Here's a mix I got around to doing's a pretty straightforward four-to-the-floor club mix with a handfull of amazing tech house/prog tracks I've been digging lately...I hope you enjoy it and would appreciate any feedback you may have!
1. Guy J - Lunar (Late Night Friday Remix) [Bedrock Records]
2. Sunshine Jones - If You Wouldn't Mind (Tiger Stripes Remix) [Nite Grooves]
3. Alex Dolby - Cairo [Hope Recordings]
4. Jim Rivers - Music Box [Misfit]
5. Noirdegout - A Frog On The Beach [Initial Cuts]
6. The Last Atlant - I Can't Live Without Chocolate (Zoo Brazil Mix) [GU]
7. Lucca - Woodblocker (Funk D'Void Remix) [Sound of Acapulco]
8. David K - Rue Montmartre [Supplement Facts]
9. Ormatie - Twisted Turns [GU]
10. Pindrop - Madhouse [Bedrock Records]
11. Tiger Stripes - Abacus [Get Physical]
12. Nicolas Masseyeff - Melancolie D'Avril [Boxer Recordings]
13. Pierce - False Prophecy [Haiti Groove Recordings]
14. 16 Bit Lolitas - Cabardi Loca [Hope Recordings]
1. Guy J - Lunar (Late Night Friday Remix) [Bedrock Records]
2. Sunshine Jones - If You Wouldn't Mind (Tiger Stripes Remix) [Nite Grooves]
3. Alex Dolby - Cairo [Hope Recordings]
4. Jim Rivers - Music Box [Misfit]
5. Noirdegout - A Frog On The Beach [Initial Cuts]
6. The Last Atlant - I Can't Live Without Chocolate (Zoo Brazil Mix) [GU]
7. Lucca - Woodblocker (Funk D'Void Remix) [Sound of Acapulco]
8. David K - Rue Montmartre [Supplement Facts]
9. Ormatie - Twisted Turns [GU]
10. Pindrop - Madhouse [Bedrock Records]
11. Tiger Stripes - Abacus [Get Physical]
12. Nicolas Masseyeff - Melancolie D'Avril [Boxer Recordings]
13. Pierce - False Prophecy [Haiti Groove Recordings]
14. 16 Bit Lolitas - Cabardi Loca [Hope Recordings]