opinion as a technician).
    I don΄t remember where I d/l it from, but the program is "brain-wave generator" (bwgen.exe). I has some presets, you can create your own or download lots of new presets.
    It΄s a spiritual thing!

    feb 2021
    Sept 26th
    May 1st 2020


    • Dhar_2
      meat and potatoes
      • Jun 2004
      • 18916

      Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

      electronic drugs!!!


      • threehills
        I heart Lollergirl
        • Jun 2005
        • 3641

        Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

        Do they have any soundwaves for penis enlargement?
        It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.


        • raver_mania
          Watch out....I'm trying to sense here
          • Aug 2004
          • 216

          Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

          You sure someone didn't post this from


          • heretic
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 325

            Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

            Originally posted by threehills
            Do they have any soundwaves for penis enlargement?
            I was in coma.


            • chuckc
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Jun 2004
              • 5458

              Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

              LOL, this cant work, seems like a scam to me...but reading some of those descriptions makes me wanna party again!!!

              anyone here actually tried these?


              • pr0ficient
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Apr 2006
                • 3004

                Re: getting high the "healthy" way?


                I downloaded this a few years ago. I got a free trial of it or I had gotten a pirated copy but if I remember correctly you were suppose to pay for this software or had to literally buy these sound clips with names like morphine, heroin, marijuana, crack! Like a couple dollars for a new 'drug'/sound clip. It was SO fucking stupid, I remember being convinced that I could now find anything on the internet after this! It's like you select ketamine on the list and it plays 20 minutes of the most annoying sounds & tones you have ever heard. They tell you to put on headphones and you'll start tripping or hallucinating. I think it even described the effects of each drug/sound clip which was funny b/c it was like 'if you listen to this tone named heroin you'll soon enter a comatose & relaxed state etc. etc. etc." or something similar.

                fucking hilarious if they are making money from this


                • Huggie Smiles
                  Anyone have Styx livesets?
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 11832

                  Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

                  Originally posted by pr0ficient

                  I downloaded this a few years ago. I got a free trial of it or I had gotten a pirated copy but if I remember correctly you were suppose to pay for this software or had to literally buy these sound clips with names like morphine, heroin, marijuana, crack! Like a couple dollars for a new 'drug'/sound clip. It was SO fucking stupid, I remember being convinced that I could now find anything on the internet after this! It's like you select ketamine on the list and it plays 20 minutes of the most annoying sounds & tones you have ever heard. They tell you to put on headphones and you'll start tripping or hallucinating. I think it even described the effects of each drug/sound clip which was funny b/c it was like 'if you listen to this tone named heroin you'll soon enter a comatose & relaxed state etc. etc. etc." or something similar.

                  fucking hilarious if they are making money from this
                  cos you were always curious about horse tranquillizers??
                  ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


                  • pr0ficient
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 3004

                    Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

                    Originally posted by Huggie Smiles
                    cos you were always curious about horse tranquillizers??
                    LOL, no I needed it to come down from all of the meth I had been listening to!


                    • mazi
                      Gold Gabber
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 639

                      Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

                      can do u do two clips @ the same time and have mental OD
                      breath deep


                      • chuckc
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5458

                        Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

                        too bad this doesnt really work....would be fun to try some of them especially after reading the descriptions.


                        • Kat
                          A pretty fn good milkshake
                          • Mar 2006
                          • 4695

                          Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

                          Originally posted by mazi
                          can do u do two clips @ the same time and have mental OD

                          Originally posted by diegoff
                          I didn΄t try it, but I read about it in the web...
                          Some time ago I got a software that produces sounds to take the brain to some specific states for sleeping, concentrating, and meditation. It works for that issues, and it has a scientific support refered to the frequencies at which the brain works (alpha state, or so, I don΄t remember).
                          I use it and it really works; but nothing I can say about feeling drugs using a software....
                          The sounds are created using binaural decorrelation (you have to use nice headphones, that can reproduce well the low frequencies, that΄s my opinion as a technician).
                          I don΄t remember where I d/l it from, but the program is "brain-wave generator" (bwgen.exe). I has some presets, you can create your own or download lots of new presets.
                          yes i know about binaural beats and their effect but these are different states of the mind, not natural i think
                          ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

                          Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.


                          • pr0ficient
                            Are you Kidding me??
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 3004

                            Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

                            Students have been suspended, even expelled, for having I-doser doses on their mp3/mp4 players at school. The schools who have done this claim that it is possession of intoxicants on school grounds, but it is only a "song".
                            funny stuff


                            • BureOne
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 3285

                              Re: getting high the "healthy" way?

                              wtf is this!??? weak, does it invole weeed??? weakkk!

