Yet another year has passed and we are still here as you can see. The last year was like a rollercoaster with both awesome and sad moments. We broke several records and now have over 30,000 registered members, more than 700,000 postings and an average of 9,000,000 hits per month on MercuryServer. New members have introduced themselves to our community and decided to stay, others have left and some came back after a longer absence. We have also added new members to run and maintain MercuryServer and MCast to ensure you have a good time visiting our websites.
My personal highlight of the last Year was to finally meet my brother and website partner Kamal in person. Members from [ms] staff, good friends from the website and also of course the FSM crew and their friends have met in Pensacola in Florida for a party that lasted several days which was the best time of the Year for me. I have also met Steve James in the USA for the first time which leads me to the saddest moment of 2008. The loss of Steve “Jibgolly” James, who has decided to leave this Life in November last Year has ripped a hole in a lot of hearts in and outside of our community and caused wounds that still need to heal. R.I.P Steve, you will never be forgotten.
Thanks to the [ms] community for giving us the reason to continue with what we do and special thanks to everybody on Team Mercuryserver and MCast for the work and dedication you put into our websites to make them unique. So let’s stand together for this moment and just celebrate ourselves because…We are Mercuryserver.