Thursday, April 9
• Karl Rove on whether apologizing for America's past helps us or hurts us
I am not a regular Fox News viewer, but was watching a bit last night and saw this ad. Now what struck me as odd about a Karl Rove interview was that if Karl Rove was going to actually agree to be interviewed "openly" on the air, then it could not and would not be with an objective interviewer who asks the tough questions. If Greta sticks to the topic then obviously no tough questions will be asked. My point here is that knowing that Rove wouldn't agree to be interviewed by an objective interviewer, doesn't this just further tarnish Fox News Channel's image by having him interviewed? Or is it that Fox just doesn't care anymore about their image, or about objectivity? Or maybe they already know that their image/reputation couldn't get any worse no matter what they do? News in Fox's case only involves preaching to and placating a certain end of the political spectrum -> it's all just spin built to please.
What little I know of Van Susteren is that she is a bit more respected than some of the other Fox "journalists," but that with this interview, she must have already agreed to treat Rove with kid gloves before the interview even happens.
For all I know, Rove makes regular appearances on the Noise channel already. I just can't believe that they even call half of what they broadcast as "news" anyway. What I saw last night was nauseating (minus the pretty host). Actually, the pretty host just makes it creepier.
• Karl Rove on whether apologizing for America's past helps us or hurts us
I am not a regular Fox News viewer, but was watching a bit last night and saw this ad. Now what struck me as odd about a Karl Rove interview was that if Karl Rove was going to actually agree to be interviewed "openly" on the air, then it could not and would not be with an objective interviewer who asks the tough questions. If Greta sticks to the topic then obviously no tough questions will be asked. My point here is that knowing that Rove wouldn't agree to be interviewed by an objective interviewer, doesn't this just further tarnish Fox News Channel's image by having him interviewed? Or is it that Fox just doesn't care anymore about their image, or about objectivity? Or maybe they already know that their image/reputation couldn't get any worse no matter what they do? News in Fox's case only involves preaching to and placating a certain end of the political spectrum -> it's all just spin built to please.
What little I know of Van Susteren is that she is a bit more respected than some of the other Fox "journalists," but that with this interview, she must have already agreed to treat Rove with kid gloves before the interview even happens.
For all I know, Rove makes regular appearances on the Noise channel already. I just can't believe that they even call half of what they broadcast as "news" anyway. What I saw last night was nauseating (minus the pretty host). Actually, the pretty host just makes it creepier.
