How often do you have Random T**ugh,s

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  • KiwiTollway
    Platinum Poster
    • Jan 2014
    • 1474

    Re: Random thoughts

    Originally posted by floridaorange
    this Elliot Rodgers kid, clearly mentally ill, comments like these make me feel really sorry for the kid.

    my random thoughts on it....

    I'm unsure if it was truly mental illness or was he severely misguided and the result of bad/neglectful parenting and/or a combination of all of that? Some would argue the ability to inflict physical harm on yourself and/or others is in itself mental illness. Playing video games at the onset of puberty combined with sensed rejection and isolation from others couldn't really create the needs/wants he had to inflict suffering & death, but he couldn't know what no one ever told him and he couldn't figure out for himself to look inside rather than at others for the reasons his needs weren't being met.

    I watched his video and felt so sad he had such severely warped & diabolical thinking patterns, way overinflated ego, lots of issues were obvious... I was struck by the abundant statuesque palm trees photo-bombing his hate-filled video from the windows of his BMW and thought "OMG, this is so twisted." He was seeing a therapist -obviously not a very competent one. It was probably an accumulation of lifelong issues & missed opportunities to change his perception. His crimes being so brutal [using a knife, car, a gun] leads to the conclusion of illness, absolutely. He was living a perceived hell on earth, yet was privileged and spoiled with comforts, living in an environment full of beauty and wonder, he was severely blind in a way.

    The ability to throw hot coffee on anyone in an attempt to inflict harm and make himself feel better was a huge red flag that was ignored. You don't get someone like that to a therapist, you put them in the hospital involuntarily in my humble opinion. How engrossed he was in his own environment, his upbringing, and his own mind -all together created a sickness. People need a variety of input, influences, to expand their awareness of themselves and also a variety of experiences, not always sheltered ones in front of a computer or nearby in their own neighborhoods.

    My eldest teen just yesterday came home from school distraught over some boy, sobbing, screaming at times "I can't take it anymore" and she was so upset she wanted to call off her job & stay in bed in her dark, cozy room. I insisted she go to work to "get out of her own mind" I told her & because she had that commitment & should respect her employment. She was so ticked off at me, wouldn't speak or look at me, she felt very angry. But when she got home last night she said "You were right, I felt so much better being out at work, I realized there's a huge world out there and most people are really nice and happily living their lives. I was feeling so hurt/angry over really nothing. I see things differently now."

    Over-indulging a kid and hoping they work things out for themselves, buy them cars, internet, & therapy when they can't be happy is really neglectful parenting I think. As our world gets more and more animated, computerized, isolated, it's so easy to let technology or even education be the most prominent influences, but kids need people, real people, vast/varied experiences, other's perspectives/input, changes in environment, they need to be taught respect for nature, for all things alive, how to nurture themselves/their souls, and how to express discomfort in a way that helps them. Rodgers was so lost inside his mind & warped perception of love... he was just so lost in it. To allow his brain engrossed day after day in violence of World of Warcraft is complete absurdity. (I don't even know what that game is, but based on the title.) How different would he have been had he had to work, had to serve those less fortunate than him, had been forced outside of himself & his CA environment of wealth and beauty? He missed a whole, wide world that had so much to offer him and he stole that from so many.

    His life/death and the lives/death of those he killed/injured hopefully will teach/expand people in new & better ways. I know it has all influenced me. If he'd become engrossed in music rather than World of Warcraft, maybe we wouldn't even be posting about him at all!!

    I saw this yesterday and thought of Rodgers: [She once got an email from a girl who watched her conduct a Brahms symphony. "She wrote, 'I am a gang member, and I have never gone to a symphony concert before, and I have never felt anything before. I have never felt any emotion before, anything nice about anyone.' She said, 'But this music touched my soul.' " ] from this article....


    • KiwiTollway
      Platinum Poster
      • Jan 2014
      • 1474

      Re: Random thoughts

      On a more random note:
      I'm learning/trying essential oils... they say Oil of Oregano can remove skin tags or moles. But you have to use a bandaid; otherwise, you smell like you're living in a pot of spaghetti. Once a day for 10 days = mole gone.

      I'll let you know if it works.


      • floridaorange
        I'm merely a humble butler
        • Dec 2005
        • 29119

        Re: Random thoughts

        The kid probably came home and instead of drinking or working out to feel better he played games that had to do with killing people for points. He probably has some form of extreme narcissism. My guess is his parents don't give a shit about him and haven't ever shown him much affection. He probably has a warped sense of love or intimacy.

        Interestingly, his father is a filmmaker and was the person who interviewed Hugh Jackman in those videos I posted. The videos were for the fathers documentary "Oh My God." Kind of ironic I thought... plus one of his main question what "do you believe in hell?" Can a person make life "hell on earth?"

        I thought the parents response came across disingenuous. I don't know why, it's just a feeling I have.

        then there is this, which comes across as utter lunacy:

        In his manifesto, discovered by law enforcement after the rampage, Rodger goes after everyone and everything that he blames for destroying his life, especially sex.
        His parents had divorced when he was young and his father had remarried but Rodger never liked his stepmother, and in his final days, planned to kill her. He became a World of Warcraft “addict” and became increasingly withdrawn as he grew older. He complained about being embarrassed because he had to take the bus to school, and he disliked minorities.
        When hearing an African American classmate brag that he’d lost his virginity at age 13, Rodger was outraged.
        PHOTOS: Celebs Involved In Murder

        “How could an inferior black ugly black boy get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful and I am half white myself. [Rodger's mother is from Malaysia] I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves.”

