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  • pipey
    Gold Gabber
    • Mar 2007
    • 855


    so my gf of nearly 5 years says to me that she still loves me, but that she needs to put her life in perspective so shes going to move out of our house.

    I am gutted MS - what should i do! Im hopeing that she will go and want to come back, but honestly, i dunno... shes still into me, so its nothing like shes found someone else, but its just that her life is pissing her off at the moment.

    the problem is, all the things shes complaining about are thngs shes could so easily solve - but she wont listen to me!
    Originally posted by Kamal
    Thank you Dr. Needle for attending the balloon Party
  • i!!ustrious
    I got some N64 Games Yo!!
    • Mar 2008
    • 12308

    Re: Help!!!!!!!!

    stay detached wit luvz. keep in touch casually, but ultimately. comfort her with cockballs and interesting. keep on keepin on matey! halp meh!
    (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


    • Micko
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Oct 2004
      • 8123

      Re: Help!!!!!!!!

      Give her a bit of space to let her digest stuff, then see how things pan out

      Sounds like she needs to evaluate shit


      • DIDI
        Aussie Pest
        • Nov 2004
        • 16845

        Re: Help!!!!!!!!

        Let her go !! If she feels free she far more likely to want to come back !!. But if you keep trying to make her stay you could lose her completely.

        Good Luck !!!
        Originally posted by TheVrk
        it IS incredible isn't it??
        STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
        Simply does not get any better than Hernan
        The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


        • Dhar_2
          meat and potatoes
          • Jun 2004
          • 18925

          Re: Help!!!!!!!!

          sorry to hear about this mate!

          lets hope its just a period.

          I know to you it may all her issues seem simple to solve. but for her it may well be the old adagie of not being able to see the forest for the trees. hopefully all she needs is some space to sort things out for herself in her own time. When u live together it can all get a bit clostrophobic. be there for her, but not too invasive. and ultimately u need to let things run their own course in their own time. dont force things.

          i hope it works out for you guys. if u need a hand you know where we are.

          take care


          • DIDI
            Aussie Pest
            • Nov 2004
            • 16845

            Re: Help!!!!!!!!

            ^^ Really good advice!! Now what have you done with our Dhar 2
            Originally posted by TheVrk
            it IS incredible isn't it??
            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


            • pipey
              Gold Gabber
              • Mar 2007
              • 855

              Re: Help!!!!!!!!

              WOW! thanks ms, you guys rule - ultimately i agree with you all - the thing is, i dont feel like shes left the relationship which is awesome - that gives me hope shes a cool chick and i trust her completely - thats why we have been together for so long!

              Ill let you know how it pans out no doubt :S
              Originally posted by Kamal
              Thank you Dr. Needle for attending the balloon Party


              • diegoff
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 3866

                Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                Originally posted by pipey
                but she wont listen to me!
                keep that off your mind... Nobody wants someone telling you what to do.. she has her time and speed to think and solve out (or not) problems...
                It´s a spiritual thing!

                feb 2021
                Sept 26th
                May 1st 2020


                • Kamal
                  • May 2002
                  • 28835

                  Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                  Originally posted by pipey
                  but she wont listen to me!
                  she's a woman.

                  Originally posted by DIDI
                  Let her go !! If she feels free she far more likely to want to come back !!. But if you keep trying to make her stay you could lose her completely.
                  this right here. you don't know how secure chicks feel in knowing they always have that one place they can go back to and still be wanted + secure even if they have the whole world to run away and disappear into.

                  Jib says:
                  he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                  Originally posted by ace_dl
                  Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                  I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                  • Funky Dredd
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • May 2005
                    • 3701

                    Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                    Originally posted by Dhar_2
                    sorry to hear about this mate!

                    lets hope its just a period.

                    I know to you it may all her issues seem simple to solve. but for her it may well be the old adagie of not being able to see the forest for the trees. hopefully all she needs is some space to sort things out for herself in her own time. When u live together it can all get a bit clostrophobic. be there for her, but not too invasive. and ultimately u need to let things run their own course in their own time. dont force things.

                    i hope it works out for you guys. if u need a hand you know where we are.

                    take care
                    I couldn't have said it better.

                    Now what did you do with Dhar_2?
                    Mutations presents Change The Music

                    Mutations (original show)

                    Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


                    • Dhar_2
                      meat and potatoes
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 18925

                      Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                      he's on holiday!

                      i'm his nice twin!


                      • bobjuice
                        • May 2008
                        • 4894

                        Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                        Yeah he said something about going to cuba??
                        good to have you around - hopefully you're not as fuckin weird as your brother


                        • floridaorange
                          I'm merely a humble butler
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 29116

                          Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                          Living together before marriage can be uniquely difficult, living together after marriage of course is no picnic either...

                          Do you and her have a game plan as to when you might get engaged? It could very well be that she is scared that you seem too comfortable with the idea of casually living together and receiving all the benefits of living together without the ultimate commitment.

                          My advice is to show her your vision for the two of you (at the appropriate time). Perhaps give her until next week, and then suprise her with dinner reservations, then let her know how much her moving out has made your re-evaluate your relationship and then tell her where you hope to see it go.
                          That is of course, if you are ready to discuss your future with her.

                          Keep us posted.

                          It was fun while it lasted...


                          • nick007
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 6095

                            Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                            Pipey, good for you to realize that she has just left your house and not you

                            just chill, enjoy your newfound freedom hire, all the dvds you havnt been allowed to watch, leave your clothes lying all over the floor, fill the kitchen with unwashed dishes, drink milk out the carton.

                            When you are with her just relax don't bug her with questions of whats going on - she will tell you when she is ready.

                            Good luck dude!

                            The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!


                            • Miroslav
                              WHOA I can change this!1!
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 4122

                              Re: Help!!!!!!!!

                              Originally posted by floridaorange
                              It could very well be that she is scared that you seem too comfortable with the idea of casually living together and receiving all the benefits of living together without the ultimate commitment.
                              ^^ THIS.

                              I agree that at this point you have to not stand in her way too much and let her come to some things on her own... but this tends to make a big difference very many long-term relationships.

