It's your friends that make your world

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  • Lorn
    Looking for a title!
    • Sep 2004
    • 5826

    Re: It's your friends that make your world


    Everything is far
    and long gone by.
    I think that the star
    glittering above me
    has been dead for a million years.
    I think there were tears
    in the car I heard pass
    and something terrible was said.
    A clock has stopped striking in the house
    across the road...
    When did it start?...
    I would like to step out of my heart
    and go walking beneath the enormous sky.
    I would like to pray.
    And surely of all the stars that perished
    long ago,
    one still exists.
    I think that I know
    which one it is--
    which one, at the end of its beam in the sky,
    stands like a white city...

    --Rainer Maria Rilke


    Music: breathing of statues. Perhaps:
    silence of paintings. You language where all language
    ends. You time
    standing vertically on the motion of mortal hearts.

    Feelings for whom? O you the transformation
    of feelings into what? -: into audible landscape.
    You stranger: music. You heart-space
    grown out of us. The deepest space in us,
    which, rising above us, forces its way out,-
    holy departure:
    when the innermost point in us stands
    outside, as the most practiced distance, as the other
    side of the air:
    no longer habitable.

    --Rainer Maria Rilke


    • evo7
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 577

      Re: It's your friends that make your world

      never knew the guy, but still, from reading his posts i felt that maybe i knew him a little bit. really shocked to find out about this, unbelievable
      always remember reading his review of digweed @ vagabond - brilliant


      • Funky Dredd
        Are you Kidding me??
        • May 2005
        • 3701

        Re: It's your friends that make your world

        Originally posted by feather
        Damn it, wtf is gonna bug Digweed to release those live sets now?
        Why don't we all do it?
        Mutations presents Change The Music

        Mutations (original show)

        Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


        • Kamal
          • May 2002
          • 28835

          Re: It's your friends that make your world

          Megan I'm sorry I had to edit your post, it was too much for me to read. I've just stayed away from posting in this thread cause just reading his name has been bringing tears to my eyes. Steve was/is and always will remain my little brother. Its so hard right now, so hard, just fighting to keep a level head. All day I kept staring at this pict of him and me in pensacola.

          I don't know how to say it and to this point I didnt want to say anything about how/why but I feel now that Megan did mention it, it's better to let his friends on here know a little more.

          (I am stating what I am below, as un-emotionally as possible, so as not to misrepresent or state something that may offend whoever is stated in my post below)

          Steve lived a hard life. I've been speaking with him on MSN shortly after he became a mod on ms 1.0. Almost every week for the last 6 years he has been a part of my daily/weekly/monthly internet banter and even though we met just once, we had a relationship that could've spanned a lifetime of friendship.

          From 2004, he first started sharing the extent of his hardships, which started with his work (which always left him more empty than full). I've spoken with him loads, tried offering him potential alternatives but being the pig-headed person he always was, he turned down any/all help he got.

          He was living with his dad at the time and shared a great relationship with him. His dad got him his CDJs and he was really grateful to his dad for that. But things took a turn for the worse even there. His problems gradually started escalating when he had a falling out with his dad/sister and he he ended up moving to Atlanta (I'm a little fuzzy on the dates but I do believe the timeline is right). Somewhere after moving there, he moved in with his, now-ex girlfriend, with whom he stayed for a while. He truly loved her, but he still wanted to do something (work-wise) which always troubled him. However, life continued on and we spoke regularly on MSN and he didn't seem troubled to the extent we now know.

          As time moved on and Atlanta got to him to the point he felt suffocated, he decided to move back to Tampa together with his ex. But then things started to go bad between them after a while and he moved out of their apartment. He tried to keep his head focused, keep a steady job and stay afloat, which was turning harder and harder for him. He didn't have his license (it was suspended) and he had to depend on rides to and from work. His motivation in keeping a lesser paying job, having loads of trouble to keep it and not being able to make ends meet, he knew his only option was to move back in with his mom, which was something he always seemed very averse to.

          After battling the elements, he gave in and went back to stay with his mom. It wasn't easy. There was little or no room for his stuff, most of which remained packaged and some in storage. Even to get his time on the web/ms, he had to schedule his time on his mum's pc cause he didn't have room to set up his stuff. So he stayed out of the house for hours on end, sometimes trying to stay out for days if he could pull it off, jumping from one friend's house to another.

