Vegetarian Alliance

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  • DIDI
    Aussie Pest
    • Nov 2004
    • 16845

    Re: Vegetarian Alliance

    Well personally, I'm on the white peach pedestal at the moment. They taste soooo gooood!!!
    Originally posted by TheVrk
    it IS incredible isn't it??
    STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
    Simply does not get any better than Hernan
    The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


    • Localizer
      Platinum Poster
      • Jul 2004
      • 2021

      Re: Vegetarian Alliance

      i'm on the lobster tail with butter and scalloped potatoes pedestal and the poutine with tobasco sauce pedestal.
      Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
      -Bertrand Russell


      • DancingQueen
        AVB FanClub | President
        • Oct 2005
        • 4061

        Re: Vegetarian Alliance

        ^^^^ mmm that sounds good, lol

        Originally posted by Steve Graham
        thats the kind of ridiculous comment that someone being vegetarian hears all too often
        How is it a ridiculous comment? We were talking about food, I said I like meat, and I thought about a steak...I didn't tell a vegetarian to eat a steak.

        I have nothing against people that choose to not eat meat....2 of my closest friends are vegetarians.
        RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
        RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

        Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


        • Haziel
          Likes a finger upthere
          • Jan 2007
          • 3195

          Re: Vegetarian Alliance

          Originally posted by Localizer
          Lol nah man. That is incorrect. We do have enzymes that break down meat and they do a good job of it. Pepsin in the stomach. Carboxypeptidase and many other specialized protein enzymes in the duodenum. The awkward part that you didn't mention is why we can't break down cellulose from certain vegetables/plants.

          Furthermore, you miss out on the fact that we do have canines which are used for tearing.
          Great biochemistry is one of my fav. subjects but i guess if we go deep into it it would bore the heck out of evreybody here , i'll pm you on this.

          But just to make a simple example we lack many enzymes one of them would be lactase which is by far as everybody knows 80 % deficit world wide meaning that 80% of the humans on planet earth are lactose intolerant and many don't even know it , we actually do know it when it hits us very hard .

          4 teeth out of 32 uhmmm..... I suggest you to go ahead and read about canine relation, disoclussion and propioceptive system ,3 of the most important functions of the canines . not just tearing as you mentioned .

          by the way no comment on the video earthlings i posted on my previous post ?? the truth nobody want to see .

          here it is again


          • feather
            Shanghai ooompa loompa
            • Jul 2004
            • 20903

            Re: Vegetarian Alliance

            So how did we start eating meat if our bodies are natually indisposed toward it? How did we get to where we are now?


            Originally posted by Hoff
            a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
            Originally posted by m1sT3rL
            Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

            I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


            • Haziel
              Likes a finger upthere
              • Jan 2007
              • 3195

              Re: Vegetarian Alliance

              Originally posted by feather
              Did you think prehistoric men had any idea about the evils of meat? We'd have eaten off the land and our bodies would've either killed us because we're not meant to eat meat, or our bodies naturally digested the food, or we've adapted through trial and error and evolution, and we still came out eating meat, and vege.
              you said it yourself prehistoric ,we have survived eating meat the same way man survived way before learning how to make spears , knives and hunt for their food ,

              How did humans manage to survive that long with out eating meat????


              • Localizer
                Platinum Poster
                • Jul 2004
                • 2021

                Re: Vegetarian Alliance

                Originally posted by Haziel
                Great biochemistry is one of my fav. subjects but i guess if we go deep into it it would bore the heck out of evreybody here , i'll pm you on this.

                But just to make a simple example we lack many enzymes one of them would be lactase which is by far as everybody knows 80 % deficit world wide meaning that 80% of the humans on planet earth are lactose intolerant and many don't even know it , we actually do know it when it hits us very hard .
                Dairy eh. Lactase is wild type in youth and then downregulated. But through evolution, upregulation of transcription i'm sure will occur over the generations. i'm lucky enough that i'm not lactose intolerant. The real question pertaining to lactose intolerance would be: do other countries around the world push dairy products like the US does and when was the inception/growth of dairy products.

                4 teeth out of 32 uhmmm..... I suggest you to go ahead and read about canine relation, disoclussion and propioceptive system ,3 of the most important functions of the canines . not just tearing as you mentioned .
                4 teeth is still quite a bit. in fact, the incisors are even found in carnivores, further implication that canine along with incisors serve a dual purpose. evolution of food--the fact that we can cook our own food--probably shaped the way our mouth is, which is one of the reasons why we may no longer be needing our wisdom teeth. Anyway, this will be a constant debate.

                by the way no comment on the video earthlings i posted on my previous post ?? the truth nobody want to see .

                here it is again

                shock factor won't deter me from eating. there are things i disagree with in there especially clothing for animals, but seasoned meat still tastes good and i'll continue to eat it.
                Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                -Bertrand Russell


                • feather
                  Shanghai ooompa loompa
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 20903

                  Re: Vegetarian Alliance

                  Originally posted by Haziel
                  you said it yourself prehistoric ,we have survived eating meat the same way man survived way before learning how to make spears , knives and hunt for their food ,

                  How did humans manage to survive that long with out eating meat????
                  So you're suggesting what, cave men were vegetarians? Then they discovered spears and went hunting for meat? Err wtf.

                  It still doesn't address the fact that at some point far in the past, someone decided to eat meat, and it agreed with his body enough that he ate more meat, and through the eons, we've continued eating meat.

                  So at some point, we must've had a template that is predisposed towards meat, otherwise it would be logical that the first couple of bites of meat would've killed off those idiots and we'd have learnt through trial and error that meat is a no-no, no?


                  Originally posted by Hoff
                  a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                  Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                  Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                  I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                  • chanty
                    John, John, where art thou!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 4622

                    Re: Vegetarian Alliance

                    Originally posted by Haziel

                    by the way no comment on the video earthlings i posted on my previous post ?? the truth nobody want to see .

                    here it is again

                    Well I for one will absolutely not watch that video. Don't need to be reminded and get upset all over again. Trust me, I've tortured myself enough with this subject.
                    Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


                    • Aleks_B
                      Gold Gabber
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 758

                      Re: Vegetarian Alliance

                      I like your list of reasons, floridaorange!

                      thats a good start!
                      aleks_b - re_azure | my_space


                      • Haziel
                        Likes a finger upthere
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 3195

                        Re: Vegetarian Alliance

                        Originally posted by Localizer

                        4 teeth is still quite a bit. in fact, the incisors are even found in carnivores, further implication that canine along with incisors serve a dual purpose. evolution of food--the fact that we can cook our own food--probably shaped the way our mouth is, which is one of the reasons why we may no longer be needing our wisdom teeth. Anyway, this will be a constant debate.

                        shock factor won't deter me from eating. there are things i disagree with in there especially clothing for animals, but seasoned meat still tastes good and i'll continue to eat it.
                        We have a different articulation called the TMJ far different from the carnivores, thats why the canine has a far more important function than just tearing food.

                        I was just refering to our similarity of our teeth to the ones Non carnivourous animals have, they are more alike, hey we can use our teeth for many other things , I use my premolars to open beer bottles, are they for that? no! but they fucking do the job explendid ly

                        And yes humans are getting rid of teeth, before we use to have even a 5 molar

                        The video was just to show somethings people don't realize what goes on with the food industry and our misttreatment with animals,it does give us a better understanding on how brutal the food industry is.


                        • Haziel
                          Likes a finger upthere
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 3195

                          Re: Vegetarian Alliance

                          Originally posted by feather
                          So you're suggesting what, cave men were vegetarians? Then they discovered spears and went hunting for meat? Err wtf.

                          It still doesn't address the fact that at some point far in the past, someone decided to eat meat, and it agreed with his body enough that he ate more meat, and through the eons, we've continued eating meat.

                          So at some point, we must've had a template that is predisposed towards meat, otherwise it would be logical that the first couple of bites of meat would've killed off those idiots and we'd have learnt through trial and error that meat is a no-no, no?
                          Caveman vegetarians Yep just think about it for a bit , also recommending the the first 12 minutes of 2001 space odyssey and darwin's ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES.

                          Drugs alcohol etc don't agree with the body but heck we are still alive aren't we , Like i said before there are tons of idiopathic diseases that are pointing towards the consumption of meat .

                          Anywayss i'm done here

                          nice to see some veggies on MS

                          Cheers to all


                          • feather
                            Shanghai ooompa loompa
                            • Jul 2004
                            • 20903

                            Re: Vegetarian Alliance

                            True, our bodies have high tolerance to a lot of the shit we do to it, but drugs and alcohol are hardly stuff you find in a jungle, that's stuff created through processes, so it's not the same comparison. That's more like my saying the processed food we eat is gonna fuck us up one day.

                            All those idiopathic diseases, is meat linked to them because of the meat, or because of the way the meat has been treated? Maybe 10 years later you have a bunch of diseases linked to vege because of all the shit done to them.

                            And 2001 is not going to explain how the first man ate some meat and decided he likd it enough to keep eating it, and it hasn't killed off the race.

                            You do realise it's kinda hilarious you using the film or asking us to watch the first 12 mins of it when the rest of the film features a psychotic robot and a trip to Jupiter.

                            Though I haven't read Darwin, so maybe he does say something about us being vegetarian and meat will be the end of all mankind. I'll take your word for it


                            Originally posted by Hoff
                            a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                            Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                            Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                            I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.

