I'm gonna love to see the reactions to this....
Round 2?
Round 2?
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Ah, couldn't see that one coming...?berdemokrat is on the loose again.Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway -
Re: Round 2?
time to divided this country even further. :?your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Originally posted by ftcwhen i watched his movie my reaction was "only in america..." i think it's good he can do something like this and i look forward for his future work.
it's nothing but supply & demand. he deserves all the millions he makes.
I suppose he was deserving of the thousands he made when he invited all the families and friends involved with Columbine to a screening of the film before it was released nationally, where he charged them all nearly 3 TIMES the normal rate to see a movie.
I suppose you believe that he is in the right when charging over $50,000 for a 2 hour "speech" at any given University around the country. Where the american taxpayers are paying to have his completely slanted and moronic viewpoint given to America's young intellectuals.
The only thing Moore is deserving of is swift kick in the ass. He will get his someday, karma is a wonderful thing."The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
- Thomas JeffersonComment
why would anybody hurt Moore.. he won the election for Bush.. as long as he keeps on talking the repulican party will always win.. as for looking for his "future work" ftc. he admitted to taking things out of context and putting it in his mocumentary.. that is unfortunate that u guys actuallly believe that fat bastard over your president that has been elected by your people.. i know it is hard for u guys to believe but bush won by a very large margin.. so support it or strap your guns on and do your civil war thing again.. It is things like this that tear your country a part and is the only reason why i don't want to move there.. Also don't blame a guy for running a major corporation in the USA.. Bush and CHeney were in charge of some of the biggest operations in the US before becming politicans.. why wouldn't u want someone like that running your country when he has already proved he can do the job.. don't hold it against him..Comment
Originally posted by runningmani know it is hard for u guys to believe but bush won by a very large margin..
This is the Bush "mandate":
charts are a good way to hide numbers
4 million breathing people voted more for bush!!
that chart looks like he won by 1 percent.. that would take a 6 % swing in the countries vote for it to be the other way around for Kerry..
so there is your numbers..
what is wrong with people from florida..honestly..Comment
the only reason you gus are divided down the middle is because of Kerry try to exploit Bush as a Hitler type of person.. give me a break.. If Bush didn't care about civilians he would have just leveled the country completly.. these people aren't normal people (muslims).. they cause troule wherever they go.. So Go Bush!! and everyone get behind him because it is either going to make your country stronger or civil war will happen again. I don't see how it is close though.. The Democrats don't have any say anywhere for christs sake.. House, senate, or President.. the republicans actually created more seperation in this election.. So you tell me where it is divided.. the democrats are dead because they have been exploited as a bunch of pussies who want to strenghten the economy but down play how much the world "Really" hates you guys.. Still haven't heard any arguements about Clinton and how he protected the Homeland security.. he just made it worse.. now your soldiers are in Bosnia when they could be in Iran.. So show me where it is divided other then on the TV?? You people are becoming a victim of your own love for drama.. Like on the olyimpics and the violin music in the backround for these athletes who can run.. who fucking cares who can run or jump.. I'm more concerned if they can shoot or can create the next nuclear bomb.. Jeesh almost cried a couple of times watching the olympics on NBC and a story about a swimmer and how his grandpa died just before.. Who cares honestly.. your country looks like pussies when you do crap like that.. The tv is democratic.. Pussies..Comment
If Moore is allowed to put out another film, then Stolen Honor should be viewed on the national level as well. One thing for sure... Bush never tried to put a stop to any of the Anti-Bush propaganda. Books, movies, haven't phased him... now Kerry on the other hand would have your throat cut for trying, just like Sinclair. Freedom of what?!JourneyDeep .into the soundComment
Originally posted by Balanc3One thing for sure... Bush never tried to put a stop to any of the Anti-Bush propaganda.
That's his right, of course, and they could be completely accurate in their challenge, but Bush did not sit idly by and just say, "thank you may I have another."Comment