An in-depth interview; this 50:45 minute show taken from Wisconsin Public Radio - recorded yesterday explains very succinctly the very process which adulterates any leader in our political system. This includes Obama, even the omnipotent Ron Paul (OMG!!
) - if he were elected, anyone, no matter their ideals or intentions upon being elected, and what he says we need to do to to ensure that this does not continue to happen. Mr. Jarecki discusses the military industrial complex, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gen John Eisenhower, President-Elect Obama, Senator McCain, and the current strangleholds keeping power concentrated among the few.
I personally enjoyed "Why We Fight" and found this to be even more instructive and pertinent to this very moment in time. I found his analysis of McCain's candidacy to be very, very telling and agree with his analysis wholeheartedly.
Very enlightening - highly recommended listen.

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Streaming Audio link:
[From WPR website]
For Program On: Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 10:00 PM
After ten, Kathleen Dunn and her guest examine the Iraq war, and the history of militarism in the United States. Guest: Eugene Jarecki, documentary filmmaker, “Why We Fight” and “The Trials of Henry Kissinger.” Author, “The American Way of War: Guided Missiles, Misguided Men, and a Republic in Peril.”
link to WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) page 2D10%2009%3A00%3A00

I personally enjoyed "Why We Fight" and found this to be even more instructive and pertinent to this very moment in time. I found his analysis of McCain's candidacy to be very, very telling and agree with his analysis wholeheartedly.
Very enlightening - highly recommended listen.

RealPlayer [required]:
Streaming Audio link:
[From WPR website]
For Program On: Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 10:00 PM
After ten, Kathleen Dunn and her guest examine the Iraq war, and the history of militarism in the United States. Guest: Eugene Jarecki, documentary filmmaker, “Why We Fight” and “The Trials of Henry Kissinger.” Author, “The American Way of War: Guided Missiles, Misguided Men, and a Republic in Peril.”
link to WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) page 2D10%2009%3A00%3A00