Russia new Nukes and Iran

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  • runningman
    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
    • Jun 2004
    • 5995

    Russia new Nukes and Iran

    The associated press has just put out that Iran has bought instructions on how to make a nuclear bomb from the same source as Libya.. It came from a guy in pakistan the pakistani head of nuclear network.. That gives the USA reason to go into Iran.. They are just looking for an excuse to go into Iran and Libya.. Russai has also come out today and said they are developing a new nuclear missile that can't be shot down..
  • thesightless
    Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
    • Jun 2004
    • 13567

    Re: Russia new Nukes and Iran

    at least russia does it under the supervision of the UN. and lets it be known. personally i know they are a sad necessity in the world today, but let be controlled by the UN and constantly monitored by a muilti national force as america allows thiers to be. we do have 4 countries activly guarding our nukes.
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    • runningman
      Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
      • Jun 2004
      • 5995

      don't want to vote?? ^^


      • mixu
        Travel Guru Extraordinaire
        • Jun 2004
        • 1115

        Aside from the logistics ? money, troops, etc. ? Iran is not a threat to the US at the moment. Diplomacy may not be working but completely destabilising the Middle East would be ridiculous.

        The US has resumed diplomatic ties with Libya if you hadn't noticed...
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        • runningman
          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
          • Jun 2004
          • 5995

          it might be ridiculous but i think it might happen in the near future..


          • toasty
            Sir Toastiness
            • Jun 2004
            • 6585

            I think you should add a "Maybe Later" response. We're already up to our eyebrows in combat in Iraq, and Osama bin Forgotten is still st large. Unless Iran reaches a point where it is an "imminent threat," I say we need to wait until we've got our other shit under control.

            First things first...


            • Garrick
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Jun 2004
              • 6764

              ^ agreed... you have to fight one battle at a time. even if this war ended tomorrow, i still wouldn't invade iran at this point. especially since there seems to be positive progress as of late with our relations.
              Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


              • davetlv
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1205

                I do see Iran as an imminent threat. The fact that they are actively seeking a nuclear capability worries me; some of you might think this hyporcritical considering my country is supposed to have nukes but there you go.

                Iran is now the biggest funder of terrorism on this planet today; their control and funding of hizebollah is a direct threat to my countries security. Only recently hizebollah flew a dron capable of carrying chemicles weapons over our air space. The drone was given to them by Iran.

                Iran also funds and supports Islamic Jihad and Hamas; two organisations dedicated to erradication of my country.

                Although the prospect of the USA invading Iran is, i believe, more or less non existant, if Bush's 'holy crusade' to bring democracy and peace to the Middle East is his chosen path then i believe at some stage in the next few years Iran will be considered a target.

                Also modern reading of history will show you that the first serious attack by Islamic Fundmentalists against the west was with the US Embassy seige in 1979 - many attribute this as the starting place of the current Islamic crusade.

                That said, it should also be recogninsed that Iran does have some foundation of democracy (as opposed to Iraq which didn't), whilst the clerics do carry alot of clout, maybe we should put abit more faith in the reformers.


                • superdave
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1366

                  Re: Russia new Nukes and Iran

                  I don't see Iran as a threat to the U.S. and hope we don't go to war with another country anytime soon. This Iraq craziness is enough.

                  Plus, after Iraq, I'm not just jumping on the invade a country bandwagon. There really needs to be hard proof this time that Iran is an imminent threat before we get ourselves into another mess.
                  Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                  • mixu
                    Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1115

                    Originally posted by runningman
                    it might be ridiculous but i think it might happen in the near future..
                    Sadly true...
                    Ask me a question...


                    • Yao
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 8167

                      No more invasions, please.

                      Iran is politically not yet a full democracy (I learded recently they call counties like these 'Illiberal Democracies'...), but there's still a power struggle going on between the Islamitic clegry and the chosen government. Reform has been initiated, and will continue, though be it slower than we would like to see.

                      I hope Arafat's death also brings a opening to peace talks, because that would take away part of the moral foundations of terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

                      But I also think that the bigger the threat to Iran, the more they will arm themselves. It's a bit like the game played in the Cold War: "You watch it boys: you may have nukes, but we have 'em too".
                      Iran seems to be taking a more defensive than offensive stance at the moment.
                      Another invasion would be unforgiveable IMO, given what we know now.

                      I have posted something on this before:

                      Originally posted by Yao
                      Even if Iran has enough oil...most oil producing countries see more in exporting it for foreign currency. That is a fact. Even if Iran is building nuclear weapons, it's rather because they feel threatened, thus for defensive reasons, not offensive. Do you think it's strange they've been feeling treatened by either Israel or the US the past few decades? I don't.

                      And as I've stated before, quoting myself:

                      "Inside Iran there's still a struggle going on between the fundamentalists (religious) on one side, and the reform-oriented (politicians) on the other side. The fundamentalists are trying to keep the progressive Muslims from expanding their power and installing a more liberal kind of government. But, as one of the more liberal Muslims from parliament put it: "The train (reform) is moving, no matter who's on board. It'll keep moving."

                      Don't ignore this, it's the government that's still in power (although that may be hard to believe) and that government is definitely NOT intent to start a nuclear war or any kind of agression against Europe or the US. I personally think Iran is NOT the threat the Bush administration makes it look like, not in the way they want you to believe it.
                      However, I do not deny the possibility of the fundamentalists having contact with Al-Qu'aeda. But that is not to be dealt with through an invasion.

                      Give it some time...Iran is on it's way. But give it some time, for god's sake!

                      Originally posted by Yao
                      And, for the record: Iran may not be as democratic as most European countries or the US, but it sure as hell is no dictatorship! President Khatami was elected in democratic elections, and is a progressive Muslim. Problem is that the religious clergy still controls much of parliament, and the council of elders is entitled to either discard a canditate or approve it. And they're the ones trying to put as much fundamentalists in parliamentas possible. But the government/Khatami is not accepting that.

                      That is the problem in Iran: the most influential religious people can wield their influence in politics, and that should be dealth with. It's not a totally secular state...hence the struggle between religious fundamentalists and the reform-oriented politicians. But the latter ones are still in power. Get it?
                      Damn, I'm getting sick of repeating myself...
                      Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                      There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                      • runningman
                        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5995

                        yep and your still wrong everytime^^.. Iran is building a missile secretly to that would be able to be armed with a nuclear warhead.. Again the Associated Press said this.. Actually the words came out of Colin Powell's mouth.. Watch there will be another deployment of another 125,000 troops to Iraq.. the staging point for all invasions of the middle east..


                        • Yao
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 8167

                          What am I wrong about? About the warheads? I didn't deny the possibility of them being made.

                          If it's not that, what am I wrong about? Tell me, I must be missing something here...
                          Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                          There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway

