The Official Layoff Thread!!!

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  • scifi pi
    Addiction started
    • Oct 2004
    • 322

    Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

    don't expect it to get any better. Your probably looking at 18 to 24 months before things may actually get better. Its gonna take another 6 months for the new US presidential administration changes/transition in which I believe will hopefully make some drastic changes that are needed. History has shown that the economy does better during the decade change around the '00 and '01 years.


    • floridaorange
      I'm merely a humble butler
      • Dec 2005
      • 29116

      Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

      guess now is not a good time to talk about all the money im making

      It was fun while it lasted...


      • i!!ustrious
        I got some N64 Games Yo!!
        • Mar 2008
        • 12308

        Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

        Originally posted by floridaorange
        guess now is not a good time to talk about all the money im making
        the fact that you took the time to post that -- in this thread -- just shows that... ...never mind.

        hope you where being sarcastic cos... wow, i can smell that smug stench all across teh interwebz

        enjoy ur luxury mannnnnnn.. in all it's temporal glory
        Last edited by i!!ustrious; December 13, 2008, 04:03:08 AM. Reason: no offense
        (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


        • hobbes2oo
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 196

          Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

          This economic situation affects me now. The company announced that there will be a 20-25% layoff (900-1125 workers). Due to the size of the layoff the company has to give us 1 months notice. The bright side to all of this is, if I am let go Minnesota has some sort of displaced workers program. Which is basically unemployment but as long as I am in school full time persuing a degree I don't have to be actively looking for employment.


          • floridaorange
            I'm merely a humble butler
            • Dec 2005
            • 29116

            Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

            Originally posted by w0e & cri5is
            the fact that you took the time to post that -- in this thread -- just shows that... ...never mind.

            hope you where being sarcastic cos... wow, i can smell that smug stench all across teh interwebz

            enjoy ur luxury mannnnnnn.. in all it's temporal glory

            I would have been proper to provide some back story, my mistake.

            I lost my job back in August completely unexpectedly...I then "pounded the pavement" to make it happen and chose not to buy-in to all the woes-and-crisis going on around me, no pun intended buddy.

            Fortunetly my new job has residule income that will last for 20 or more years from now, so it's not a temporary luxury scenario.

            It was fun while it lasted...


            • i!!ustrious
              I got some N64 Games Yo!!
              • Mar 2008
              • 12308

              Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

              Last edited by i!!ustrious; January 16, 2009, 06:19:55 PM.
              (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


              • Miroslav
                WHOA I can change this!1!
                • Apr 2006
                • 4122

                Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                Originally posted by floridaorange
                I would have been proper to provide some back story, my mistake.

                I lost my job back in August completely unexpectedly...I then "pounded the pavement" to make it happen and chose not to buy-in to all the woes-and-crisis going on around me, no pun intended buddy.

                Fortunetly my new job has residule income that will last for 20 or more years from now, so it's not a temporary luxury scenario.
                glad it worked out for you.

                But you should recognize that many people out there will not be able to have the same fortune as you to find employment in the foreseeable future that will be anywhere near what they lost...for a variety of circumstances that may not be under their control.

                Personal comfort and wealth are always nice...but don't forget that humility of character is also a very valuable quality to have.

                Apparently, that quality in short supply these days...which helps explain why we find ourselves in the current environment we're in.


                • coliver1980
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 1862

                  Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                  Its a sad state of affairs. I lost my job two months ago, still no joy with one. My girlfriend and i took out our first mortgage one year ago. Life is a struggle at the minute but you got to keep on keeping on. Don't let the bastards drag you down.


                  • chunky
                    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 10569

                    Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                    Originally posted by coliver1980
                    Don't let the bastards drag you down.
                    In my case its not the Bastards, its the pussy's I work with to afraid to fight. I'm sick of the same excuses "If they are going to do it, they are going to do it" or "What can you do" They think I'm strange because I will challenge the company. Its makes me a shamed to be British working with people who will let themselves be walked all over. Maybe I should move to Greece.
                    Originally posted by res0nat0r
                    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                    • KinKyJ
                      Platinum Poser
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 13438

                      Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                      Sorry to hear that so many people here are facing difficult times

                      I'm in quite a luxurious position at the moment as I'm indispensable for the company I work for: I'm the only one that can do the job which creates about 30% of the revenue. Never say never though...

                      Hang in there peeps, it's gonna be a bumpy ride...


                      • runningman
                        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5995

                        Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                        Laid off right now.. hoping to be re-employed come Jan. Fing sucks though.

                        Also for all those people out there saying that in 18-24 months it might get better those are scary ass statements to me. Nobody knows what will happen in 3 weeks let alone 24 months. The only thing we are sure about is massive layoffs.


                        • floridaorange
                          I'm merely a humble butler
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 29116

                          Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                          Something is a helluva a lot better than nothing when it comes to employment and nothing lights a fire under your feet like working somewhere that you are obviously over-qualified for. What I don't understand is the lack of action by people...i know of some people whose heads are too far up their asses to suck it up and go work somewhere they don't want to work necessarily while job hunting and networking. There are always opportunities out there for the right person, always.

                          The job I recently lost was a temporary position anyway (political campaign) but we expected to make it past the primaries and came up short. Before that I was working in commercial real estate which steadily fizzled out over the last year...Now I'm working in an industry I would never have thought I would be working in and the money is great right now...If you want to know more about it just PM me, I'd be happy to discuss it...

                          It was fun while it lasted...


                          • i!!ustrious
                            I got some N64 Games Yo!!
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 12308

                            Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                            Last edited by i!!ustrious; January 16, 2009, 06:20:14 PM.
                            (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


                            • floridaorange
                              I'm merely a humble butler
                              • Dec 2005
                              • 29116

                              Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!


                              It was fun while it lasted...


                              • i!!ustrious
                                I got some N64 Games Yo!!
                                • Mar 2008
                                • 12308

                                Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                                (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))

