it's gonna get ugly around here

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  • yesme
    Gold Gabber
    • Dec 2006
    • 941

    Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

    oh yeah, there is also stuff like this people are upset about
    My mom got home from work today, and she works for a CPA, and they have a few big-time clients. One is the VP of the Deutsche bank in NYC, and she told my mom about how the Banks who we're bailing out, are actually making windfall profits off of an IRS Tax Code loophole, all on your dime. I did some searching, and sure enough there's a bunch of articles about this.

    It's a 4-page article, and that's the first page and a half. So, who wants to argue that we need MORE Government meddling in our lives? We were told we NEEDED this bailout. The bailout passed, FULL of pork-barrel spending. Now we find out the money is being given to people who the money wasn't intended for. And now we find out that the people we're bailing out are using a Government loophole to make HUGE profits off OUR money.
    This is to me, the complete and utter failure of big government. If only more people knew....


    • 88Mariner
      My dick is smaller
      • Nov 2006
      • 7128

      Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

      so no one is upset over... the auto bail out(comming soon), the aig bail-out, the fact that a central bank is no where in the constitution.
      upset? try goddamned angry.
      you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

      it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

      Am I the corners of your mind....



      • chloe harris
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1021

        Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

        ^^ the whole being vegan and killing even plants is a stupid stupid stupid come back and i know you are aware of that.

        there is a huge difference hunting for sport (which is barbaric), then food, i can agree with that, and then there is commercial food supply, which i'm sure you've heard how horrible factory farming is.

        1. i was vegan for 12 years.
        2. i was a vegetarian for 20.
        3. my thyroid doesn't work well so i have to, read that again, HAVE to eat fish and dairy.
        pillow humping rules.


        • chloe harris
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1021

          Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

          yes the auto industry can go fuck themselves for not paying attention to what consumers want.

          american cars are ugly, big, noisy, and stupid. similar to the people no? har har. joke.
          pillow humping rules.


          • 88Mariner
            My dick is smaller
            • Nov 2006
            • 7128

            Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

            chloe, you'd be proud of me: i've finished several bags of spinach and almonds and cherry tomatoes this week. it's pretty much all i exist on.

            Not because I love animals.

            But because i hate plants.
            you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

            it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

            Am I the corners of your mind....



            • chloe harris
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1021

              Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

              good good.

              im sure those cherry tomatoes cried loudly when you smooshed them in your mouth
              pillow humping rules.


              • 88Mariner
                My dick is smaller
                • Nov 2006
                • 7128

                Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                they were DELICIOUS. I"m trying to find other things to add to my salad mix here. thoughts?

                i make my own vinaigrette too. delish
                you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

                it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

                Am I the corners of your mind....



                • chloe harris
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1021

                  Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                  send the drizzle imo.

                  mm salads, well i like to add things like raisins and sometimes apples or oranges, but these are things that have to go in with other foods to taste delish.

                  my fav is mix of salad greens, rashido, green, red, etc leaves and then sunflower seeds and some ripe tomato. add abit of cheese for a bit of bite. most times pepperjack.. and then a bit of dressing. simple but totally effective.
                  pillow humping rules.


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                    I'll tell you what, I need only look at the "more info" section alongside the YT video to know how much stock I should put in this:

                    Keywords: American Militia US Militia, American Militia Movement, A.R.M, Alex Jones, New World Order, Illuminati, NWO, Skull and Bones, Bush, 911 Conspiracy, The Civilians Military, Militia, American Resistance Movement, Revolt, Bilderberg, CFR, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Loose Change, End Game, Terrorstorm, Patriot Act, HR 1955, 911 was an inside job, truth, iraq war, black water, free masons, Ron Paul, New World Order carbon tax CO2 Global Warming is a fearmongering scam. The sun is getting hotter. Alex Jones is just one source. Police State is just making some X-military clones. MK Ultra mind control. Income. John F. Kennedy or JFK CIA FBI international bankers Rothschild David Rockefeller. Chemtrails chemical trails from jets. Air Force United States Army Navy Marines National Guard. NORAD stood down. Fake war in Iraq and Afghanistan but the human deaths are real. Corporations own a market for every physical item on this Earth. Immortal Technique is trying to push the revolution into the streets. I don't know if I can agree with that. People go to work all day Jedi Mind Tricks are alright. Vinnie Paz in shit. Paris is OK. Sick Since and Ill Bill all good. 911 or September 11, 2001 was the greatest world scam to take place in a very long time, no matter what your take on the conspiracy theorist or theories America American Turn off the TV and the news. Project Paper Clip Operation Northwoods George W H Bush Bill Skull and Bones Bohemia Grove secrete societies Freemasons mason Masonic Temple Mormon. Government in schools. Mercury Vaccines. Nazi Hitler Every one is in a rush. Drugs marijuana blunt alcohol tobacco National ID Cards in May 2008. Elections are rigged. Real ID Act congress president. Obama and Mccain are clones. Republicans and Democrats are the same. Council on Foreign Relations. Club of Rome. Trilateral Commission. Federal Reserve illusion money dollar fall. Graph and carts. Round Table. Cocaine Mushrooms Crack Heroin Meth. 666 Mark of the Beast Christian Catholic Muslim Jewish Jew inside job protest fight Last Days Jesus Christ God. The second coming. North American Union. South American Union. APEC. European Union. All Seeing Eye. Devil Lucifer. Traffic cams cameras intersection cops clowns jesters. CFR is weak. NAU One World Government, Glen Beck, Traitors to the Constitution, FEMA, CONSPIRACY
                    Here's a little something to help you get to work on that hat:


                    • runningman
                      Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 5995

                      Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                      Originally posted by lilsensa
                      It's time for a revolution!

                      Congrats someone got it. That is why gun sales are going up.

                      Here is more great news.

                      So far I am not buying the banks bailout for lending. They aren't lending shit anymore. Hoarders. What is worse is that people are saving money and keeping it in the bank because they are afraid to spend it.


                      • Miroslav
                        WHOA I can change this!1!
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4122

                        Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                        Originally posted by yesme
                        so no one is upset over the 700 bil bail out, the auto bail out(comming soon), the aig bail-out, the fact that a central bank is no where in the constitution.
                        People are upset, but understand that the revolution is not going to begin tomorrow. Things have to first get a lot worse for violence to rule the streets. I'm not saying it can't yet happen, but you really shouldn't let a handful of crazy, paranoid extremists define your view of the world.


                        • Localizer
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jul 2004
                          • 2021

                          Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                          i love the paranoid folks. boogey boogey. watch out!

                          What's tanking the economy is media frenzy (along with a retarded fed). Revolution? no. Gun sales going up? Ya, because they're a bunch of paranoid douchebags who think Obama will trample the 2nd amendment and take away those AR15s.
                          Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                          -Bertrand Russell


                          • runningman
                            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5995

                            Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                            can you blame them?


                            • Localizer
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 2021

                              Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                              Originally posted by runningman
                              can you blame them?
                              yes, he's not even in office yet. Already there's people saying that Biden has acknowledged he wants RFID chips based on a 20 second clip from infowars. Talk about the fringe.
                              Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                              -Bertrand Russell


                              • runningman
                                Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 5995

                                Re: it's gonna get ugly around here

                                no the deal is that when people can't feed their families shit get really bad. to act like it can't happen I think is foolish. It happened before surely it can happen again just on a greater scale because their are more of us now.

