Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

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  • Yao
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 8167

    Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

    Not really to be honest, out of a job and fucked up one my most important tendons so there's no ventilation in the form of climbing. But, the good side is that since I need to direct my energy somewhere i'm crunching my teeth on a thesis on the probable failure of the African Peer Review Mechanism ;-).

    You're finally moving back to TLV then, if I'm not mistaken?
    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


    • davetlv
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1205

      Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

      How long you gonna be out of action?

      Not moving back to Tel Aviv, I'll be a bit north in Ceserea - me. my comp, my writing and a load of ancient ruins! All going well I'll be home by September.


      • Yao
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 8167

        Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

        sounds good, just beware of Hizbullah rockets as you'll be within reach I guess .

        I'm hoping to be good by mid-summer, but it might be end of this summer. Just in time for the only big outdoor climbing festival we have here, on the beach...just climbing (actually bouldering, no ropes and 4m high tops) and laying on the beach. Get a refreshing splash from time to time. Hopefully climbing in the mountains again next year tho...I've become addicted to that shit.
        Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

        There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


        • davetlv
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1205

          Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

          Originally posted by Yao
          sounds good, just beware of Hizbullah rockets as you'll be within reach I guess .
          Not quite that far north - its between TLV and Haifa.

          You should pop over, plenty of climbing options open to you in Israel.


          • Yao
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Jun 2004
            • 8167

            Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

            Hooked routed? Dude...I just might, if I can get one of my climbing partners to tag along . No joking, I'm also set to hit the US of A next year to wander around Colorado and do some bouldering, the fun of climbing is the travelling you do to get to the cool places!
            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


            • runningman
              Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
              • Jun 2004
              • 5995

              Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

              WOW they are dying to bomb Iran. The rhetoric of the news is that Iran has arrested all foreign media and jammed BBC satellites.. Israel has made a report saying that the protesters will be killed. The CIA is really doing their job in that country right now. You know it is the CIA because it seems very organized- Propaganda and violent rallies..


              • Shpira
                Angry Boy Child
                • Oct 2006
                • 4969

                Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                You know it is the CIA because it seems very organized- Propaganda and violent rallies..
                The Idiots ARE Winning.

                "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                Mark Twain

                SOBRIETY MIX


                • runningman
                  Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 5995

                  Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                  you actually believe that this very organized and violent uprising isn't the CIA even after Obama admitted to the CIA being involved in Iran back in the 50's??

                  or this article.

                  Looks like we nailed it in our editorial of last week about the Iranian "defector". According to Iranian officials Asghari was, as we suspected, a long-term spy for "Western agencies" i.e. Mossad and the CIA, and his escape into the arms of the...

                  The US and Israel want Mahmoud out. So logic tells me that they are involved somehow. It seems as though they are trying to turn this world into a shit tank. Pakistan is a mess. North Korea wants to blow shit up. Iran appears to be a mess. Afghanistan is a complete mess. Iraq is obviously a mess. What is going on here??


                  • davetlv
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1205

                    Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                    Originally posted by runningman
                    The US and Israel want Mahmoud out.
                    Your logic is flawed - its actually better for Israel to have Achmadinejad in power.

                    One of Israels finest writers, in Haaretz, looks at this whole issue, and surmises that its actually in Israels interest to have the mad dwarf in power, not some reformer.

                    But great analysis there - backed up with nothing. Great work as usual!

                    Read the whole article:

                    ANALYSIS / Ahmadinejad win actually preferable for Israel


                    • Kamal
                      • May 2002
                      • 28835

                      Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                      I second Yao in that I was waiting for your rebuttal and definitely an in depth read. I suck at history for the most part but the debates on here definitely helped bring a degree of perspective I'm missing.

                      Glad the reactor work is on schedule.

                      Originally posted by davetlv
                      First Shipra accept my apologies, not been around for a few weeks, been a b it busy making sure our reactors are all working, just in case you know. . . . . .

                      British protectorate? Really? Whilst the British only took 'control' of what is now Israel and Jordan after the demise of the Ottoman empire after the WWI, after the Ottomans had become increasingly hostile towards the Arabs under their 'rule' during the dying days of the war.

