The Scariest Pictures of Keith Richards
Published by Natty at 3:20 am under Entertainment, Oddly Enough
Given that I think I may have changed the lives of a number of you with the Scary Carrot Top post, it was fine time to come up with another life changing subject: the scariest pictures of Keith Richards.
We all know Keith Richards isn’t really alive. He’s drinking some kind of weird elixir that keeps him walking around kind of like Bernie in Weekend at Bernies. But whatever this dude is on, it’s working. He definitely gets laid more than me and he definitely can’t feel a thing while he’s in the act.
While he might be a hero to some, he looks extremely reptilian and quite scary to me.
Here are the scariest pictures of Keith Richards
Yup. I just pooped myself.
You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill.
How many pink elephants are in the crowd?
Ya hear that Jimmy? Ya hear that?
If his nipple showed there I’d actually puke.
Is that a jacket for an 80-year-old woman?
Nipples! Yup, I just puked.
I am the Lizard King. I can do anything.
Alice Cooper ain’t got nothing on me.
Did you know I just peed myself?
I’m gonna kill that little dude on my guitar
Death to all laundry
Suck on my smokey white balls
More over Charles Bronson.