The Official Layoff Thread!!!

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  • Miroslav
    WHOA I can change this!1!
    • Apr 2006
    • 4122

    Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

    Originally posted by floridaorange
    What I don't understand is the lack of action by people...i know of some people whose heads are too far up their asses to suck it up and go work somewhere they don't want to work necessarily while job hunting and networking. There are always opportunities out there for the right person, always.
    And I know of people who were marketing consultants in the recent past and are now cashiers at Toys R Us. Don't assume that all unemployed or recently laid off people who fail to get your results are necessarily lazy.


    • DIDI
      Aussie Pest
      • Nov 2004
      • 16845

      Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

      Originally posted by floridaorange
      .Now I'm working in an industry I would never have thought I would be working in and the money is great right now...If you want to know more about it just PM me, I'd be happy to discuss it...
      OMG Amway !!!
      Originally posted by TheVrk
      it IS incredible isn't it??
      STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
      Simply does not get any better than Hernan
      The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


      • KinKyJ
        Platinum Poser
        • Jun 2004
        • 13438

        Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

        Originally posted by DIDI
        OMG Amway !!!
        That's like TellSell TV rite?


        • DIDI
          Aussie Pest
          • Nov 2004
          • 16845

          Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

          ^^ I don't know what Tellsell TV is. Amway is borderline pyramid selling! Cleaning products!
          Originally posted by TheVrk
          it IS incredible isn't it??
          STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
          Simply does not get any better than Hernan
          The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


          • KinKyJ
            Platinum Poser
            • Jun 2004
            • 13438

            Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

            Ah hokey, shit like Herbalife and what not. Scamilicious!


            • FM
              • Jun 2004
              • 5361

              Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

              While I may not be TOO happy with my job because of the crappy pay, in the sense of service-type jobs, it IS a hell of a lot better than most out there.

              Typically we don't have to layoff much, most just leave anyway Couple were recently let go though, though I would believe one was fired more so then laid off.

              Either way I personally am studying and educating myself to get more into the entrepreneurial side of things...say what you will, but these are the best times to seriously get something going and also take control of your life and situation.

              "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

              What record did you loose your virginity to?
              "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

              Download/Listen To My Mixes
              A Journey Into Sound On MCast

              Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


              • scifi pi
                Addiction started
                • Oct 2004
                • 322

                Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                Did anyone watch 60 minutes the other night - last Sunday? You think its bad now, its gonna get worse for at least another year or two. Start saving those pennies and extra change, your gonna need it.


                • DancingQueen
                  AVB FanClub | President
                  • Oct 2005
                  • 4061

                  Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                  ^^^ For those of us that didn't watch it, what was the gist of it?
                  RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
                  RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

                  Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29116

                    Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                    Originally posted by Miroslav
                    And I know of people who were marketing consultants in the recent past and are now cashiers at Toys R Us. Don't assume that all unemployed or recently laid off people who fail to get your results are necessarily lazy.
                    the unemployed people I know are not willing to work anywhere that does not carry the same status as their old jobs did...

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • Miroslav
                      WHOA I can change this!1!
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 4122

                      Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                      Originally posted by floridaorange
                      the unemployed people I know are not willing to work anywhere that does not carry the same status as their old jobs did...
                      Well great.

                      My point is this:

                      1. Don't assume that the entire world looks like "the people you know".

                      2. Just like out in the real world, there are people who visit this forum and who post in this thread who are going through very difficult times - some with families, children, etc. And they're not necessarily all lazy and not trying to make a better life for themselves. And right now they're scared about how things will shake out.

                      Do you really have to come into this online conversation right now and be all gloating like "well look how fancy I am and how much money I'M making"? Was that really necessary for you?


                      • DreamGirlie
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 2137

                        Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                        Originally posted by scifi pi
                        Did anyone watch 60 minutes the other night - last Sunday? You think its bad now, its gonna get worse for at least another year or two. Start saving those pennies and extra change, your gonna need it.

                        I watched it! Did you see the graph of what is to come when the other mortgages crash in another couple of years (i think it showed 2009/2010)?
                        "Welcome to Hezbollah phone line, for terrorist supplies press 1."


                        • DreamGirlie
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 2137

                          Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                          Originally posted by DancingQueen
                          ^^^ For those of us that didn't watch it, what was the gist of it?

                          Check it out...
                          "Welcome to Hezbollah phone line, for terrorist supplies press 1."


                          • scifi pi
                            Addiction started
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 322

                            Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                            already in our small town of Pensacola, 3 of the Top Tier restaurants have closed in 2 weeks. The local GE plant has laid people off and others have had to take a 20% pay cut with mandatory unpaid Holiday "vacation". At the largest engineering firm, under 2 year employee's were cut. under 5 year took also a 20% cut. Employee's over 10+ years over 60 were offered early retirement packages which included my uncle who worked their for 15 years. I heard UPS drivers now have to load their own trucks.

                            shit hasn't hit the fan yet.


                            • jarble187
                              • Sep 2004
                              • 2047

                              Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                              The architecture and construction industries have been hit hard across the nation. Almost every firm in Kansas City has laid off. My office was a staff of 12 just 6 weeks ago, now we are 7. It seems like 30% has been the industry standard for letting people go. Got this email form a buddy this morning-

                              So the hammer has dropped at my office and each of us here fall into 1 of the 3 following categories:

                              1. 10% pay cut, loss of a week’s worth of personal time, company will no longer pay for tests or professional memberships (7 people)
                              2. 10% pay cut for January, 50% (yes 50) pay cut for 4 months, loss of a week’s worth of personal time, company will no longer pay for tests or professional memberships (14 people). Not sure who would actually put up with this?
                              3. Laid off (6 people)

                              That said I am in category 1 but needless to say I am not confident in this situation at all. I want to put some feelers out to see if any your companies are looking for people. I know a majority of you guys have already lay-offs but please let me know if you hear of anything, anywhere.

                              Thanks and see you tomorrow!

                              ps Please try to keep this as confidential as possible.
                              This fucking blows. If our office doesnt pick up any new jobs early in the first quarter, my position may very well be at risk.

                              Best of luck to you all.
                              Push the envelope, watch it bend.


                              Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011


                              • chunky
                                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                                • Jan 2006
                                • 10570

                                Re: The Official Layoff Thread!!!

                                Originally posted by floridaorange
                                Now I'm working in an industry I would never have thought I would be working in and the money is great right now...If you want to know more about it just PM me, I'd be happy to discuss it...
                                Cottaging is not a nice way to make money. Take a drop in pay and do something else instead
                                Originally posted by res0nat0r
                                OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!

