How often do you have Random T**ugh,s

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  • nick007
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Oct 2007
    • 6095

    Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

    ^Be interested to hear dubfire and his latest creation

    The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!


    • unkle
      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
      • Mar 2007
      • 10174

      Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

      What or who the fuck is LMFAO ??


      • Kat
        A pretty fn good milkshake
        • Mar 2006
        • 4695

        Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

        Originally posted by unkle
        What or who the fuck is LMFAO ??
        welcome to 2006
        ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

        Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.


        • floridaorange
          I'm merely a humble butler
          • Dec 2005
          • 29119

          Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

          Originally posted by unkle
          What or who the fuck is LMFAO ??
          what I like about this comment is it means that your friends on FB never put "Everyday I'm shuffle'n" as their status.

          It was fun while it lasted...


          • dusk
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Jun 2004
            • 7266

            Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

            Originally posted by Kat
            And I thought it was "laugh my ass off" or some derivation of
            ~ You are what you think you are ~


            • Illuminate
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Aug 2009
              • 5152

              Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

              Originally posted by unkle
              What or who the fuck is LMFAO ??
              This means a lot to me.

              There is sense and sensibility still out there in this developed world.

              The One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One:
              - You Will Be Missed.

              "Mankind has the propensity to fuck itself up on anything it lays its hands on."

              "Who moderates this forum and makes these decisions? Stevie Wonder?"
              "i'd give her a muscle she doesn't have "
              the banned1

              "I love you Illuminate... that's divine/creator/God in me loving the origin of you."


              • diegoff
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 3866

                Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                Originally posted by unkle
                What or who the fuck is LMFAO ??
                I didn't knew wtf that was until your reply,,,, thanks god I don't watch tv
                It΄s a spiritual thing!

                feb 2021
                Sept 26th
                May 1st 2020


                • diegoff
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 3866

                  Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                  look at this comment:

                  A terrible band that takes a synthesizer and 2 microphones and a computer and makes millions of dollars from poorly written lyrics and said tools. Their hit song, Party Rock Anthem, neither sounds like a party or rock, more like a rave or hemorrhaging piece of shit. Do not listen to them. Their only half-decent song is I Am Not a Whore, and that's like picking the cleanest dirty shirt in a shit-pile.
                  Jim: "Hey did you hear the new LMFAO song?"
                  Al: "No I have a taste in music and you sound like a 13 year old girl."
                  It΄s a spiritual thing!

                  feb 2021
                  Sept 26th
                  May 1st 2020


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29119

                    Re: random thoughts > LMFAO


                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • nick007
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 6095

                      Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                      Everyday i'm .......................

                      The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!


                      • floridaorange
                        I'm merely a humble butler
                        • Dec 2005
                        • 29119

                        Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                        11-foods that boost-your-mood


                        Mood-Boosting Food #1: Mussels

                        Mussels are loaded with some of the highest naturally occurring levels of vitamin B12 on the planet—a nutrient that most of us are lacking. So what's B12's mood-saving trick? It helps insulate your brain cells, keeping your brain sharp as you age. Mussels also contain the trace nutrients zinc, iodine, and selenium, which keep your mood-regulating thyroid on track. Another benefit? Mussels are high in protein and low in fat and calories, making them one of the healthiest, most nutrient-dense seafood options you'll find. (Tip: For mussels that are good for your body and the environment, look for farmed—not wild—options raised in the good ol' USA.)
                        Mood-Boosting Food #2: Swiss Chard

                        This leafy green is packed with magnesium—a nutrient essential for the biochemical reactions in the brain that increase your energy levels. A 2009 study in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry also found that higher magnesium intake was associated with lower depression scores. And Swiss chard isn't the only way to get your magnesium hit. Spinach, soybeans, and halibut also contain healthy doses of the energy-enhancing nutrient.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #3: Blue Potatoes

                        Blue potatoes aren't a common supermarket find, but they're worth looking out for on your next trip to the farmer's market. Blue spuds get their color from anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that provide neuro-protective benefits like bolstering short-term memory and reducing mood-killing inflammation. Their skins are also loaded with iodine, an essential nutrient that helps regulate your thyroid. Other awesome anthocyanin-rich foods: berries, eggplant, and black beans.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #4: Grass-Fed Beef

                        Animals raised on grass pastures boast much higher levels of healthy conjugated linoleic acid (or CLA), a "happy" fat that combats stress hormones and blasts belly fat. Grass-fed beef also has a lower overall fat count and contains higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids compared to grain-feed beef. Another great grass-fed option: lamb. It's packed with iron, a nutrient vital for a stable mood (the areas of the brain related to mood and memory contain the highest iron concentrations). For easy "happy fat" recipes, check out these 4 Simple Mood-Boosting Meals.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #5: Dark Chocolate

