Condi to Replace Powell

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Condi to Replace Powell

    Bad news, in my opinion. She's a neo-con more in the mold of Cheney than Bush. Moreover, she didn't really impress me as NSA. Can't say I'm surprised, of course, but I guess I was hoping for someone more like Colin Powell...
  • Yao
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 8167

    Me too...Colin Powell was the first to have the guts to call the killings in Sudan 'genocide', thereby committing himself to undertake action according to the treaty on genocides.
    The UN is still chicken shit and doesn't dare to use the G-word...

    But this is my view as an Africanist.

    He did back up the war in Iraq however, and came with the evidence of WMD's (provided by the intelligence). A bit na?ve maybe, but of late really trying to asess the situation and take the discussion rather than the gun.
    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


    • darkmark
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jun 2004
      • 177

      Re: Condi to Replace Powell

      Rice's face is the game face of the Bushies, bony with Unwavering Resolve, eyes fanatical, mouth tensed. She has shown herself to be not a listener but a dictation machine on playback. "The President believes..." "The President has always said..." "The President has very consistent in arguing that..." "The President has said all along..." And now the dictation machine is in a position to dictate to other nations how they can fight terror and help make America a bigger, better empire. It'll be the President wants this, the President wants that, the President is firm in his belief that...


      • davetlv
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1205

        Re: Condi to Replace Powell

        Originally posted by darkmark
        Rice's face is the game face of the Bushies, bony with Unwavering Resolve, eyes fanatical, mouth tensed. She has shown herself to be not a listener but a dictation machine on playback. "The President believes..." "The President has always said..." "The President has very consistent in arguing that..." "The President has said all along..." And now the dictation machine is in a position to dictate to other nations how they can fight terror and help make America a bigger, better empire. It'll be the President wants this, the President wants that, the President is firm in his belief that...
        I get your point, but surely the fact that in the USA the Secretary of States (or what ever you guys call your cabinetlevel politicans) are not elected but appointed then it is the Presidents wishes, as the elected offical, that should be carried out.

        So when Rice was NSA she was quite right to express her bosses opinion and not her own!


        • kyyoon
          Fresh Peossy
          • Sep 2004
          • 24

          Re: Condi to Replace Powell

          I would have to say that I do not like his selection. She's extremely intelligent but lacks the diplomatic skills that are necessary for this country - especially when the rest of the world is against the war in Iraq.


          • Trillian
            Fresh Peossy
            • Nov 2004
            • 15

            I'm new to this board, and I'm glad to see people agreeing about her, she's an android, devoid of sentiment. and what's worse she will not question nor defy Bush.

            It's become clear that your president is appointing people who will follow suit. I guess he doesn't want anyone who will contradict his actions.

            I hope these next four years prove to be a milestone in convincing moderates of what's really important.


            • superdave
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1366

              Re: Condi to Replace Powell

              I'm disappointed with the choice too of Rice being nominated Secretary of State.

              Imo, a moderate or someone the Democrats and rest of the world feel comfortable with would have been a wiser choice. The President missed an opportunity to appoint someone that everyone would be happy with and show he's for making positive change in his adminstration. Instead, he appoints someone that's been involved in the Iraqi debacle since the beginning.
              Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


              • mixu
                Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                • Jun 2004
                • 1115

                Sidney Blumenthal's quite scathing... but then he usually is.

                Powell had wanted to stay on for the first six months of Bush's second term to help shepherd a new Middle East peace process, but the president insisted on his resignation. Condoleezza Rice was named in his place. She had failed at every important task as national security adviser, pointedly neglecting terrorism before September 11, enthusiastically parroting the false claim that Saddam had a nuclear weapons programme, while suppressing contrary intelligence, mismanaging her part of postwar policy so completely that she had to cede it to a deputy, and eviscerating the Middle East road map.

                As incompetent as she was at her actual job, she was agile at bureaucratic positioning. Early on, she figured out how to align with the neo-conservatives and to damage Powell. Her usurpation is a lesson to him in blind ambition and loyalty.
                Sidney Blumenthal: The culling of the US secretary of state is symptomatic of a swing even further to the right.
                Ask me a question...


                • sacredawe78
                  Getting Somewhere
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 150

                  Re: Condi to Replace Powell

                  her blatant dishonesty in front of the 9/11 commission is enough evidence for me, i saw some of the unedited footage...

                  she really sucks...not a good leader at all

                  poor example for the black community as well (and for women)...considering she would possibly be one of, if not the most, powerful black female in politics

                  dissappointing but not surprised

