Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
I was at america 4 years ago, 1 month in florida, amazing city and parties and beaches and girls ... had a great time at miami. I know I was at "safe" places at all times, you know, just a tourist.Comment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Fao all in this thread. A gun owner who is not educated about guns and/or gun safety will more than likely become one of the statistics that you are speaking of.
That being said, any idiot can own a gun, or shoot one for that matter.
If you aren't a responsible gun owner, someone is going to get hurt.
Most people, when they get a gun, think that it is alright to be the tough guy and flaunt that they have one. That is when they get killed by someone else who thinks that they have to defend themselves due to the fact that you just waived a gun at them.
If you own a gun, and do not have a concealed weapons permit, that gun should be locked in a safe in your house and kept there.
If you do have a concealed weapons permit, there is a good chance that you have taken some of the knowledge from the concealed weapons course, and are a safer gun owner.
Guns do not kill people, stupid people with guns kill people.
Lmao, yeah i'm inspired by movies!
The situation is far too complicated and intricate right now to base any conclusions off statistics. the problem is a complete shit storm, and gun trafficking/gang violence is more rampant than we would ever think. you must know that there is shit that happens all the time, everyday that goes completely under the radar. if you wanna hear stories just pm me, we know quite a few in several arenas.
As an individual i exercise heavy weapon caution/safety regardless. with confidence, i can also safely state that i'm well educated on the matter; i will be enlisting in the military for a few years anyways. i care not to argue on this subject, but if you have lived in any big city in america (i.e.), and cared to actually become aware of some of the shit that goes on -- then you would see things as they are, vividly. my point is this, living hoodwinked by an illusion is perilous.
staying educated/prepared, steadfast, and in complete self-control -- surely separates the sheep from the goats. oh and not everyone who owns a gun is some stupid dolt. one of the reasons why we keep weapons is because there are too many stupid and malicious people with them.
I think one of the main reasons why our founding fathers where so vigilant about the right to bear arms was this: so that if the "democracy" and "freedom" of the nation where ever to be threatened by anything foreign or domestic(even the gov.), the people would be ready to not let that happen, and would therefore take a united stand.(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
thats just one scenario dude. melodramatic or not, it's security and insurance.(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
melodramatic?? This is the US of A we are talking about here. Do you know what happened to the wealthy people of New Orleans after the cops came and took their guns away? They got robbed.Comment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Totally disagree with that theory. Other countries have bans on guns and you don't see households getting shot up. If your statement were true the US would not have the appalling gun violence rate as they do. Permitting guns has made things worse, not better.
I saw on TV the other day, a Texan family that went into a store to buy an AK47. Comeon really, an AK?
I understand that criminals still get their hands on guns. But, there will certainly be a reduction. Some junkie that is robbing your home probably wouldn't have one if those laws were in (providing it is administered properly). Those are the guys you need to be worried about, not Danny Ocean.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
I understand that criminals still get their hands on guns. But, there will certainly be a reduction. Some junkie that is robbing your home probably wouldn't have one if those laws were in (providing it is administered properly). Those are the guys you need to be worried about, not Danny Ocean.
BTW, in case you haven't noticed, prohibition on anything never works. It only fuels underground traffic.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
The prime purpose of the 2nd amendment was to allow a means for fighting off a repressive government. Which is why they also have the well regulated militia necessary to a free state part.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Thanks johnsminimal also makes a good point.
I just find the whole argument mind boggling. I respect that everyone has their own opinion, but it just seems ridiculous that there is a justification for gun ownership. No one yet has given me a good reason. Protection just doesn't cut it because in reality how often do you need to use it for protection?
Think of it this way... for any country that has a ban on guns, if you were to suddenly pass a law that allows purchase and use of guns like the US, there would be some sort of effect on crime and society. Now obviously this effect isn't going to be a decrease in crime and gun related violence right? Well, the same logic applies if you remove guns from the equation. By banning guns, it's only going to have a positive effect which ever way you look at it. It's not rocket science.
Now, that is certainly not a solution, nor will it eradicate murder and other crimes. But hey, no one here said it ever would.
Logic people.Comment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Thanks johnsMinimal also makes a good point.
I just find the whole argument mind boggling. I respect that everyone has their own opinion, but it just seems ridiculous that there is a justification for gun ownership. No one yet has given me a good reason. Protection just doesn't cut it because in reality how often do you need to use it for protection?
Think of it this way... for any country that has a ban on guns, if you were to suddenly pass a law that allows purchase and use of guns like the US, there would be some sort of effect on crime and society. Now obviously this effect isn't going to be a decrease in crime and gun related violence right? Well, the same logic applies if you remove guns from the equation. By banning guns, it's only going to have a positive effect which ever way you look at it. It's not rocket science.
Now, that is certainly not a solution, nor will it eradicate murder and other crimes. But hey, no one here said it ever would.
Logic people.
BTW, they tried banning alcohol once, I heard that turned out awesome.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
god some people just dont get it.
read the 2nd amendment, people!Comment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Who really cares? It doesn't change the way the world works and the effect it has on society. In my opinion, it's just "ink on paper". I agree with minimal on this matter.
As society evolves, so too should its laws. Again, common sense prevails.Comment
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Thanks johnsminimal also makes a good point.
I just find the whole argument mind boggling. I respect that everyone has their own opinion, but it just seems ridiculous that there is a justification for gun ownership. No one yet has given me a good reason. Protection just doesn't cut it because in reality how often do you need to use it for protection?
Think of it this way... for any country that has a ban on guns, if you were to suddenly pass a law that allows purchase and use of guns like the US, there would be some sort of effect on crime and society. Now obviously this effect isn't going to be a decrease in crime and gun related violence right? Well, the same logic applies if you remove guns from the equation. By banning guns, it's only going to have a positive effect which ever way you look at it. It's not rocket science.
Now, that is certainly not a solution, nor will it eradicate murder and other crimes. But hey, no one here said it ever would.
Logic people.
Owning a gun is similar, in that, you know that you probably don't need it, but it's better to be safe than sorry...
Re: Do you own a Gun?? US citizens
Put it this way. You pick up a girl, and you are about to have sexy time romance. She says that she is on the pill...You wear a rubber anyway, to protect yourself from teh AIDS...
Owning a gun is similar, in that, you know that you probably don't need it, but it's better to be safe than sorry...
But, I've already commented on this too many times. There is more negative effect than positive effect of gun ownership, and that simple fact seems very difficult for everyone to understand because of some "amendment".
I promised myself I wouldn't add to this thread anymore. So I'm outa hereeeeeeeeee...... !! - Great topic thoughComment
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