          He would call intermittently from his prepaid phone (that cost him an arm and a leg) just to tell me where I could call him back or that he was doing fine.....but he never was (and I'll just leave it at that).

          Things continued to spiral down for him, his job, his life at home, his break-up - it was like everything he thought he had formed a real connection with, was turning meaningless. It got to a point where he was on the verge of calling it quits late last year. He first told tom about it, who then called me to tell me and it paralyzed me with fear.

          I tried calling every number I had for him, emailing him, sending him pm's on here and sending him messages on MSN. I asked Steve Graham several times if he had heard from jib but he said he hadn't. Finally Jib got back to me. Said he was fine and was acting out after consuming too much alcohol. He said he was getting help and trying to clean himself up - hence the leave of absence from the internet. I kept telling him to tell me an address where I could send him a ticket to, but he wouldn't tell me. I insisted every time we spoke, for him to come and live with me for a few, telling him how a different job, change of scenery would help him. But he was as stubborn as ever.

          In the meantime, things at home started to then look up. The help he was getting made him see things from a different perspective and he felt his things at home getting better. In fact, he had a great Christmas last year, he made steak, exchanged presents, and really felt he was finally home.

          But, it was short-lived.

          Things returned to how they were for Jib and he did all that he could, to get away from it all. He switched jobs until he got working with Walgreen's, working on their equipment. He gradually started to love it, especially because he was one of the only ones who was really good (technically) and a lot of people depended on him for it. He was feeling the motivation he had desired for so long.

          He continued on with his music as he tried to keep himself distracted from things in his life that upset him until one day, he had a bad falling out with his mum and he was pretty much on the street after that. For about 2 weeks, he lived like a hermit, bumming a room from one friend's house to another and drowning himself in alcohol to keep his mind of his misery.

          He called me a several times during that time and I begged him to move up here again, but he refused, I helped him on the phone as much as I could. This was about a month before Pensacola happened. Every chance I got, I forced him to come and live with me. Sugana (my wife) was in India for 2 months and I kept insisting every phone call I had with him, to stay with me in Cumberland. But FUCK it was IMPOSSIBLE to get through to him.

          Of course when Pensacola kicked in, things were great, he was in the company of friends and he stayed upbeat for the most part.

          But then when he went back to Pensacola, he realized he was returning to a life of nothing. He felts he had practically no one left with whom he thought he could connect to. He was sinking into loneliness but he would NEVER let anyone know just how bad it was for him.

          With just his clothes in his bag and nearly everything still in storage, it was then the FSM crew (scifi pi/hafid) came to his rescue. They convinced him to get a job in Pensacola and with Walgreen's opening up a branch there as well, he managed to get a transfer and move to Pensacola.

          He finally moved in with the woman he felt really connected to and continued to work (I will leave her unnamed in case she does not want herself to be identified, of course for those who already know who she is, its a different story).

          Then last week happened. Jib called me last Friday when I was driving out of town and from the conversation I had with him for about 30-40 minutes, this is what I can piece together about his move to Pensacola

          After about 2 months, it seemed as though he wanted to settle down with all the partying and staying up for days on end. He wanted the girl he was living with, to become his girl friend. They were at different places in their life and it didn't happen. He was affected by this, to the extent that he must have screwed up at work and people at his work took notice he was troubled. He was temporarily let go for 1 (or maybe 2) weeks. This is when he hit rock bottom.

          After feeling like he had lost his relation with everyone/everything that meant something, I now feel that Steve lost all hope seeing that virtually everything that truly mattered and wanted, had gone.

          As Megan put it, early Saturday morning, he locked himself in his car, siphoned the exhaust inside, and ended what he felt was his intolerable misery.

          Even in that last phone call with him, I kept pushing him to move to Cumberland, but he refused. He still sounded as stoic as he had always been and I didn't have the foggiest idea that he had gone so far over. I keep getting this wrenching feeling I should've done more, insisted more, pushed him more to move out. And no matter what anyone can say, I will live with this.

          I can only thank God for the time I have known him and the time I got to spend with him in Pensacola.

          Jib, you're always with me.... always

          Last edited by Kamal; November 15, 2008, 12:52:59 PM.

