Why are you voting for Obama?

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  • Jenks
    I'm kind of a big deal.
    • Jun 2004
    • 10250

    Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

    ^Ross Perot on Nov 5th!!


    • BSully828
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1221

      Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

      Part of my job has me visiting various colleges across New England and the East Coast. I meet with students, alumni and various people throughout the town, after I disucuss what I'm there to discuss conversation generally trends towards non work-related topics and politics is usually tops on the list.

      It has been my experience that, when asked to explain beyond regurgitating the Hope/Change mantra, many Obama supporters are markedly silent about why they’ll be voting (D) on November 4th. What kind change? Exactly how will he enact this change? Where is he going to get the $$ needed to fund the kind of change he promises? Where on his political track record do you find evidence that he is experienced enough to make these changes? How do you think he’d respond to an insubordinate senate/house? Media scrutiny? Pissy foreign leaders? Terrorist attack (God forbid)? All I seem to get is:

      Followed by vague generalities about (you guessed it) hope and change.

      This doesn’t pertain to most of you here, it’s the overall experience I’ve had talking with people face to face. Maybe I’m just finding the thorns among roses, maybe I’m finding a bad demographic, but (to quote the great Bill Belicheck) it is what it is.
      Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
      a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


      • i!!ustrious
        I got some N64 Games Yo!!
        • Mar 2008
        • 12308

        Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

        ^ you did not just bust out a bill billacheat !

        "it is what it is" is a universal thought/saying right?

        Last edited by i!!ustrious; October 31, 2008, 02:00:31 PM. Reason: v
        (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


        • stencil_cp
          Addiction started
          • Aug 2005
          • 408

          Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

          hijack of thread? how did you know...

          prob futile but i'll stay on topic. i voted for obama. i know i stand to the left, but i don't support him simply for that. when i started hearing campaign rhetoric from both sides, mccain's just didn't add up. his speaches are full of "we're the greatest," and "america's got the greatest workforce," and crap that panders to the public but doesn't tell us anything about what he mgiht do differently. it's the same shit bush did.

          when i listen to obama i hear a man who knows he's going to have to work his ass off and has the interests of most americans in mind. his outlook is better than any politician i've ever heard, let alone prez candidate. it's a benefit that he'll actually talk about issues, b/c even if i don't understand them all, he's obviously thinking and working on it and his ideas are good.

          mccain says nothing about issues. well, character issues he attributes to obama maybe. other than that it's the same mouthwash bush gargled with. mccain's economic policy is to keep waging war and pass policy so rich people can "create new wealth," same as we've had and it's not working.

          i think people worry because we havent seen what obama is going to do. i support him because he's got the best head i've ever heard from a politician. i worry because i've seen what mccain would do in office and i'm not a fan.


          • Steve Graham
            DJ Jelly
            • Jun 2004
            • 12887

            Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

            ^^ well said mate


            • Miroslav
              WHOA I can change this!1!
              • Apr 2006
              • 4122

              Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

              Here's your answer:

              1. Taxes. When taken in net dollars, both candidates are similar in where they end up. I just feel that it's worth taking the chance of moving to a more progressive tax system for the near term during this crisis. We can't really afford to lower taxes a lot right now, and we can't really afford to increase everyone's taxes. The rich just have to shoulder a bit more for the near term. I know the dangers of overtaxing them, but I just think that's our best option now.

              2. Deficit. McCain's proposals increase the deficit by near the same amount if not more than Obama's proposals. If we're going to dig our way more into debt, then dollar for dollar I'll take my chances with Obama's plans. Specifically...

              3. Healthcare. I think his healthcare plan in particular seems like it has a better shot of getting people covered. McCain's tax credits will discourage employers from providing healthcare and will create more of a cash flow issue for lower income families - they can't afford to just wait for their credit when they need to buy now. McCain's plan is better for young people who shop around, but it will be worse for older people with conditions who lose their health insurance at work. Obama's plan is more vague than I would like, but so is McCain's.

              4. Iraq. Obama would work to get us out. McCain is the kind of guy who would charge ahead like a bull in a china shop under any and all circumstances. It's called "escalation of commitment error" - look it up in your organizational behavior theory textbook.