        It was fun while it lasted...


        • KiwiTollway
          Platinum Poster
          • Jan 2014
          • 1474

          Re: Random thoughts

          oh weird... that is ironic his father was the interviewer.

          I haven't read his parent's response, but I'm sure there are issues throughout the many people related to his short life. I don't like to put psychological illnesses/labels on others generally. But, there is an extreme amount of entitlement in his writings and a seemingly unusual amount of comparison, which seems he might have done habitually? Very unhealthy thought processes, really sad.

          You could read every single thing reported and written about him and by him and still not have a clear picture of what all went into making that very troubled & violent individual.
          Last edited by KiwiTollway; May 30, 2014, 07:45:08 PM.


          • KiwiTollway
            Platinum Poster
            • Jan 2014
            • 1474

            Re: Random thoughts

            btw, radar online is reporting the killer had high functioning autism and a family friend who knew him for years as a child said he would shake anytime a person got near him. His parents are saying he suffered from paranoia and heard voices as well, but he refused to take medication prescribed for him. (If a mentally ill person refuses their medication, it would seem you'd hospitalize them rather than allow that to occur & allow them to play violent video games all day... but idk, just my opinion)

            I think there are many forms of "hell on earth," I'm sure his parents are living in one of them; they're being forced to move every 2 days due to death threats to his younger 1/2 siblings.


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29119

              Re: Random thoughts

              good to learn the rest of the story. that makes sense. very sad.

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • floridaorange
                I'm merely a humble butler
                • Dec 2005
                • 29119

                Re: Random thoughts

                Getting ready to do some runway work today, haven't done runway in a year, so should be interesting. Pay is good, can't complain . show will last until Mon.

                It was fun while it lasted...


                • KiwiTollway
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jan 2014
                  • 1474

                  Re: Random thoughts

                  FL swag on the runway! you must be pretty young or young looking, I imagine teens & 20-somethings on runways.

                  cool new signature


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29119

                    Re: Random thoughts

                    All the guys are 20-25. I'm 34 but can pull it off

                    Siggy guy is thx in part to illuminate

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • floridaorange
                      I'm merely a humble butler
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 29119

                      Re: Random thoughts

                      Call U Next Tuesday message board trolls

                      It was fun while it lasted...


                      • nelinho
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 4530

                        Re: Random thoughts

                        Matt Dear and Hot Chip Djs this friday, ejeca around the corner same night, a guy called gerald saturday (free), guy j sunday...


                        • Illuminate
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 5152

                          Re: Random thoughts

                          ^Wicked weekend. Enjoy dude.

                          However, my Sunday is far greater.
                          Holeandcorner - Hot Chip Dj's, Matthew Dear, Henry Saiz Live, Guy J, Cosmin TRG, Xosar at Home

                          Disgusting venue, the most appalling sound system but a great line-up. Makes up for any damages.

                          The One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One:
                          - You Will Be Missed.

                          "Mankind has the propensity to fuck itself up on anything it lays its hands on."

                          "Who moderates this forum and makes these decisions? Stevie Wonder?"
                          "i'd give her a muscle she doesn't have "
                          the banned1

                          "I love you Illuminate... that's divine/creator/God in me loving the origin of you."


                          • DIDI
                            Aussie Pest
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 16845

                            Re: Random thoughts

                            Originally posted by nelinho
                            Matt Dear and Hot Chip Djs this friday, ejeca around the corner same night, a guy called gerald saturday (free), guy j sunday...
                            How long have you got Guy J for ??
                            Originally posted by TheVrk
                            it IS incredible isn't it??
                            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                            • DIDI
                              Aussie Pest
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 16845

                              Re: Random thoughts

                              Originally posted by Illuminate
                              ^Wicked weekend. Enjoy dude.

                              However, my Sunday is far greater.
                              Holeandcorner - Hot Chip Dj's, Matthew Dear, Henry Saiz Live, Guy J, Cosmin TRG, Xosar at Home

                              Disgusting venue, the most appalling sound system but a great line-up. Makes up for any damages.
                              Got the same lineup here in Melbourne. Not quite as thrilled. Really only want to see Guy and Henry , Henry is playing for 1 1/4 hours only Guy only 2. Will make the best of it.
                              Originally posted by TheVrk
                              it IS incredible isn't it??
                              STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                              Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                              The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                              • trick12
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jul 2007
                                • 4412

                                Re: Random thoughts

                                Originally posted by Illuminate
                                ^Wicked weekend. Enjoy dude.

                                However, my Sunday is far greater.
                                Holeandcorner - Hot Chip Dj's, Matthew Dear, Henry Saiz Live, Guy J, Cosmin TRG, Xosar at Home

                                Disgusting venue, the most appalling sound system but a great line-up. Makes up for any damages.

                                ahh Xosar , id be pushing my way upfront
                                Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!

