Cabinet Position for McCain

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Re: Cabinet Position for McCain

    Originally posted by shosh
    im starting out hoping he wont fuck shit up. and i actually believe that maybe for the first term he wont, so he can get re-elected. i dont think or hope he will do anything good but i pray he wont fuck anything up too bad.
    That's all I'm asking, that folks keep a bit of an open mind. The guy hasn't even been inaugurated yet, and sean's half way to Canada. He's been elected now, and I'm done with my sales pitch -- we're all in this together now, so let's hope for the best...


    • thesightless
      Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
      • Jun 2004
      • 13567

      Re: Cabinet Position for McCain

      jimbo, you take my cynicism for doomsday , it isnt, it is a statement of fact that all the hope nonsense is complete horseshit. he isnt going to gut anything but the market, but thats between his economic and tax plans and wall street. he cant possibly make things worse. WE HAD A RETARDED MAN IN OFFICE, and to get any worse, we would have to elect the taliban. but comona already, its like since he got elected all the obama zombies suddenly reverse course on the shit they have been spewing about him and how he will CHANGE. nothing is gonna change, nothing is gonna get remarkably wrose or better outside of economy which will contract. in fact, we're in worse trouble in certain ascepts as much as other aspects will improve.

      what does he tell major labor? the current situation clearly dictates either massive layoffs or a contract renegotiation at every basic level. both items are something the unions will clealry fight tooth and nail. he will have to oversee this.

      how in the worls can he possibly think about that "civiain police force"

      how can he reasonably think that his tax plan will be embraced by the money holders?

      where is the funding coming from for any of this? even if we rapidly detract military spending?>

      sorry, im an accountant at heart, and i ask questions until i see every step of teh process accounted for, and frankly, there are so many obstacles to factor into it...

      IMHO, teh one guy who should have been running for president that didnt is michael bloomberg. he fixed NYC's problems very well, got it up and runnign again, balanced leadership to the point where they just approved legislation for him to be the first mayor of NYC to have a third term. he pisses both parties off by being extremely socially liberal, handling a variety of aid based programs, he bitch slapped the teachers unions into fixing themselves, got the cops a contract that is reasonable considering the lack of revenues in NYC (everyone is essentially poor). crime is down, tourism up, cleaner etc.
      your life is an occasion, rise to it.

      Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
      download that. deep shit listed there

      my dick is its own superhero.


      • davetlv
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1205

        Re: Cabinet Position for McCain


        As a non American I have had serious doubts about Obama - I don't believe he was the best Democrat out there, and whilst I really couldn't fathom another Republican, McCain seemed far removed from your current Pres.

        However, whilst I dont think McCain should be offered a post in the new administration, there are probably some Republicans who could.

        When Gordon Brown took over office in the UK there was a load of talk of him offering a senior post to the Lib Dems - fuck that, my country is governed (sometimes successfully other times not) by co-alition governments.

        Whilst I still have serious doubts about you Pres elect, I do believe that he could (and its a huge could) show us a different style of governance, and offering posts to republicans or even 'non-politicos' might be a good idea as long as its genuine!!!


        • Weizy
          MCast Resident DJ
          • Jun 2004
          • 3222

          Re: Cabinet Position for McCain

          Originally posted by toasty
          Evidently, there is some consideration for that. Might be too fresh right now, but if Obama were to reach across the aisle and try to pull McCain into the fold, though, what would be a good fit for him? He couldn't make him Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State, but Secretary of Veteran's Affairs, perhaps?

          Would be great to see something like that happen, not sure if there's any precedent for it or not. Senator to lower-level cabinet post might be a step down, though...
          it's certainly a possibility and it certainly would be interesting no doubt. either way I am just hoping for the best out of our new leader. gotta have hope!


          • Localizer
            Platinum Poster
            • Jul 2004
            • 2021

            Re: Cabinet Position for McCain

            Originally posted by CactusBeats
            I think this is a naive statement in the fact that I take it your assumption is that he picked Rahm Emanuel to pound down the Congressional Republicans (let me know if I am wrong on this). What if, he picked Emanuel to actually clamp down on his own party because, as a very adept and savvy politician, he wants to rule from the center, and not let the left-wing of the Democratic Congress try to ruin his presidency by ramming their legislation through Congress. Emanuel is a centrist, need I remind you. Obama saw what ruling from the center did for President Clinton and I think that is exactly what he intends to do.
            Rahm is more to the left instead of center. He's just very stubborn. If anything, Axelrod is the centrist.
            Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
            -Bertrand Russell


            • Localizer
              Platinum Poster
              • Jul 2004
              • 2021

              Re: Cabinet Position for McCain

              Originally posted by davetlv

              As a non American I have had serious doubts about Obama - I don't believe he was the best Democrat out there, and whilst I really couldn't fathom another Republican, McCain seemed far removed from your current Pres.

              However, whilst I dont think McCain should be offered a post in the new administration, there are probably some Republicans who could.

              When Gordon Brown took over office in the UK there was a load of talk of him offering a senior post to the Lib Dems - fuck that, my country is governed (sometimes successfully other times not) by co-alition governments.

              Whilst I still have serious doubts about you Pres elect, I do believe that he could (and its a huge could) show us a different style of governance, and offering posts to republicans or even 'non-politicos' might be a good idea as long as its genuine!!!
              You got Rahm sitting in our dam cabinet now whose parents were zionists. A lot of our taxpayer money will be funneled to your country. Plus you got the passive Axelrod. This is a dream come true for the israelites.
              Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
              -Bertrand Russell