              5. International Diplomacy. This whole "meeting without preconditions" thing was way overblown - it doesn't mean sitting down to tea and presents with Ahmadinejad. What it does mean is actually doing some sort of diplomacy. The US is learning that it is no longer the impervious big kid on the block who can do anything and get away with it. We need someone who understands the concept of being strategic and working with other nations, and not following the "bull in a china shop" model.

              6. McCain's negative campaigning. I'm getting pretty damn sick of hearing McCain and Palin trying to paint Obama as a terrorist-loving, America-hating Communist. It's ridiculous, and in my view only the most backwards Americans buy into it. And I'm sick of hearing Palin and other Republicans insinuate who is a "real American" and who isn't patriotic enough (i.e., doesn't agree with them). It says more about McCain's/Palin's personality and leadership philosophy than it does about Obama.

              7. McCain's erratic response to the bailout crisis. I thought McCain's whole campaign suspension thing was just a way to politicize the bailout process for his benefit (and it failed). Obama was on the phone with the treasury secretary daily and he was in the meeting with Bush. He didn't go around all lathered up, trying to drum up big publicity for his involvement. And this a week after he proclaimed that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong". I'd rather have someone who can keep a level head before charging around.

              8. Sarah Palin. I just can't take McCain seriously after his choice of running mate. He talks about how experience matters, and then picks the one person in the nation with less experience than Obama? Yes, she has some executive experience, but she has spent zero time dealing with national security issues, zero time with foreign policy issues, zero time with Constitutional issues. Obama has, and he can articulate and reason with those issues. Her interviews were not "gotcha questions"; it was just a demonstration of the fact that she wasn't very good at articulating her opinions under fire. All she has done since then is play the folksy Joe Sixpack "you Betcha" maverick since then - while accusing Obama of being a Communist - and that does not impress me. Maybe she'll be ready some day, but she's not now. We could have chosen to not vote for Obama if we think he's too inexperienced, but we can't kick her ass out of office right away if we voted for McCain and he kicks the bucket.

              9. Even after all his changes, McCain's similarity to the past 8 years of politics and Bush. The past 8 years have sucked for many people. McCain has personally had a hand in that, when he voted for Bush's proposals over 90% of the time. I see no reason to believe that he will really be different now. I don't think he even has the intangible qualities of charisma to actually get enough of the nation to try to implement his vision of changing something so that the next eight years don't suck as bad. I'm all for letting the wealthy people in this country be successful and reap great rewards, but I think we've moved a bit too far on the spectrum of economic polarization. While the top people are getting exponentially richer, lower class people cannot make ends meet with one or even two full-time jobs. And that should not be.

              I'm not saying that Obama is all peaches and cream. In fact, I don't like the guy all that much and I think he should have been running in a later election if anything. Obama is a risk, because there is a lot we don't really know about him. But I think he's still got a better shot than than McCain and Palin, and the crisis we're in requires us to go out and take a chance and place a bet now. And so I think I'm likely to vote for Obama at this point. He can't be worse than Bush. I suppose I could vote for one of the third party guys, but then it's a risk of just giving it all to McCain.
              mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


              • chloe harris
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1021

                Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                im voting for obama. (i would have voted for hillary)

                1. because he's got a great smile. (joke before you guys go nuts!)
                2. i want to support someone who is different and i tend to enjoy lawyers as presidents.
                3. abortion rights/ female rights.
                4. his level-headedness.
                5. i like him in speeches, with people, i like when he talks. hes a great listener. doesn't interrupt people, and doesn't try to talk over anyone. (which is something mccain lacks a lot of!)
                6. he's diverse and i like that he could show our nation that being different is a good thing, not something to be scared of.
                7. i adore his wife. she is going to be amazing as the lady in the house.
                8. i like how he wants to help lower class people like myself.

                there are more.. i just woke up and thats a short list that people can attack...

                reasons i would not vote for mccain -

                1. sarah palin.
                2. his team think that females are so stupid and so easily swayed by a pussy, that we'd vote for them because sarah is a woman. not only is she dumb as a doornail, when they tried comparing her to hillary it was too funny.
                3. war machine/ big oil/ drilling
                4. environment and them pretending nothing is going on.
                5. the over religiousness of some of their people.
                6. their racist snarky terrorist calling-out dickhead supporters.

                pillow humping rules.


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                  some good posts in this thread...


