I am one of those undecided voters. It's October 29th and I still don't know who to vote for. It may not matter given the fact that YOMAMA is looking like he will run away with the election. Either way I am not sure who to cast my vote for...
I consider myself to be a decent political mind. I read endlessly and know way more than I would like to about all the candidates in question...so why can't I just fall in line with Obama like everyone else seems to be doing? I am actually giving serious consideration to voting for Dr. No aka Bob Barr...the one thing I really love about Dr. No is that he actually believes in fiscal responsibility. We are a country that is in very very very deep debt and because of this our future generations will face a future where the stores and companies they support will be owned and controlled by Sven in Sweden and Yoshi in Japan or Abdul in Saudi Arabia. The longer we stay on this path the less American our country will become. Just my opinion...
Both McCain and Obama intend to increase our spending...here is what the NTUF has projected:
Total Proposed Annual Increase in Spending By Candidate:
McCain $92.4 billion
Obama $292 billion
Dr. No -$200 billion
Someone please wipe away the fog from my eyes!
In this world and its current state Obama is the most logical guy to go around the world and try to repair the damage that has been done by Bush giving the middle finger to so many world leaders...McCain deserves it more but his time has past and Palin well...what can you say about her?
Seriously though who are you voting for and why??
I consider myself to be a decent political mind. I read endlessly and know way more than I would like to about all the candidates in question...so why can't I just fall in line with Obama like everyone else seems to be doing? I am actually giving serious consideration to voting for Dr. No aka Bob Barr...the one thing I really love about Dr. No is that he actually believes in fiscal responsibility. We are a country that is in very very very deep debt and because of this our future generations will face a future where the stores and companies they support will be owned and controlled by Sven in Sweden and Yoshi in Japan or Abdul in Saudi Arabia. The longer we stay on this path the less American our country will become. Just my opinion...
Both McCain and Obama intend to increase our spending...here is what the NTUF has projected:
Total Proposed Annual Increase in Spending By Candidate:
McCain $92.4 billion
Obama $292 billion
Dr. No -$200 billion
Someone please wipe away the fog from my eyes!
In this world and its current state Obama is the most logical guy to go around the world and try to repair the damage that has been done by Bush giving the middle finger to so many world leaders...McCain deserves it more but his time has past and Palin well...what can you say about her?
Seriously though who are you voting for and why??