A fraud bigger than Madoff

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  • bobjuice
    • May 2008
    • 4894

    A fraud bigger than Madoff

    Not really shocking at all but worth a read -

    A 'fraud' bigger than Madoff

    In what could turn out to be the greatest fraud in US history, American authorities have started to investigate the alleged role of senior military officers in the misuse of $125bn (£88bn) in a US -directed effort to reconstruct Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein. The exact sum missing may never be clear, but a report by the US Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) suggests it may exceed $50bn, making it an even bigger theft than Bernard Madoff's notorious Ponzi scheme. "I believe the real looting of Iraq after the invasion was by US officials and contractors, and not by people from the slums of Baghdad," said one US businessman active in Iraq since 2003.
    In one case, auditors working for SIGIR discovered that $57.8m was sent in "pallet upon pallet of hundred-dollar bills" to the US comptroller for south-central Iraq, Robert J Stein Jr, who had himself photographed standing with the mound of money. He is among the few US officials who were in Iraq to be convicted of fraud and money-laundering.
    Despite the vast sums expended on rebuilding by the US since 2003, there have been no cranes visible on the Baghdad skyline except those at work building a new US embassy and others rusting beside a half-built giant mosque that Saddam was constructing when he was overthrown. One of the few visible signs of government work on Baghdad's infrastructure is a tireless attention to planting palm trees and flowers in the centre strip between main roads. Those are then dug up and replanted a few months later.
    Iraqi leaders are convinced that the theft or waste of huge sums of US and Iraqi government money could have happened only if senior US officials were themselves involved in the corruption. In 2004-05, the entire Iraq military procurement budget of $1.3bn was siphoned off from the Iraqi Defence Ministry in return for 28-year-old Soviet helicopters too obsolete to fly and armoured cars easily penetrated by rifle bullets. Iraqi officials were blamed for the theft, but US military officials were largely in control of the Defence Ministry at the time and must have been either highly negligent or participants in the fraud.
    American federal investigators are now starting an inquiry into the actions of senior US officers involved in the programme to rebuild Iraq, according to The New York Times, which cites interviews with senior government officials and court documents. Court records reveal that, in January, investigators subpoenaed the bank records of Colonel Anthony B Bell, now retired from the US Army, but who was previously responsible for contracting for the reconstruction effort in 2003 and 2004. Two federal officials are cited by the paper as saying that investigators are also looking at the activities of Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald W Hirtle of the US Air Force, who was senior contracting officer in Baghdad in 2004. It is not clear what specific evidence exists against the two men, who have both said they have nothing to hide.
    The end of the Bush administration which launched the war may give fresh impetus to investigations into frauds in which tens of billions of dollars were spent on reconstruction with little being built that could be used. In the early days of the occupation, well-connected Republicans were awarded jobs in Iraq, regardless of experience. A 24-year-old from a Republican family was put in charge of the Baghdad stock exchange which had to close down because he allegedly forgot to renew the lease on its building.
    In the expanded inquiry by federal agencies, the evidence of a small-time US businessman called Dale C Stoffel who was murdered after leaving the US base at Taiji north of Baghdad in 2004 is being re-examined. Before he was killed, Mr Stoffel, an arms dealer and contractor, was granted limited immunity from prosecution after he had provided information that a network of bribery – linking companies and US officials awarding contracts – existed within the US-run Green Zone in Baghdad. He said bribes of tens of thousands of dollars were regularly delivered in pizza boxes sent to US contracting officers.
    So far, US officers who have been successfully prosecuted or unmasked have mostly been involved in small-scale corruption. Often sums paid out in cash were never recorded. In one case, an American soldier put in charge of reviving Iraqi boxing gambled away all the money but he could not be prosecuted because, although the money was certainly gone, nobody had recorded if it was $20,000 or $60,000.
    Iraqi ministers admit the wholesale corruption of their government. Ali Allawi, the former finance minister, said Iraq was "becoming like Nigeria in the past when all the oil revenues were stolen". But there has also been a strong suspicion among senior Iraqis that US officials must have been complicit or using Iraqi appointees as front-men in corrupt deals. Several Iraqi officials given important jobs at the urging of the US administration in Baghdad were inexperienced. For instance, the arms procurement chief at the centre of the Defence Ministry scandal, was a Polish-Iraqi, 27 years out of Iraq, who had run a pizza restaurant on the outskirts of Bonn in the 1990s.
    In many cases, contractors never started or finished facilities they were supposedly building. As security deteriorated in Iraq from the summer of 2003 it was difficult to check if a contract had been completed. But the failure to provide electricity, water and sewage disposal during the US occupation was crucial in alienating Iraqis from the post-Saddam regime.
  • hambino21
    PFC Semen Ham
    • Jul 2004
    • 863

    Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

    Doesn't surprise me at all. All of those government contractors are shady. They make unheard of amounts of money to do mindless BS jobs, and then screw those up enough to cause injuries to our own troops. Don't get me started on the "good ole boy program" in the Air Force or the rest of the military for that matter. The whole system is corrupt, and I hope those accused go down hard core. Companies like KBR and whatever else Cheney put together need to be disbanded imo. War profiteering is out of control down there, especially with what this article is talking about.
    " Focus on the subtleties and the world becomes grander"

