It's your friends that make your world

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  • alexsibarra
    Platinum Poster
    • Dec 2007
    • 2473

    Re: It's your friends that make your world

    RIP mate


    • neoee
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1266

      Re: It's your friends that make your world

      I just learned of this right before heading into the office today. I couldn't help but feel completely gut-wrenched the entire way (still feel that way).

      I only hung out with Steve a handful of times during the WMC's over the past few years and though I didn't know him as well as some of the others on this board, I felt like he was family. At least for me, it's somewhat uncomfortable meeting new people but for those of you that never met Steve, he would have made you feel as if you knew each other for years. Hands down one of the friendliest people you would have met. I'm really sad to see he's gone. Usually people just say nice things when someone dies but I cannot underscore what a truly great human being he was.

      It always seems that the best people are the ones taken from us. If this is God's criteria, I can see why Steve was chosen.

      Rest in peace my friend, you will always have a place in our hearts.

      For those in communication with his family, please send my condolences.

      "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


      • chuckc
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 5459

        Re: It's your friends that make your world

        Originally posted by neoee
        those of you that never met Steve, he would have made you feel as if you knew each other for years. Hands down one of the friendliest people you would have met..


        ^^^that is exactly how i felt when i first met him....was like i had known him for years and we were the best of friends.....


        • BeachBum
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 471

          Re: It's your friends that make your world

          Fuck , To Log into see this Bullshit is God Awful OMG . Mark and I missed a text from him asking if he could stay with us for awhile as he wasn't happy with his current situation . I feel like shit that I missed his text and a call right before all this unfolded . He wanted to stay at what he called the " Bunker " , and were actually really excited even though we barely fend for ourselves. Just wanted to be there for a true friend. I called his chic , she stated he was missing since Saturday and never called , I figured he went back to his mothers because maybe he felt he could work things out on his own as he always did. Now that I look back , He was waiting on Walgreens to give him transfer of job to find out he lost his job , he kept that from me , who Fucking knew - God Damn . With that last set he did , I was absolutely blown away , telling him it was my new favorite and maybe in all this a tribute of what he aspired to looking at him on the last stage , his dream fulfilled and knowing it would always play out in the lives of others . His love of people and music is something that will sing in all of our hearts forever. Sorry and Miss you Steve ..
          The man who has no imagination has no wings - Muhammad Ali


          • Mad'Em Fixer
            Addiction started
            • Aug 2008
            • 250

            Re: It's your friends that make your world

            Last edited by Mad'Em Fixer; November 19, 2008, 04:48:04 PM.
            UFUCKINGCUNTCHA!!!!R.I.P. Jib!


            • SickBoy
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 496

              Re: It's your friends that make your world

              Words can't even begin to explain the loss that this ungrateful world has taken from us. Steve was a very adamant dj who took pride in his djing as we all should. He turned me on to a bunch of great music. Many nights exchanging music back and forth on slsk telling jokes laughing through our computers i will miss. I was really looking forward to getting you back to Orlando to play @ Crooked Bayou once again. You would always be the first person i would want to give my latest mix to now i dont have that person anymore.

              See you on the other side of the river.............................................



              • sakio pod
                SALAD TOSSER
                • Jun 2004
                • 6034

                Re: It's your friends that make your world

                I can't believe it has come to this...I'll never forget all the parties we were at in the ATL before we knew each other and all the parties we shared together. I wish it didn't have to happen this way. I would have done anything thing for you as you did for me. I have never met anyone that shared the same passion for the music and digs as you and I.

                only if.......

                RIP my BRO.....I'll never forget YOU Steve


                • tripeiro
                  Getting warmed up
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 99

                  Re: It's your friends that make your world

                  Adeus, Adieu, Goodbye....



                  • Travis_C
                    Addiction started
                    • Oct 2004
                    • 258

                    Re: It's your friends that make your world

                    I guess your soul only weighs as much as the memories it leaves behind, and by the tone of family and friends on this board, it took a big fucking crane to get his up to the big dance floor in the sky.

                    Warmest sympathies to everyone affected by the loss.

                    Rest in peace Steve, you will be sincerely missed.



                    • greg pappanastos
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 214

                      Re: It's your friends that make your world

                      Don't get on the messageboards much anymore, so I'm just hearing about this. Very sorry to hear about it, for those of you who knew him well.

                      Peace be with you Steve,



                      • djbucko
                        Getting Somewhere
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 160

                        Re: It's your friends that make your world

                        heart breaking stuff.

                        my thoughts go out to those who knew steve.


                        • SickBoy
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 496

                          Re: It's your friends that make your world

                          fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, i cant get over this. this really fucking pisses me off. I go to work and try to forget. then i realize he's not here. i come home and get on ms and i relive it all over again. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKK you GOD. You couldnt give him a break could you. There is no god


                          • shan
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1187

                            Re: It's your friends that make your world

                            only reading this thread now. in total shock.

                            RIP Steve James


                            • NorthEnd
                              Fresh Peossy
                              • Jan 2006
                              • 44

                              Re: It's your friends that make your world


                              I met Jibs on ms several years ago. He was in ATL and I in Canada. After many im's, pm's, and about 4 years, I finally met Steve James in Pensacola for a party. He was rather excited for it, saying that there are not many people that hop on a plane to party with strangers. I remember asking, would you do it? His response was something like, fuck yeah I would. We had no clue what each other looked like, so t-shirts with easy to recognize images were in need. I had told him to look for a scrawny white dude in a Mr.T t-shirt. He would be rocking a party animal t-shirt with a drunk kitty on it. Pensacola will always remind me of Steve.
                              I had spoke with Steve the beginning of November, he had mentioned that things were fucked and had the thought about moving north. I said, bitch you couldn't handle the cold, but you are more than welcome to come fuck my couch anytime.
                              I never thought this.

                              You will always be my friend

                              JH from CT


                              • MJ
                                Here since 2002
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 6560

                                Re: It's your friends that make your world

                                Nice story sir. Just more evidence that Steve's freindship stretched to all corners.
                                mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                                Silentium est aureum

