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(via jasongraphix)

(via flickr)

Three bacon-stuffed grilled cheese sandwichs for buns, cheese, bacon and two four-ounce beefs patties.
(via seriouseats)

(via urlesque)

A chicken inside a duck inside a turkey, all wrapped in bacon.
(via nycfoodguy)

(via fxcuisine)

A hot dog wrapped in a beef patty that’s deep fried, covered with chili, cheese, onions, served on a hoagie bun topped with two fistfuls of fries and a fried egg.
(via texasburgerguy)

A skewered sandwich/burger made up of a powered french toast dessert, a chicken sandwich, a salad sandwich and a hamburger.
(via baudattitude)

A seven pound breakfast burrito stuffed with potatoes, eggs, onions, and ham bits, lots of cheese on top and smothered in red chile.
(via dogsarefunyes)

A pizza with a hot dog wrapped in bacon pigs in a blanket crust. The center is filled with italian sausage, ham, bacon, bacon bits, sliced tomato, mushroom, onion, peppers, garlic chips, basil, black pepper and tomato sauce. It can also be flavored with maple syrup and ketchup.
(via rinkya)
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