    - Me-


    • Shpira
      Angry Boy Child
      • Oct 2006
      • 4969

      Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

      No surprise there. Anyone who is in touch with whats going on in politics knew this was comming. Its become a sort of standard of practice in all rebuilding projects from post ww2 Germany to African nations.
      I remember my father telling me about 6 years ago that one of the Haliburton Directors suggested to him that they should swap construction contracts. (my father owns a construction company that operates mainly in Russia) He wanted Haliburton provided with an entrance into Russia and in exchange he was prepared to offer double the value of contract (provided in Russia) in post war Iraq. At the time all that he offered seamed fairly unlikely to happen...I don't think the US troops even eneterd Iraq at the time... My only guess is my dad deeply regrets refusing that deal hehe.
      The Idiots ARE Winning.

      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
      Mark Twain



      • floridaorange
        I'm merely a humble butler
        • Dec 2005
        • 29115

        Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

        our new congressman here is the lawyer responsible for representing the whistleblower in these cases...he's been causing quiet a stir in the halls lately...will see if he can keep his head on straight. For the record, there were better candidates then grayson, but he won because he spent $2million of his own money to win, but hopefully he can stay the course. Anyway enjoy the following:







        It was fun while it lasted...


        • WaveSculptor
          Getting warmed up
          • Oct 2006
          • 84

          Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

          Unfortunately, even if the extent of the corruption is revealed (which it won't be given the intentionally shoddy financial record keeping, the convenient disappearance of any accurate records that actually were kept, and the intimidation/murder of any loquacious involved parties) and the senior officials are actually held responsible, the whole investigation and prosecution will amount to little more than another ritual sacrifice. After a few months of highly publicized trials and the associated media frenzy, the general public will be lulled into believing the problem has been addressed and corrected while the corruption continues to fester.

          The source of the scandal goes much deeper than a few corrupt officers, and is rooted in the culturally embedded practice of collusion between government officials and business executives. This is necessary to an extent in order for Democracy and Capitalism to function harmoniously, but the recognition long ago that government contracting was an unprecedented gold mine lead to corruption on an epic scale.

          Additionally this new breed of corruption makes its nest in civil society, so its subtlety and sophistication make it almost indistinguishable from legitimate business practice until somebody blows the whistle and we notice that another hundred billion dollars of tax money have disappeared into the coffers of privately owned businesses with very little being accomplished.

          For some background on this, read the Halliburton/KBR biography that discusses the two companies' early years before the merger and how KBR was very much a political animal right from the get-go, using payoffs to grease the right bureaucratic wheels and win contracts over their competitors. Then, take a look at the whistleblower documents from Halliburton/KBR employees that describe in detail their systematic cost inflation and deliberate wastefulness. Of particular interest is the "cost-plus" nature of their contracts that entitles them to full reimbursement of overhead costs, plus a given percentage as profit. From a Capitalist standpoint, this makes wasteful and extravagant spending more profitable than fiscal responsibility and strikes me as staggeringly counter-intuitive.

          The Cosmos works by harmony of tensions...


          • Shpira
            Angry Boy Child
            • Oct 2006
            • 4969

            Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

            Of course nothing we hear is anything more than spoon fed bullshit. We can't expect officials not to take huge sums of money out of the goodness of their heart and practice self policing.

            The direct pay offs are only one form of corruption...in addition you get most politicians who are offered positions in lobby groups or companies as soon as they retire due to their contacts/influence and the other way around politicians who used to work for companies that got huge bonuses when they ran for public office as "retirement" packages. I wonder whose interests they serve?
            Furthermore the mere nature of campaign financing in the US means that corruption is possible or better to say probable.
            Also, lets not forget all the advisers/civil servants who are not elected but have huge influence on decisions made and there is virtually no supervision on what influences them.

            I honestly believe that democracy is failing in the US, extreme change is needed to inject life into it and restore public confidence in positions of power.
            The Idiots ARE Winning.

            "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
            Mark Twain

            SOBRIETY MIX


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29115

              Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

              ^have your recently watched the documentary "why we fight?"

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • Shpira
                Angry Boy Child
                • Oct 2006
                • 4969

                Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

                No whats that about?
                The Idiots ARE Winning.

                "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                Mark Twain

                SOBRIETY MIX


                • DIDI
                  Aussie Pest
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 16844

                  Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

                  There you go. http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...58826421983682
                  Originally posted by TheVrk
                  it IS incredible isn't it??
                  STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                  Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                  The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29115

                    Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

                    Originally posted by Shpira
                    No whats that about?
                    You don't need to watch it, as most of your post relates to the film pretty closely. I was just curious.

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • Shpira
                      Angry Boy Child
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 4969

                      Re: A fraud bigger than Madoff

                      I study politics at Uni and the US is one of the countries I chose to focus on.
                      The Idiots ARE Winning.

                      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                      Mark Twain

                      SOBRIETY MIX