                      But since obviously you want to focus on the British rule, its under British protection that led to the Hebron massacre of 1929. Its also under so-called British protection that jews were being turned away and sent back to Nazi occupied Europe in the run up to the war. After all lets no forget that the League of Nation actually ratified the balfour Decleration, whilst it was the British who under Arab pressure refused to let Europes persecuted Jews into the land the world had set aside for them. Such great British protection.

                      Read up on the Balfour Decleration, then the League of Nation ratification.

                      Cos clearly you have no idea what you are talking about as shown in the following from you.

                      You do remember what we now call Jordan was also part of the British Mandate - and was meant to be part of the orginial two state solution. But in reality the Arabs got their land whilst the Jew didnt. Also try not ignore in your reading that the whole frigging area was split up by the winning allies and nation states were created where pre-WWI they didn't exist.

                      Syria - created by France in 1936

                      TransJordan - created by British in April 1921 - Jordan than founded in 1946

                      Iraq - Indepandance granted only in 1932 from UK occupation (after fall of Ottoman empire)

                      During the rule of the Ottoman Empire, for 500 years, these territories were nothing more than tribal waste lands controlled by the Empire - Nation states did not exist.

                      The Jews were, in the carving up of the region, offered a slither of land, a land where there had been a Jewish presence before either Christianity or Islam raised their heads.

                      But considering we were given it, as you say, maybe you would like to explain how during the 30's and 40's when Jews were being killed on mass in concentration camps they were being turned away from the one place the world had said was theres?

                      Actually the figures for pre-WWI incorporate what became of Transjordan, where the vast majority lived. Do some more reading before you embarass yourself.

                      And its very clear that you get you information from the David Duke school of Historical revisionism.

                      Indeed, the Britsh occupiers were a foreign people, your point is what?

                      Again, read, read and read somemore. Please show me anywhere in the Quran that mentions Jerusalem as holy land? Come on? I'll give you a few weeks on this one, you'll need. And if you find some, which you wont, maybe you would like to explaine how under Ottoman rule and then Jordanian the mosque that was built on top of the Temple Mount was left in ruins. Comple and utter. And how the Muslim world has only started bitching about Jerusalem since 1967?

                      OK - listen very carefully, two states were created, Israel and Transjordan as per the League of Nations Mandate! That said. . . .

                      Again, for fucks sake don't show your ignorance. Israel offered back all lands won in the Six day war for normalisation of relationship with all arab states, the answer was the 3 no's from the Khartoum summit of Septmber 1967.

                      Before the 6 day war there was no-concept as a two state solution for the West Bank was controlled by Jordan whilst Gaza was controlled by Egypt. Jordan only relinquished its claim on the territory in 1988 - thats right 1988.

                      But as you're talking about a two state solution, after Oslo in 2000 Arafat was offered everything he was asking for and more and he rejected it. And Olmert offered again last year and it was rejected.

                      Its clear that you lack even basic knowledge of the area - that aside, do I think Israel has treated those in the West Bank and Gaza well, not by any standard, but my distaste for the actions of my government don't allow me to allow idiots like you trying to re-write the history of the region.


                      Jib says:
                      he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                      Originally posted by ace_dl
                      Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                      I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                      • runningman
                        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5995

                        Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                        Originally posted by davetlv
                        Your logic is flawed - its actually better for Israel to have Achmadinejad in power.

                        One of Israels finest writers, in Haaretz, looks at this whole issue, and surmises that its actually in Israels interest to have the mad dwarf in power, not some reformer.

                        But great analysis there - backed up with nothing. Great work as usual!

                        Read the whole article:

                        ANALYSIS / Ahmadinejad win actually preferable for Israel
                        Oh ok it isn't the CIA. Iran is fighting for freedom from the ''Bush freedom agenda.'' Again I'm not in the know with the CIA and pretty sure none of us are. One of Israels finest writers eh?? Funny that they want to bomb Iran because of Ahmadinejad but now you have made it very clear that they want someone in power that wants to blow up Israel.

