Ok, I think we need one of these around here.
Affected by layoffs? Want to bitch? Want sympathy? Know any good layoff jokes? 
I haven't been laid off yet, but there is a non-trivial possibility that I will be soon. I'm in a Finance rotation program with my company and my three compatriots in my "class" who were at Corporate just got canned yesterday. Just me and two others at the business units remain. The only reason I am gainfully employed right now is because I was lucky enough to be placed at a business unit for my first rotation...wheee
I expected this two months ago and have been saving like crazy - was going to buy Traktor Scratch Pro and all this stuff for my DJing...no more.
November job losses: 533,000
December job losses so far: 199,450
Total: 732,450
I'm thinking this will be a pertinent topic for many throughout 2009...

I haven't been laid off yet, but there is a non-trivial possibility that I will be soon. I'm in a Finance rotation program with my company and my three compatriots in my "class" who were at Corporate just got canned yesterday. Just me and two others at the business units remain. The only reason I am gainfully employed right now is because I was lucky enough to be placed at a business unit for my first rotation...wheee

November job losses: 533,000
December job losses so far: 199,450
Total: 732,450
I'm thinking this will be a pertinent topic for many throughout 2009...