^^ they don't even have plumbing there.. so why would they hold it something else.. these countries are 120 years behind us.. they only have weapons because russia and USA sold it to them.. they have found WMD's.. here is the proof.. and now its time to check out IRAN..
Weapons of Mass Destruction found in Fallujah
Originally posted by runningman^^ they don't even have plumbing there.. so why would they hold it something else.. these countries are 120 years behind us.. they only have weapons because russia and USA sold it to them.. they have found WMD's.. here is the proof.. and now its time to check out IRAN..
According to one of the links provided by Yao:
But the unclassified October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate stated that Iraq ?has begun renewed production of ? sarin? and other chemical weapons, and estimated that Saddam Hussein had between 100 and 500 metric tons of chemical agents.
Also I pulled this from a comment on /. Interesting to say the least:
Uhm, c'mon, the answer is blazingly obvious -- what country would have printed things in German and Russian, and produced gobs of chemical weapons? Why, East Germany. That tells you how old the stuff is -- probably a wee bit past its due date. And sure enough, it is. (See below.)
As for the translation, the German says "Handhabung: Siehe Anleitung", which means "Usage: See Directions". The second box is illegible ("Charge-Nr. 061081", where "Charge-Nr." means "batch number"; the number seems to be a German date, i.e. 6 October 1981). The third box says "Verwendungsf?hig bis: Okt. 1XXX", which means "Usable until October 1XXX". One can presume it has already expired, in other words, by at least five years."They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin FranklinComment
Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction found in Fallujah
Neoee, where did you find that expiry date quote? I was actually looking for something like that too, when I checked out the links for some useful information.
Thanks for it anyway...proves there's a lot of publicity over a dead bird here. Even the quantity in vials is nowhere near the figures intelligence said Saddam would've posessed. It may really have been in his posession, but man...And I unfortunately couldn't find anything on the effectivity in practice from Sarin, because that is way less than theories tell us. Even VX is only a few percents effective when sprayed out in the air...although theoretically a few litres could kill millions of people. And VX is about 10 times or more lethal than Sarin.
Sorry guys, but one picture doesn't say it all to me. It just raises more questions, having all the lies and deceit of the past years in my mind.Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Yao- the comment was taken from a discussion on www.slashdot.org and as much as I'd like to believe the statement regarding the expiry date to be fact, to be fair, I have to point out that it is only speculation and as the user comments "the number seems to be a German date, i.e. 6 October 1981".
Although this information appears to be reasonable sound I don't want to do as some *cough* runningman *cough* and make assumptions."They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin FranklinComment
Re: Weapons of Mass Destruction found in Fallujah
Originally posted by robprunzitThe boxes have Cyrillic and German characters on them, indicating they may have come from our good friends the Russians or the Germans.
Hmmm, now what language is that?
Regarding the mentioned expiry date the only visible thing is October 1..., but I would probably agree that this is dthe year, because IMO there's not enough space on there to write the day and the year...We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."Comment
I cannot see the film/pics until I've reinstallen Winblows XP...so I can't confirm all that is said here, dammit. Anyone able and willing to place an ordinary .jpeg link or image here for me?Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
thnx bro...Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Originally posted by neoeeOriginally posted by runningman^^ they don't even have plumbing there.. so why would they hold it something else.. these countries are 120 years behind us.. they only have weapons because russia and USA sold it to them.. they have found WMD's.. here is the proof.. and now its time to check out IRAN..
According to one of the links provided by Yao:
But the unclassified October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate stated that Iraq ?has begun renewed production of ? sarin? and other chemical weapons, and estimated that Saddam Hussein had between 100 and 500 metric tons of chemical agents.
Also I pulled this from a comment on /. Interesting to say the least:
Uhm, c'mon, the answer is blazingly obvious -- what country would have printed things in German and Russian, and produced gobs of chemical weapons? Why, East Germany. That tells you how old the stuff is -- probably a wee bit past its due date. And sure enough, it is. (See below.)
As for the translation, the German says "Handhabung: Siehe Anleitung", which means "Usage: See Directions". The second box is illegible ("Charge-Nr. 061081", where "Charge-Nr." means "batch number"; the number seems to be a German date, i.e. 6 October 1981). The third box says "Verwendungsf?hig bis: Okt. 1XXX", which means "Usable until October 1XXX". One can presume it has already expired, in other words, by at least five years.Comment
If I'd use the same reasoning as you do Runningman, I'd say:
"This amount of Sarin isn't even enough to get rid of the mice in my house."
The word tons is important, because the vast amount of WMD's Saddam was supposedly making were the primary reason to go into Iraq. Bush would've never even conviced a monkey to help him if he'd come up with the figure of 40 vials of Sarin as a reason to go to war.Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Originally posted by runningmanThe only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions..because they found a small amount is proof no matter which way you guys want to spin it.. i don't have sarin at my house.. i don't even know how to begin to get sarin..We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."Comment
all i'm saying is they have it.. and he gased his own people earlier so there must be more right?? i am not saying that is a lot but maybe they are moving it around now because they had to leave Fallujah. If they move it around more that will increase the USA's chance of catching them.. and i can read thank you.. How do you stop drug dealers?? start at the bottom and work your way up.. that is what the USA is doing right now but at least they are finding stuff. Either way these were people living here just days earlier chopping peoples heads off (Foresure) and possibly making sarin gas to kill more people.. I didn't exepct you two to take there side..Comment
Originally posted by runningmanall i'm saying is they have it..
Originally posted by runningmanand he gased his own people earlier so there must be more right??
Originally posted by runningmani am not saying that is a lot but maybe they are moving it around now because they had to leave Fallujah. If they move it around more that will increase the USA's chance of catching them..Well, we'll see, won't we?
Originally posted by runningmanand i can read thank you..
Originally posted by runningmanHow do you stop drug dealers?? start at the bottom and work your way up.. that is what the USA is doing right now but at least they are finding stuff.
Originally posted by runningmanEither way these were people living here just days earlier chopping peoples heads off (Foresure)I support the American attempts to destroy the insurgents, but on the other hand this is something that should be dealt with immediately after "the major military operations" were over, and in fact coallition troops should have never allowed terrorists to enter Iraq (most of them don't come from Iraq, but they came from the neighbouring countries) in the first place.
Originally posted by runningmanand possibly making sarin gas to kill more people..
Originally posted by runningmanI didn't exepct you two to take there side..We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."Comment
I wasn't talking about them moving around in trucks like that stupid theory before.. but they needed to re locate, no?? They aren't there now but they were there once.. Yes smart ass.. i hope you made it that far with me.. Also how was this a badly planned war? took over an entire country in a year and only lost 1100 soldiers. That my friend is a succes in war terms. We will see won't we when the USA goes into Iran and shit starts to go down in North Korea.Comment