Manny tests positive
Re: Manny tests positive
Not saying this to pimp you, but this is seriously one of my all-time favorite baseball moments. Lidge was unhittable at the time and Pujols was, well, Pujols, so you just had this epic confrontation, in the playoffs, with the game on the line. Glad my guy came out on top. The look on the faces of the Astro fans behind home plate, though, makes me smile to this day.
Ironically, if Lidge didn't throw the ball so damn hard, it probably wouldn't have been as majestic a shot as it was.
And poor Lidge nothing. He's got a ring, and I'm honestly happy for him, because the guy's a hell of a closer. I was really hoping the Cards would pick him up when he was a free agent -- at least then he wouldn't have to worry about facing Albert anymore.Comment
Re: Manny tests positive
that home run STUNG! i was one of those fans you woulda laughed at... i remember exactly what i did... jaw completely dropped and after i got over the shock i stood up, tossed my remote in the air and when it landed on the coffee table, it knocked my beer over. it was like pouring salt on an open wound.
however, i do think i recall the astros winning that series ultimately that year!(unlike like the previous year)
Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?Comment
Re: Manny tests positive
what a loser.. he should have been kicked out of the league two years ago.Comment
Re: Manny tests positive
The fact that the Astros went on to win that series is what prevents that homer from going down as one of the all-time greats, IMO. If the Cards were to have clawed back and then gone on to win the whole shebang, it would be a shot I'd be telling my grandchildren about one day...Comment
Re: Manny tests positive
more are using than arent.. they need to let these guys inject whatever they want, fuck 'em.. they dont care about their bodies, fans just want to see these guys play ball.. move on, or test everyone every week and the "cheaters" out of the game, the latter wont happen, so whateverComment
Re: Manny tests positive
Great investigative article describing what went on behind the scene that nabbed Rameriz & why his legal team dropped the 50 game suspension.
It's a shame he's another sure-fire Hall of Famer that won't get inducted. This is another classic example of Manny being Manny. I can't fathom how he could actually think he was untouchable by continuing his steroid use.Comment
Re: Manny tests positive
i had a lengthy response for this but i'm gonna forgoe it ITT, seeing as though i've 'voiced' my say on this matter quite a bit here. i will suggest this though:
1. i think it's safe to assume most players are using some sort of performance enhancer yes, and that they are all guilty of utilizing them until proven innocent.
2. prohormones shouldn't be banned like anabolic steroids are.Last edited by i!!ustrious; May 12, 2009, 04:40:46 PM.(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: Manny tests positive
After all the off season negotiations to keep him in LA, this is what happens early in the for the Dodgers.Comment