How often do you have Random T**ugh,s
Itīs a spiritual thing!
feb 2021
Sept 26th
May 1st 2020 -
Re: Random thoughts
Just keep hitting the music.Originally posted by TheVrkit IS incredible isn't it??
STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
Simply does not get any better than HernanComment
Re: Random thoughts
Underworld coming to the US
Monday 25 9:30 Club Washington, DC USA
Wednesday 27 Roseland Ballroom New York USA
Friday 29 Live 105 - Cow Palace San Francisco USA
Saturday 30 4th & B San Diego USA
Sunday 31 Hard Haunted Mansion - The Shrine Expo Hall LA USA
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Random thoughts
finally decided to get a tattoo on my avatar, slightly modified
i'm doing it on my next trip to the states, my friend recomended me this place
cant wait woooo♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪ אין סוף ♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫
Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.
Re: Random thoughts
All messages from my PM inbox/outbox disappeared???The Idiots ARE Winning.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain
Re: Random thoughts
Getting ready to go see John Digweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!
Will try and some pics/vids and upload tomorrow!Comment
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