Re: Economic Suicides Megathread
For the record, I am well aware that you are not a monster. I think what you're seeing, though, is all of your doom and gloom posts over the last few months coming home to roost. When every thread you start is pointing out some past, present or future catastrophe, you can't be surprised when people start flipping you shit suggesting you're a fan of human suffering. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, people are going to assume it's a duck, and lately you've been walking and quacking like someone that likes to hang around the train tracks in the hopes of a crash.
I'm honestly not saying this to be mean, just want you to know where these posts are likely coming from. FFS, man, look back at your last 100 or so posts in this section. If I took all of that to heart, I wouldn't leave the house. Post some pictures of bunnies or something for a change, and maybe we'll get off your back.
For the record, I am well aware that you are not a monster. I think what you're seeing, though, is all of your doom and gloom posts over the last few months coming home to roost. When every thread you start is pointing out some past, present or future catastrophe, you can't be surprised when people start flipping you shit suggesting you're a fan of human suffering. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, people are going to assume it's a duck, and lately you've been walking and quacking like someone that likes to hang around the train tracks in the hopes of a crash.
I'm honestly not saying this to be mean, just want you to know where these posts are likely coming from. FFS, man, look back at your last 100 or so posts in this section. If I took all of that to heart, I wouldn't leave the house. Post some pictures of bunnies or something for a change, and maybe we'll get off your back.