                  • Cj Tari
                    MCast Resident DJ
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 557

                    Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                    the main reason im voting for Obama is quite simple, ive done some research, checked his tax plans, etc etc, but the main one is because the dude makes me feel a bit confident, to be honest, im sick and tired of waking up in the morning and having this feeling of uncertainty, because our current goberment for the past years has been beating us with the "fear" stick.

                    i know Obama wont come in and resolve every issue in the fucking world, or fix the economy in a blink of an eye, but at least the dude gives you something to look fort in the future, not like Bush has done lately, where i dont really know if things are gonna be ok tomorrow morning.
                    ..:: listen :: react ::..


                    • BabyMatty4Block
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 186

                      Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                      Originally posted by Miroslav
                      Here's your answer:

                      1. Taxes. When taken in net dollars, both candidates are similar in where they end up. I just feel that it's worth taking the chance of moving to a more progressive tax system for the near term during this crisis. We can't really afford to lower taxes a lot right now, and we can't really afford to increase everyone's taxes. The rich just have to shoulder a bit more for the near term. I know the dangers of overtaxing them, but I just think that's our best option now.

                      2. Deficit. McCain's proposals increase the deficit by near the same amount if not more than Obama's proposals. If we're going to dig our way more into debt, then dollar for dollar I'll take my chances with Obama's plans. Specifically...

                      3. Healthcare. I think his healthcare plan in particular seems like it has a better shot of getting people covered. McCain's tax credits will discourage employers from providing healthcare and will create more of a cash flow issue for lower income families - they can't afford to just wait for their credit when they need to buy now. McCain's plan is better for young people who shop around, but it will be worse for older people with conditions who lose their health insurance at work. Obama's plan is more vague than I would like, but so is McCain's.

                      4. Iraq. Obama would work to get us out. McCain is the kind of guy who would charge ahead like a bull in a china shop under any and all circumstances. It's called "escalation of commitment error" - look it up in your organizational behavior theory textbook.

                      5. International Diplomacy. This whole "meeting without preconditions" thing was way overblown - it doesn't mean sitting down to tea and presents with Ahmadinejad. What it does mean is actually doing some sort of diplomacy. The US is learning that it is no longer the impervious big kid on the block who can do anything and get away with it. We need someone who understands the concept of being strategic and working with other nations, and not following the "bull in a china shop" model.

                      6. McCain's negative campaigning. I'm getting pretty damn sick of hearing McCain and Palin trying to paint Obama as a terrorist-loving, America-hating Communist. It's ridiculous, and in my view only the most backwards Americans buy into it. And I'm sick of hearing Palin and other Republicans insinuate who is a "real American" and who isn't patriotic enough (i.e., doesn't agree with them). It says more about McCain's/Palin's personality and leadership philosophy than it does about Obama.

                      7. McCain's erratic response to the bailout crisis. I thought McCain's whole campaign suspension thing was just a way to politicize the bailout process for his benefit (and it failed). Obama was on the phone with the treasury secretary daily and he was in the meeting with Bush. He didn't go around all lathered up, trying to drum up big publicity for his involvement. And this a week after he proclaimed that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong". I'd rather have someone who can keep a level head before charging around.

                      8. Sarah Palin. I just can't take McCain seriously after his choice of running mate. He talks about how experience matters, and then picks the one person in the nation with less experience than Obama? Yes, she has some executive experience, but she has spent zero time dealing with national security issues, zero time with foreign policy issues, zero time with Constitutional issues. Obama has, and he can articulate and reason with those issues. Her interviews were not "gotcha questions"; it was just a demonstration of the fact that she wasn't very good at articulating her opinions under fire. All she has done since then is play the folksy Joe Sixpack "you Betcha" maverick since then - while accusing Obama of being a Communist - and that does not impress me. Maybe she'll be ready some day, but she's not now. We could have chosen to not vote for Obama if we think he's too inexperienced, but we can't kick her ass out of office right away if we voted for McCain and he kicks the bucket.

                      9. Even after all his changes, McCain's similarity to the past 8 years of politics and Bush. The past 8 years have sucked for many people. McCain has personally had a hand in that, when he voted for Bush's proposals over 90% of the time. I see no reason to believe that he will really be different now. I don't think he even has the intangible qualities of charisma to actually get enough of the nation to try to implement his vision of changing something so that the next eight years don't suck as bad. I'm all for letting the wealthy people in this country be successful and reap great rewards, but I think we've moved a bit too far on the spectrum of economic polarization. While the top people are getting exponentially richer, lower class people cannot make ends meet with one or even two full-time jobs. And that should not be.

