Now you've done it...

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Now you've done it...

    Congratualtions, Bushies -- you've had success beyond your wildest dreams:

    -4 more years of W
    -A firm grip on both houses of Congress
    -The very real possibility of putting three fresh conservative judges on the Supreme Court

    Political viewpoints aside, I think it is dangerous to have the same party control all three branches of government -- too much potential to have shit railroaded through without the benefit of argument and scrutiny that is present when there is a division of power. We make our best laws when both sides have to agree that it is a good idea. We may not make them as frequently, but when we do make them, they make sense. If you have any doubts about the danger of a lack of intelligent discourse on a piece of legislation, see The Patriot Act.

    The combination of Bush being beholden to the religious right and the fact that neither he nor Cheney have to worry about reelection, I fear, portends scary things for the years ahead.

    Enjoy your private nirvana.

  • asdf_admin
    i use to be important
    • Jun 2004
    • 12798

    ^^^ I agree with you Toast Muffin. That is really creepy.
    dead, yet alive.


    • Civic_Zen
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1116

      Definetely Toast. I voted for Bush but also for a democrat in Senate (who won as well BTW). It is not good to have the repubz control so much, not at all. ESPECIALLY with Hillary "Rotten" Clinton around, and the likelihood of her being on the ballet in 2008. I just shutter thinking about it.
      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
      "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
      - Thomas Jefferson


      • asdf_admin
        i use to be important
        • Jun 2004
        • 12798

        me too.

        fuck. i thought mrs. ketchup was bad. hesh.
        dead, yet alive.


        • timkell
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 152

          There will still be enough Dems in the Senate to keep things from getting railroaded through, provided they grow some backbone. That should ensure that the Supreme Court won't have some extremist judge on the bench.

          Dems have to take this ass whipping seriously and realize there's no more room for being nice in politics. Get off your asses and do what it takes to win, like the Republicans have been doing for the last 15 years. If they don't do that, it's smooth sailing for the Repbulicans for the next 20 years.
          A FREE Minimal/Techno/Tech House Party @ Anu
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          Residents: Jonathan Beech, Sinukus, Tim McCormack
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          Wear a costume!


          • LobsterClan
            Getting Somewhere
            • Aug 2004
            • 133

            Wholelheartedly agreed-- we don't have much time to sit back and lick our wounds, it's time to act now. It's time for the Democratic party to get back to the grassroots movement it had when Howard Dean was surgining in the primaries.

            We need more of that sort of vitriol, and we need to unite, more so than ever.


            • toasty
              Sir Toastiness
              • Jun 2004
              • 6585

              Originally posted by Civic_Zen
              I voted for Bush but also for a democrat in Senate (who won as well BTW). It is not good to have the repubz control so much, not at all.
              Yeah, I voted a split ticket myself. Of course, my home state of Missouri looks exactly like the national scene -- (Hardcore) Republican Governor, and both houses of the legislature controlled by the republicans as well -- so I'm fucked locally and nationally. I'd go to Canada, but well, then I'd be in Canada. I do love this country, but it is frustrating at times.


              • FM
                • Jun 2004
                • 5361

                indeed...I hope the Dems can at least give some opposition if the Repubs try to push things through too quickly..otherwise this country's gonna be screwed.

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