                        Israel is going to bomb Iran unless the CIA gets its way and causes a revolution in the streets in Iran. Funny I don't have any proof but neither do you. Remember the CIA's job is to make wars small wars.

                        No my friend they aren't happy about this at all.


                        • Shiva
                          MCast Mistress
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 2461

                          Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                          Originally posted by davetlv
                          Hi Shiva

                          Hope all is well in Lebanon at the moment!

                          There is no shift in policy - Natanyahu had to accept previous agreements - and considering the road map talks about a two state solution, how is there a shift in policy? The media, since his election, have made this out to be an issue when its not - even the odious Lieberman recognizes that Israel must follow the road map..
                          Hi Dave,

                          All is fine here tnx, long time no hear...

                          Well I donno but that Natanyahu speach is being seen with lots of schepticism from the Arab world. Lets see what hill happen on the ground.

                          As far as Lebanon is concerned, good news keep on coming in:
                          As a result of the elections it seems lebanon is going towards prosperity, a good one, for the next 4 upcoming years (provided things stay calm at the southern border).
                          Today I heard on the radio that Lebanon is expecting to receive 2Million tourists this summer, something that haven't been seen since 1974 (that is before the civil war begun). The total number of Lebanese citizens living in Lebanon is a bit higher than 4Millions!
                          The Gov declared a state of emergency to manage this huge flux of people; the country's infrastructure can barely hold the 4 Millions, add another 2 and you will have a disaster in terms of traffic jams etc....But the money is flowing in, we have unique nightlife in the middle-east here, clubs, gambling, alcohol, mostly the Arab holidays-makers will be converging towards Lebanon. Most of the commercants, traders, hotels, beach resorts and so many other businesses are expecting to recuperate the losses the had to endure for the past 4-5 years. Yes it is time to breath fresh and prosperity here, got really tired of conflicts. (sorry went off topic a bit)

                          Originally posted by Yao
                          sounds good, just beware of Hizbullah rockets as you'll be within reach I guess .
                          That is precisely what we don't wana see... No wars, but economic proserity!
                          This is why we dont wana see attacks on Iran, coz Hizballah is right here and could turn things to worse and we don't want that.


                          • Shpira
                            Angry Boy Child
                            • Oct 2006
                            • 4969

                            Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                            Originally posted by davetlv
                            First Shipra accept my apologies, not been around for a few weeks, been a b it busy making sure our reactors are all working, just in case you know. . . . . .

                            British protectorate? Really? Whilst the British only took 'control' of what is now Israel and Jordan after the demise of the Ottoman empire after the WWI, after the Ottomans had become increasingly hostile towards the Arabs under their 'rule' during the dying days of the war.

                            But since obviously you want to focus on the British rule, its under British protection that led to the Hebron massacre of 1929. Its also under so-called British protection that jews were being turned away and sent back to Nazi occupied Europe in the run up to the war. After all lets no forget that the League of Nation actually ratified the balfour Decleration, whilst it was the British who under Arab pressure refused to let Europes persecuted Jews into the land the world had set aside for them. Such great British protection.

                            Read up on the Balfour Decleration, then the League of Nation ratification.

                            Cos clearly you have no idea what you are talking about as shown in the following from you.

                            You do remember what we now call Jordan was also part of the British Mandate - and was meant to be part of the orginial two state solution. But in reality the Arabs got their land whilst the Jew didnt. Also try not ignore in your reading that the whole frigging area was split up by the winning allies and nation states were created where pre-WWI they didn't exist.

                            Syria - created by France in 1936

                            TransJordan - created by British in April 1921 - Jordan than founded in 1946

                            Iraq - Indepandance granted only in 1932 from UK occupation (after fall of Ottoman empire)

                            During the rule of the Ottoman Empire, for 500 years, these territories were nothing more than tribal waste lands controlled by the Empire - Nation states did not exist.

                            The Jews were, in the carving up of the region, offered a slither of land, a land where there had been a Jewish presence before either Christianity or Islam raised their heads.