                      I'm not saying that Obama is all peaches and cream. In fact, I don't like the guy all that much and I think he should have been running in a later election if anything. Obama is a risk, because there is a lot we don't really know about him. But I think he's still got a better shot than than McCain and Palin, and the crisis we're in requires us to go out and take a chance and place a bet now. And so I think I'm likely to vote for Obama at this point. He can't be worse than Bush. I suppose I could vote for one of the third party guys, but then it's a risk of just giving it all to McCain.
                      Great post, Miro. I actually just posted this as a MySpace bulletin, hoping to sway at the last minute some McCain voters. Hope you don't mind...


                      • thesightless
                        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13567

                        Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                        @ bsully. spot on in reagrds to the majority, not all, majority of obamacons. these people cannot give a single stance other than NOT BUSH. again, the sheer idiocy stands as thier most popular trait.

                        @miro. well said. better than anythign most people have said. single most specific post reagding a pro obama stance. the rest have been too avague and quote change without how.
                        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                        download that. deep shit listed there

                        my dick is its own superhero.


                        • sammwalk
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 769

                          Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                          Originally posted by Miroslav
                          Here's your answer:

                          1. Taxes. When taken in net dollars, both candidates are similar in where they end up. I just feel that it's worth taking the chance of moving to a more progressive tax system for the near term during this crisis. We can't really afford to lower taxes a lot right now, and we can't really afford to increase everyone's taxes. The rich just have to shoulder a bit more for the near term. I know the dangers of overtaxing them, but I just think that's our best option now.

                          2. Deficit. McCain's proposals increase the deficit by near the same amount if not more than Obama's proposals. If we're going to dig our way more into debt, then dollar for dollar I'll take my chances with Obama's plans. Specifically...

                          3. Healthcare. I think his healthcare plan in particular seems like it has a better shot of getting people covered. McCain's tax credits will discourage employers from providing healthcare and will create more of a cash flow issue for lower income families - they can't afford to just wait for their credit when they need to buy now. McCain's plan is better for young people who shop around, but it will be worse for older people with conditions who lose their health insurance at work. Obama's plan is more vague than I would like, but so is McCain's.

                          4. Iraq. Obama would work to get us out. McCain is the kind of guy who would charge ahead like a bull in a china shop under any and all circumstances. It's called "escalation of commitment error" - look it up in your organizational behavior theory textbook.

                          5. International Diplomacy. This whole "meeting without preconditions" thing was way overblown - it doesn't mean sitting down to tea and presents with Ahmadinejad. What it does mean is actually doing some sort of diplomacy. The US is learning that it is no longer the impervious big kid on the block who can do anything and get away with it. We need someone who understands the concept of being strategic and working with other nations, and not following the "bull in a china shop" model.

                          6. McCain's negative campaigning. I'm getting pretty damn sick of hearing McCain and Palin trying to paint Obama as a terrorist-loving, America-hating Communist. It's ridiculous, and in my view only the most backwards Americans buy into it. And I'm sick of hearing Palin and other Republicans insinuate who is a "real American" and who isn't patriotic enough (i.e., doesn't agree with them). It says more about McCain's/Palin's personality and leadership philosophy than it does about Obama.

                          7. McCain's erratic response to the bailout crisis. I thought McCain's whole campaign suspension thing was just a way to politicize the bailout process for his benefit (and it failed). Obama was on the phone with the treasury secretary daily and he was in the meeting with Bush. He didn't go around all lathered up, trying to drum up big publicity for his involvement. And this a week after he proclaimed that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong". I'd rather have someone who can keep a level head before charging around.

                          8. Sarah Palin. I just can't take McCain seriously after his choice of running mate. He talks about how experience matters, and then picks the one person in the nation with less experience than Obama? Yes, she has some executive experience, but she has spent zero time dealing with national security issues, zero time with foreign policy issues, zero time with Constitutional issues. Obama has, and he can articulate and reason with those issues. Her interviews were not "gotcha questions"; it was just a demonstration of the fact that she wasn't very good at articulating her opinions under fire. All she has done since then is play the folksy Joe Sixpack "you Betcha" maverick since then - while accusing Obama of being a Communist - and that does not impress me. Maybe she'll be ready some day, but she's not now. We could have chosen to not vote for Obama if we think he's too inexperienced, but we can't kick her ass out of office right away if we voted for McCain and he kicks the bucket.

