Obama Looking to Expand Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
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Re: Obama Expands Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
your choice for titles mesmerize me.
if you even bothered to read ANY (even the first paragraph) you would of read that its not Obama that is introducing the bill it is 2 SENATORS.
Should President Obama have the power to shut down domestic Internet traffic during a state of emergency? Senators John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) think so. On Wednesday they introduced a bill to establish the Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor—an arm of the executive branch that would have vast power to monitor and control Internet traffic to protect against threats to critical cyber infrastructure."pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James -
Re: Obama Expands Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
so he has nothing to do with?? He will have more power. That makes him a part of it. Jeez.. Bush didn't introduce the Patriot act.Comment
Re: Obama Expands Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
I have to say thats pretty extreme and rather worrying...who cares who is introducing it...its fucking scary IMOThe Idiots ARE Winning.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain
Re: Obama Expands Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
your title and description in the first post made it sound like Obama is the one that is introducing it, and he isnt. that is all i am saying.
as far as him having this kind of power, i think it is rather retarded. reminds me a lot of the early bush days and the patriot act.. bunch of crap that was.
these two senators are morons, thats for sure."pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" JamesComment
Re: Obama Looking to Expand Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
This does bother me, actually. If there's a silver lining, though, it's that there's actually a law being passed to extend these powers to the president through, you know, a constitutionally-authorized process. One recent president would have just said, "Fuck it, I'm the president and can do whatever I please."
Definitely hoping the powers are contracted and the circumstances under which they can be used clarified before a final version is presented (should it make it that far), though...Comment
Re: Obama Looking to Expand Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
The fact that Rockefeller is one of the senators introducing it is even more worrying really...I seriously hate to say it but it actually fits with the predictions in Zeitgeist...not saying I believe it, just saying it fits.The Idiots ARE Winning.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain
Re: Obama Looking to Expand Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
^you're serious?
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Obama Looking to Expand Bush Dictator Powers to Control the Net in Emergency
lol...I said I don't believe it...but it does fit. hehe you are too jumpy man...relax or are you looking to label me as a nut? I was pointing that out because its blatantly going to be used in the next film dealing with the same/simmilar subject.The Idiots ARE Winning.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain