The AIG bonuses
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Re: The AIG bonuses
was the "brainwashed little girl" comment aimed at chloe running man?
i thought at first it was something to do with the link you put up which i couldn't be arsed to click.
you're out of order talking to people like that on here imo and if you were any sort of man you'd apologiseComment
Re: The AIG bonuses
runningman, what with all the insults being thrown lately? In all your time here I have never noticed you to be so bitter, whats the score?Comment
Re: The AIG bonuses
Hey runningman. Go fuck yourself.
You can't have manslaughter without laughter.
"Son," he said without preamble, "never trust a man who doesn't drink because he's probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They're the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They're usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they're a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can't trust a man who's afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It's damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he's heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl."Comment
Re: The AIG bonuses
Oh I get it I can't defend myself... I should just take it eh guys. You were even joking that it was a bash runningman thread part 18... It is funny that you guys say I am bitter and insult people who don't agree. I don't at all. All I do is respond to personal attacks. I have my opinion and all I do is get bashed because most on here are Radical Democrats. Honeslty I trash talked Bush and now I am pointing out Obama's flaws and all you guys can do is attack me on a personal level.
Do any of you have anything to say about how Obama is towards Human rights???
No it is you fuckers who can't have the conversation. None of you pointed out anything in my post other than feeling bad for Chloe and sticking up for her. This politics section has gone to shit over the last six months. Everyone is in love with Obama and it is boring. Get over it!!
Chloe said I reap what I sow. I responded to her attack. And you little groupies sweep in to protect the cult. You guys on here are weird and obviously not open to conversation unless it is puppy dogs and ice cream and how the sky is blue and how Obama is going to fix everything.
MJ I am so bitter because(Troll comment, IMO comment) I post something towards one person who attacked me and I get the groupies. The politics section has died here becasue it is full of a bunch of "yes men" towards Obama. Look at my post and see if any of the posts after even talk about the points I brought up or if they are just attacks at me personally. Nobody can have a conversation about Obama unless we are saying how great he is. I find it incredibly lame.Comment
Re: The AIG bonuses
Oh I get it I can't defend myself... I should just take it eh guys. You were even joking that it was a bash runningman thread part 18... It is funny that you guys say I am bitter and insult people who don't agree. I don't at all. All I do is respond to personal attacks. I have my opinion and all I do is get bashed because most on here are Radical Democrats. Honeslty I trash talked Bush and now I am pointing out Obama's flaws and all you guys can do is attack me on a personal level.
Do any of you have anything to say about how Obama is towards Human rights???
No it is you fuckers who can't have the conversation. None of you pointed out anything in my post other than feeling bad for Chloe and sticking up for her. This politics section has gone to shit over the last six months. Everyone is in love with Obama and it is boring. Get over it!!
Chloe said I reap what I sow. I responded to her attack. And you little groupies sweep in to protect the cult. You guys on here are weird and obviously not open to conversation unless it is puppy dogs and ice cream and how the sky is blue and how Obama is going to fix everything.
MJ I am so bitter because(Troll comment, IMO comment) I post something towards one person who attacked me and I get the groupies. The politics section has died here becasue it is full of a bunch of "yes men" towards Obama. Look at my post and see if any of the posts after even talk about the points I brought up or if they are just attacks at me personally. Nobody can have a conversation about Obama unless we are saying how great he is. I find it incredibly lame.
You've probably looked in a mirror recently, right? A mirror shows back to you exactly what you put before it. Well, people are like a mirror to your words and deeds. If you treat them with respect, they will generally treat you with respect. If you treat them like crap, they will generally treat you like crap, too. And that's all that is happening here.
By now, you've conditioned everyone to your style of discourse, which involves an extremely negativistic attitude, a pretty big ego, and a predictable history of being quick to call people retard, idiot, etc. whenever they don't agree with you. And that's the real issue here: you seem to be unable to distinguish between a disagreement of opinion and personal insults. When we interact with you, it's just always a soul-crushingly negative experience which usually ends when you call us retarded or something to that effect. We've all seen it and/or experienced it. Who wants to deal with that?
And so now people are banding together against you and are becoming quick to throw back what they've learned to expect from you - perhaps even before you've done so in a particular debate. I think this is what Chloe meant when she said "you reap what you sow." I'm not going to condone everyone's comments to you, but I will say that she is right; you've brought it on and you shouldn't be surprised by the way things are.
If you improved your attitude and taught people to expect something better from you (maybe a NICE and positive comment once in a while?), then I bet their attitudes toward you would change with time. On the other hand, if you keep doing what you've been doing, then don't be surprised when most every negative comment you make ends up being thrown back at you.
Take a long, hard look in the mirror and consider what you want it to reflect. The choice is really yours.mixes:
Re: The AIG bonuses
^Miro you are a class act for taking the high road (in addition to patiently trying to educate)
One would assume that someone politically astute like yourself RM would know better than to respond the way you did to Chloe Harris. You finally cast day for nights label in stone imo.Last edited by floridaorange; March 22, 2009, 05:36:17 PM.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: The AIG bonuses
Imo Obama has made more positive moves for the USA already than Bush did in all his time in office . I think in some ways he can't win - if using prompts means his message comes across as he wants it to then that has to be the way to go. If he did it all off the cuff and started to mess up or pause too much he'd get caned for it i'm sure. Though he wouldn't be in bush's league who was pure comedy at times and had trouble putting a word together never mind a sentence.
If every second of what you're saying is analysed by the whole world then i think you may as well get it right - most of the time at least (just don't mention the special olympics)Comment
Re: The AIG bonuses
runningman, in case you're wondering WHY people are ganging up on you... It really has nothing to do with Obama. It has to do with YOU.
You've probably looked in a mirror recently, right? A mirror shows back to you exactly what you put before it. Well, people are like a mirror to your words and deeds. If you treat them with respect, they will generally treat you with respect. If you treat them like crap, they will generally treat you like crap, too. And that's all that is happening here.
By now, you've conditioned everyone to your style of discourse, which involves an extremely negativistic attitude, a pretty big ego, and a predictable history of being quick to call people retard, idiot, etc. whenever they don't agree with you. And that's the real issue here: you seem to be unable to distinguish between a disagreement of opinion and personal insults. When we interact with you, it's just always a soul-crushingly negative experience which usually ends when you call us retarded or something to that effect. We've all seen it and/or experienced it. Who wants to deal with that?
And so now people are banding together against you and are becoming quick to throw back what they've learned to expect from you - perhaps even before you've done so in a particular debate. I think this is what Chloe meant when she said "you reap what you sow." I'm not going to condone everyone's comments to you, but I will say that she is right; you've brought it on and you shouldn't be surprised by the way things are.
If you improved your attitude and taught people to expect something better from you (maybe a NICE and positive comment once in a while?), then I bet their attitudes toward you would change with time. On the other hand, if you keep doing what you've been doing, then don't be surprised when most every negative comment you make ends up being thrown back at you.
Take a long, hard look in the mirror and consider what you want it to reflect. The choice is really yours.Comment
Re: The AIG bonuses
@Runningman ...a couple of things
1.) the attack on chloe was wrong...just because you think you know better doesn't mean that there is no room for discussion. I know its difficult not rash out sometimes but you got to keep the brain to mouth filter on sometimes
2.)obama is the same old bullshit i.e. not much different than the rest
3.)human rights issue
I am not sure what you are referring to? The China talks? I think you are just reading too much into it.
The US economy is fucked so they have to overlook an issue not as essential for the survival of the state i.e. economy over foreign policy human rights promotion. There is a bigger likelihood of interstate war between the US and China than there is of an equalization of human rights laws occurring. The US public wouldn't put up with that shit.
peaceLast edited by Shpira; March 23, 2009, 09:30:32 AM.The Idiots ARE Winning.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain
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