                            But considering we were given it, as you say, maybe you would like to explain how during the 30's and 40's when Jews were being killed on mass in concentration camps they were being turned away from the one place the world had said was theres?

                            Actually the figures for pre-WWI incorporate what became of Transjordan, where the vast majority lived. Do some more reading before you embarass yourself.

                            And its very clear that you get you information from the David Duke school of Historical revisionism.

                            Indeed, the Britsh occupiers were a foreign people, your point is what?

                            Again, read, read and read somemore. Please show me anywhere in the Quran that mentions Jerusalem as holy land? Come on? I'll give you a few weeks on this one, you'll need. And if you find some, which you wont, maybe you would like to explaine how under Ottoman rule and then Jordanian the mosque that was built on top of the Temple Mount was left in ruins. Comple and utter. And how the Muslim world has only started bitching about Jerusalem since 1967?

                            OK - listen very carefully, two states were created, Israel and Transjordan as per the League of Nations Mandate! That said. . . .

                            Again, for fucks sake don't show your ignorance. Israel offered back all lands won in the Six day war for normalisation of relationship with all arab states, the answer was the 3 no's from the Khartoum summit of Septmber 1967.

                            Before the 6 day war there was no-concept as a two state solution for the West Bank was controlled by Jordan whilst Gaza was controlled by Egypt. Jordan only relinquished its claim on the territory in 1988 - thats right 1988.

                            But as you're talking about a two state solution, after Oslo in 2000 Arafat was offered everything he was asking for and more and he rejected it. And Olmert offered again last year and it was rejected.

                            Its clear that you lack even basic knowledge of the area - that aside, do I think Israel has treated those in the West Bank and Gaza well, not by any standard, but my distaste for the actions of my government don't allow me to allow idiots like you trying to re-write the history of the region.

                            i only just read
                            I am in Moscow don't have any books on me so give me a little time for a rebuttal I defiantly see a couple of things that I do not agree with. Like you saying that jews were turned away from Israel during was actually the leader of the Zionist movement (I think Weizmann) that stated that he would rather see the European Jews perish then moved to other European countries unaffected by war over Israel. I don't have the exact quote on me as I said I am in give me a little time.
                            The Idiots ARE Winning.

                            "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                            Mark Twain

                            SOBRIETY MIX


                            • Yao
                              DUDERZ get a life!!!
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 8167

                              Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                              lol. I hear ya Shiva. My hope is that the will to go forward exceeds that of holding on to old feuds, but agitating groups like Hamas and Hizbullah are very persistent. In fact, prosperity in Lebanon would basically eat away the basis of existence for groups like those because it is on dissatisfaction that they thrive.

                              The taks for the Lebanese govt now is to show that prosperity and in fact a beneficial co-existence with Israel is a valid alternative for waging war against them. That might deal a massive blow to those assholes that are willing to sacrifice hundreds of lives of other people to make their claim on the ultimate Truth.

                              I must say I've heard some nice stories about Beirut from one of my closest friends who's an archaeologist and has been working on excavation sites on more than one occasion. Checking out Dave's crib is still on my list, so who knows...if they let me in with an Israelian stamp in my passport, Beirut could be another stop while I'm around there anyway. (Got so many plans for travelling in the next few years...I need a shitload of money!).
                              Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                              There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                              • davetlv
                                Platinum Poster
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 1205

                                Re: Israel or US to Bomb Iran before January

                                Originally posted by Shpira
                                I am in Moscow don't have any books on me so give me a little time for a rebuttal I defiantly see a couple of things that I do not agree with.
                                Who needs books, you obviously have internet connectivity in the mother land.

                                Originally posted by Shpira
                                Like you saying that jews were turned away from Israel during was actually the leader of the Zionist movement (I think Weizmann) that stated that he would rather see the European Jews perish then moved to other European countries unaffected by war over Israel. I don't have the exact quote on me as I said I am in give me a little time.

                                Might I suggest, for when you can find a book in Moscow, that you look up the British White Paper of 1939, pay particular attention to the section on immigration.

                                I would offer you a source link but I'd hate to think that I was feeding you nasty Zionist propaganda.