                        Turns out chocolate's delicious taste isn't the only reason it makes you feel so warm and fuzzy. The cocoa treat also gives you an instant boost in mood and concentration, and improves blood flow to your brain, helping you feel more vibrant and energized. But sorry, Snickers bars don't count. Cocoa is the chocolate ingredient that does your body good, so pure dark chocolate is your best bet if you want the mood-boosting benefits minus the extra belly flab. And don't overdo it: A recent study published in theJournal of Psychopharmacology found that a few ounces of dark chocolate a day is all you need to reap the benefits.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #6: Greek Yogurt

                        This dairy pick is packed with more calcium than you'll find in milk or regular yogurt, which is good news for your mood. Calcium gives your body the "Go!" command, alerting your brain to release feel-good neurotransmitters. As a result, inadequate calcium intake can lead to anxiety, depression, irritability, impaired memory, and slow thinking. Greek yogurt also contains more protein than regular yogurt, making it a terrific stay-slim snack. Our Greek-yogurt pick: Fage Total 2%, which packs an impressive 10 grams of protein per serving.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #7: Asparagus

                        Your mom was on to something when she made you finish those green spears at the dinner table. This vegetable is one of the top plant-based sources of tryptophan, which serves as a basis for the creation of serotonin—one of the brain's primary mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Asparagus also boasts high levels of folate, a nutrient that may fight depression (research shows that up to 50 percent of people with depression suffer from low folate levels). Some other terrific sources of tryptophan: turkey, tuna, and eggs.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #8: Honey

                        Honey, unlike table sugar, is packed with beneficial compounds like quercetin and kaempferol that reduce inflammation, keeping your brain healthy and warding off depression. Honey also has a less dramatic impact on your blood-sugar levels than regular sugar, so it won't send your body into fat-storage mode the way the white stuff can. Try adding some honey to your afternoon tea or morning bowl of oatmeal, but don't go overboard; the sweet nectar has 17 g of sugar and 64 calories per tablespoon, so too much honey can make you heavy, rather than happy.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #9: Cherry Tomatoes

                        Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, an antioxidant that protects your brain and fights depression-causing inflammation. And because lycopene lives in tomato skins, you'll get more of the stuff if you throw a handful of cherry tomatoes into your next salad instead of slicing up one full-size tomato. Or enjoy them on their own with a little olive oil, which has been shown to increase lycopene absorption. And try to go organic whenever possible: Researchers at the University of California-Davis found that organic tomatoes have higher lycopene levels.
                        MOOD-BOOSTING RESTAURANT MEALS: Not all delicious-sounding restaurant dishes will set you back in your quest for health and happiness. Find out which meals ended up on our list of 20 Shockingly Healthy Restaurant Foods.
                        Mood-Boosting Food #10: Eggs

                        Eggs are loaded with mood-promoting omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, B vitamins, and iodide, and because they're packed with protein, they'll also keep you full and energized long after you eat them. Need another reason to crack some shells in the morning? A 2008 study in theInternational Journal of Obesity found that people who ate two eggs for breakfast lost significantly more weight than those who ate a bagel breakfast. (Tip: Don't buy into unregulated supermarket-egg claims like "omega-3 enriched" or "free-range." If you're looking for the most natural eggs, hit up a local farmer.)
                        Mood-Boosting Food #11: Coconut

                        Coconut is chock-full of medium-chain triglycerides, fats that keep your brain healthy and fuel better moods. And although coconut is commonly found in high-calorie desserts, you don't have to (and shouldn't) stuff your face with macaroons to get your fix. My suggestion: Try throwing some unsweetened coconut shavings in your oatmeal or yogurt, or toss some in your next healthy smoothie for a flavor boost that will keep you smiling and skinny.

                        It was fun while it lasted...


                        • picklemonkey
                          Double hoodie beer monster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 15373

                          Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                          A bunch of major DJDB changes and rewrite activities over the last few days. You shouldn't see any change, but it's possible that errors will occur. Let me know if you see a problem


                          • Illuminate
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 5152

                            Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                            The One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One:
                            - You Will Be Missed.

                            "Mankind has the propensity to fuck itself up on anything it lays its hands on."

                            "Who moderates this forum and makes these decisions? Stevie Wonder?"
                            "i'd give her a muscle she doesn't have "
                            the banned1

                            "I love you Illuminate... that's divine/creator/God in me loving the origin of you."


                            • Kat
                              A pretty fn good milkshake
                              • Mar 2006
                              • 4695

                              Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                              ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

                              Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.


                              • diegoff
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 3866

                                Re: random thoughts > LMFAO

                                ^ nice one, Kat!! And thank you. This is the only kind of info that I really care about.
                                It΄s a spiritual thing!

                                feb 2021
                                Sept 26th
                                May 1st 2020