          Jib says:
          he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
          Originally posted by ace_dl
          Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
          I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


          • Lorn
            Looking for a title!
            • Sep 2004
            • 5826

            Re: It's your friends that make your world

            Heart wrenching.


            • lilsensa
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Jun 2004
              • 6675

              Re: It's your friends that make your world

              Absolutely. My God.
              RIP ~ Steve James


              • unrecogniseduser
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 2344

                Re: It's your friends that make your world

                awful news, Steve was a good guy. Feels like only yesterday we were banterring on MSN, I had no idea he was so unhappy


                • fsukimg
                  Fresh Peossy
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 10

                  Re: It's your friends that make your world

                  I know most of you don't know me, but I was at that Digweed set in Miami with him and Mike and Corey. Steve actually went to high school with me, and he was/is an amazing person. I'm really sad to hear that this happened, and I know he's in a better place. xoxo. Still feeling a bit bad for not going up to Pensacola when I should have, or hanging out with him in town when he was nearby. He always made me laugh, even when I was upset or stressed. I'll always appreciate that. And he always talked about how he had such great friends on this site. So sorry for everyone's loss


                  • the sun the sea
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1449

                    Re: It's your friends that make your world

                    god dam it!
                    are you fucking kidding me?
                    wtf steve?
                    download dj sets at:


                    • BureOne
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 3285

                      Re: It's your friends that make your world

                      wow, thanks for sharing that Kamal, it brought tears. You did and said what a true friend would have and Im sure Steve appreciated it very very much.


                      • mtguru
                        Getting Somewhere
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 246

                        Re: It's your friends that make your world

                        Thank you Kamal for the background. We all love Steve and we will miss him very much. I've never been a big poster on here but I've been here from the beginning and I will truly miss his daily rants and comments of life. For the people who knew him well I know this must be hard as losing someone is, always remember the good things he brought into your life and his soul will live on forever.

                        Love and respect forever.

                        Steve James R.I.P

                        Always remember his music.
                        To err is human... To correct it before anyone notices is genius.


                        • zeronineteen
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 623

                          Re: It's your friends that make your world

                          This is very sad indeed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. May he rest in peace.
                          Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.


                          • ace_dl
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1546

                            Re: It's your friends that make your world

                            I am sitting here in my office and been reading this thread for the last hour and ... OMG how sad news about our Jibby

                            I cannot believe what happened. We conversed a lot of times with him in slsk and exchanged tunes and talked about music ... We miss you buddy

                            Speakman Sound - Hold the Line


                            • scifi pi
                              Addiction started
                              • Oct 2004
                              • 322

                              Re: It's your friends that make your world

                              Thank you Kamal. That was heart wrenching to read and soak in. I too felt like his big brother here in Pensacola. Ever since the day that Hafid introduced us, we had a deeper bond immediately. Usually after his many marathon sets in Pensacola, we would sit down away from the crowd and have deep long conversations, mostly about music, Florida EDM history and the set he just played or ask me to deconstruct and critique his recent Mcast show. We had a great respect for each other in just a short time. Before he made the move, I made an extra effort to be present when he played. The many times, with me and him in the room alone with the music pounding, bass shaking and him spinning. His dedication and commitment to the perfect mix with the perfect consecutive track each and every minute he played. From the day, that I wholeheartedly gave him my personal set of Sony studio headphones on the Pensacola Bay Portifino boat party, he never stopped thanking me. Ever time we met in person, he thanked me even after years gone by. Always wanting to repay me but I always told him that your repaying me with your friendship and music. I'm sitting here with 100 CDR stack that was for him and recent designed CD labels for our new monthly residency with Hafid that we started last month. His double XL FSM shirts that I just had made for him that was to be surprise since he couldn't afford them await. I had designed new Mcast MercuryRising artwork. So many plans for his residency with the FSM crew.

                              still distraught and shocked...


                              • Weizy
                                MCast Resident DJ
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 3225

                                Re: It's your friends that make your world

                                Kam! Thank you for the story. I am sure it was hard to write what you just did. I did not know Jib beyond the realm of this site...but his influence and presence on all of us here at [ms] will always live on.

                                To all of you who were close with him I am very sorry for your loss. No words can explain or make this any better. All I can say is that I hope he finds peace.

                                RIP Jib --- we'll miss you