                          9. Even after all his changes, McCain's similarity to the past 8 years of politics and Bush. The past 8 years have sucked for many people. McCain has personally had a hand in that, when he voted for Bush's proposals over 90% of the time. I see no reason to believe that he will really be different now. I don't think he even has the intangible qualities of charisma to actually get enough of the nation to try to implement his vision of changing something so that the next eight years don't suck as bad. I'm all for letting the wealthy people in this country be successful and reap great rewards, but I think we've moved a bit too far on the spectrum of economic polarization. While the top people are getting exponentially richer, lower class people cannot make ends meet with one or even two full-time jobs. And that should not be.

                          I'm not saying that Obama is all peaches and cream. In fact, I don't like the guy all that much and I think he should have been running in a later election if anything. Obama is a risk, because there is a lot we don't really know about him. But I think he's still got a better shot than than McCain and Palin, and the crisis we're in requires us to go out and take a chance and place a bet now. And so I think I'm likely to vote for Obama at this point. He can't be worse than Bush. I suppose I could vote for one of the third party guys, but then it's a risk of just giving it all to McCain.
                          Originally posted by chloe harris
                          im voting for obama. (i would have voted for hillary)

                          1. because he's got a great smile. (joke before you guys go nuts!)
                          2. i want to support someone who is different and i tend to enjoy lawyers as presidents.
                          3. abortion rights/ female rights.
                          4. his level-headedness.
                          5. i like him in speeches, with people, i like when he talks. hes a great listener. doesn't interrupt people, and doesn't try to talk over anyone. (which is something mccain lacks a lot of!)
                          6. he's diverse and i like that he could show our nation that being different is a good thing, not something to be scared of.
                          7. i adore his wife. she is going to be amazing as the lady in the house.
                          8. i like how he wants to help lower class people like myself.

                          there are more.. i just woke up and thats a short list that people can attack...

                          reasons i would not vote for mccain -

                          1. sarah palin.
                          2. his team think that females are so stupid and so easily swayed by a pussy, that we'd vote for them because sarah is a woman. not only is she dumb as a doornail, when they tried comparing her to hillary it was too funny.
                          3. war machine/ big oil/ drilling
                          4. environment and them pretending nothing is going on.
                          5. the over religiousness of some of their people.
                          6. their racist snarky terrorist calling-out dickhead supporters.



                          • chloe harris
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1021

                            Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                            are there not complete and utter minion tools in the republican party too? ive seen them. you have too.
                            the ones who shout 'terrorist' or 'kill him' or 'im not voting for him because he's a muslim'.

                            these people seem pretty fucking stupid to me because they are blindly following shit that isn't even true. how gullible and dumb.
                            pillow humping rules.


                            • thesightless
                              Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 13567

                              Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                              Originally posted by chloe harris
                              are there not complete and utter minion tools in the republican party too? ive seen them. you have too.
                              the ones who shout 'terrorist' or 'kill him' or 'im not voting for him because he's a muslim'.

                              these people seem pretty fucking stupid to me because they are blindly following shit that isn't even true. how gullible and dumb.

                              i want to do a unique form a violence to these people. hit them over the head with a textbook until they bleed to death. no weapons, just a textbook. maybe "the audacity of hope". you wouldnt beleive how many people cant get the picture of him in the afircan robes out of their heaeds. i asked one idiot at the debate this question "do you maybe think he wore that out of respect? like when people wear suits to weddings and funerals?".
                              your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                              Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                              download that. deep shit listed there

                              my dick is its own superhero.


                              • Nigel Harkness
                                Gold Gabber
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 750

                                Re: Why are you voting for Obama?

                                If Obama wins I can't wait to "disburse my wealth"...kinda socialist IMO.

                                Don't get me wrong I am not a big McCain supporter but I think that I will disagree with him less that Obama. I am very disappointed in the Republican party for allowing McCain to be the candidate, I think they could have done so much better.

