Re: Swine Flu
working in the news industry I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about this. Every newscast MUST have a swine flu story, a swine flu spinoff, a local swine flu hit, a swine flu this a swine flu that....fuck last week there was a 6-minute block of swine flu shit. Gee, don't panic the viewing audience TOO much
For fucks sake we interviewed a local/senior hospital doctor tonight and said email your questions in...the idiocy of the questions and amount we had in an hour was ridiculous. People are fucking sheep and morons...yes, I saw and filtered the questions after the fact (since they emailed them into the wrong area)
Of course NOW there are some supposed confirmed cases at a local college which gives us our big local hit on things...boy this will throw some panic into people...
Places are running out of hand sanitizer, Tamiflu, masks, etc. It's the fucking bird flu shit redux again...with only 109(!!!) confirmed cases so far and 1 death (a Mexican toddler) out of what, 300,000,000 people in the US?!?!?
Give me a fucking break. Until I see a pandemic like the 1918 bit that killed 500,000+ Americans this means absolutely nothing...more people get sick and die period from "regular" flu then this crap that has gone about so far.
Bring back those 1976 ads next...then I'll really throw up.
I of course also found out that in Massachusetts the Senate 3 weeks ago passed what amounts into martial law...the House I'm sure will be next then it gets quietly signed by the Governor. Bunch of bullshit.
working in the news industry I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about this. Every newscast MUST have a swine flu story, a swine flu spinoff, a local swine flu hit, a swine flu this a swine flu that....fuck last week there was a 6-minute block of swine flu shit. Gee, don't panic the viewing audience TOO much

For fucks sake we interviewed a local/senior hospital doctor tonight and said email your questions in...the idiocy of the questions and amount we had in an hour was ridiculous. People are fucking sheep and morons...yes, I saw and filtered the questions after the fact (since they emailed them into the wrong area)
Of course NOW there are some supposed confirmed cases at a local college which gives us our big local hit on things...boy this will throw some panic into people...

Places are running out of hand sanitizer, Tamiflu, masks, etc. It's the fucking bird flu shit redux again...with only 109(!!!) confirmed cases so far and 1 death (a Mexican toddler) out of what, 300,000,000 people in the US?!?!?
Give me a fucking break. Until I see a pandemic like the 1918 bit that killed 500,000+ Americans this means absolutely nothing...more people get sick and die period from "regular" flu then this crap that has gone about so far.
Bring back those 1976 ads next...then I'll really throw up.
I of course also found out that in Massachusetts the Senate 3 weeks ago passed what amounts into martial law...the House I'm sure will be next then it gets quietly signed by the Governor. Bunch of bullshit.