How often do you have Random T**ugh,s

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  • dusk
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 7266

    Re: Random T**ugh,s

    Originally posted by floridaorange
    For the handful of married members here:

    The 9 Most Overlooked Threats to a MarriageKelly M. Flanagan
    Food for thought.
    ~ You are what you think you are ~


    • dusk
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 7266

      Re: Random T**ugh,s

      On that thought...

      ~ You are what you think you are ~


      • floridaorange
        I'm merely a humble butler
        • Dec 2005
        • 29119

        Re: Random T**ugh,s

        The hoverboard is now real and it may save us in an earthquake - CNET

        It was fun while it lasted...


        • KiwiTollway
          Platinum Poster
          • Jan 2014
          • 1474

          Re: Random T**ugh,s

          start listening to cool/upbeat mix
          post it on ms
          worse song ever comes on
          next 2 songs, disastrous
          edit post in slight panic

          thankful for ability to edit!!!
          lesson = post only after hearing entire mix
          calling it a night


          • KiwiTollway
            Platinum Poster
            • Jan 2014
            • 1474

            Re: Random T**ugh,s

            Originally posted by floridaorange
            For the handful of married members here:

            The 9 Most Overlooked Threats to a MarriageKelly M. Flanagan
            Really liked this well-written article & so many good points. The "marry someone for who they are determined to become" is weird advice, imo. Hard to know exactly what anyone will become even with determination because of all the reasons stated; life is messy, determination wanes, change is inevitable, balancing is difficult, life is long and "becoming" can be surprising; some people don't & can't synchronize with who their marriage is causing them to become, which causes pain. Paradigm shifts are also inevitable. No one knows the future.

            I have a friend who was raised Catholic and didn't live with her husband before marriage (of course) and she realized her spouse had a habit of going out to bars after dinner and drinking for hours. He continued to do that after she'd fallen asleep each night. She had no idea she'd married an alcoholic because he hid his 'secret night life' so well while they were dating. She's still married to him, had two kids too.

            People are hard to understand sometimes; we all have unique turns, curves, and pot holes in our journey to who we'll eventually become. Sometimes things work out just right, other times divorce is a card you're dealt against your will. No one gets married ever believing they'll get divorced... yet it happens so often. It's okay & sometimes it's an unexpected part of one's journey to knowing oneself better. For others, they get to know themselves within marriage, both are ok, imo. The point of life is growth/expansion of your being & helping others with theirs along your way.

            We vowed to never speak the D word from day 1; surely we've both thought of it throughout the years. Focusing any energy in that direction is dangerous, I've always thought. Focus on love, understanding & appreciating (communicating within those) and life/marriage will be full of it. That's not so simple.

            Just a few of my thoughts. Anyway, great article, thank you for sharing it!!!!!


            • Hoff
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Aug 2009
              • 4727

              Re: Random T**ugh,s


              • KiwiTollway
                Platinum Poster
                • Jan 2014
                • 1474

                Re: Random T**ugh,s

                ^^ is that a random thought? lol

                I read this today...........

                "The mind is always seeking stimulation. We stimulate ourselves at the grosser levels with things like drugs, porn, junk food, violence; all the things that create instant stimulation but then leave us feeling unhappy afterwards.

                We stimulate ourselves through emotional drama, through worry, through fear, through arrogance.

                Even being involved with our thoughts is a form of stimulation. All of these things and many more excite our ego mind. We taste a brief joy that makes us feel good and it also distracts us from the mundane nothingness of this moment.

                The problem comes that we have stimulated ourselves to the point where we are unable to experience what we are beyond the gross level of experience to the point where most of humanity
                denies real spirituality even exists. And even if they do, it is only in belief. And a thought of a pink elephant does not make a pink elephant real.

                But when we are able to be free of all of the stimulation & distractions, we start to become still enough & clear enough to feel what we truly are. We begin to feel the wondrous unconditional peace & bliss that is life itself.

                But in order to do so, we have to be willing to be present in this regular mundane moment of nothing; without stimulation. We have to be willing to feel this moment completely. You move through a particular state of insanity in order to do this. Everything you are avoiding will come up. The mental, the emotional, the physical will all come to the surface.

                And when that is done, you still come face to face with your own mundane nothingness and have to feel that too. (Before the nothingness reveals itself to be fulfillment itself.) There is no getting around that. It is one reason divine energy is so important.

                Because it could be said to be a stimulation, but it is the stimulation of bliss that you are at your essence. It is not putting something on top of this moment to distract you. It is awakening you to what is here at the core.

                And if you taste the bliss of this moment then you are willing to go through a little insanity to have more of it."

                K Mazuy (composer/musician)


                • DIDI
                  Aussie Pest
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 16845

                  Re: Random T**ugh,s

                  You haven't quite got the gist of this random thought thing have you ?? Maybe you could start a thread for "Not so random thoughts "
                  Originally posted by TheVrk
                  it IS incredible isn't it??
                  STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                  Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                  The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                  • KiwiTollway
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jan 2014
                    • 1474

                    Re: Random T**ugh,s

                    uh, huh!!! have a natural adversity to starting threads, can't help it.
                    difficult for me to be the last post in a thread too. idk why

                    ahhhhh, issues! lol


                    • Krystyan
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Oct 2004
                      • 1049

                      Re: Random T**ugh,s

                      girl got issues


                      • KiwiTollway
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jan 2014
                        • 1474

                        Re: Random T**ugh,s

                        thanks Krystyan!! Everyone does, I just happen to admit them.


                        • floridaorange
                          I'm merely a humble butler
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 29119

                          Re: Random T**ugh,s

                          Originally posted by KiwiTollway
                          The "marry someone for who they are determined to become" is weird advice, imo.
                          If you "click" on that sentence you quoted, she explains what she means:

                          In marriage—and in life—you control you. No one else.
                          Which means the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with had better be eternally interested in taking a look at their own issues, increasingly willing to be vulnerable about their own brokenness, and absolutely determined to figure out what it means to love more deeply and purely.

                          It was fun while it lasted...


                          • KiwiTollway
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jan 2014
                            • 1474

                            Re: Random T**ugh,s

                            You can click on the sentences? I missed that. thanks! will have a look


                            • KiwiTollway
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jan 2014
                              • 1474

                              Re: Random T**ugh,s

                              the rest of my thoughts on that article are belief-system oriented and probably inappropriate to state here.


                              • Illuminate
                                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 5152

                                Re: Random T**ugh,s

                                Pole Folder - Digweed protege or successor?

                                The One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One:
                                - You Will Be Missed.

                                "Mankind has the propensity to fuck itself up on anything it lays its hands on."

                                "Who moderates this forum and makes these decisions? Stevie Wonder?"
                                "i'd give her a muscle she doesn't have "
                                the banned1

                                "I love you Illuminate... that's divine/creator/God in me loving the origin of you."

