Report - Sasha at fabric

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  • simonr
    • Jun 2004
    • 8796

    Report - Sasha at fabric


    Well it wasn't quite what I'd been expecting - all in all rather a disappointment, especially after what Sasha put on at Sankeys just a couple of months back.

    I have to say that Guy Gerber was absolutely fantastic - he way playing the lush muti-layered soundscapes that Sasha should have been turning out. So well done to Guy G, he reminded me what a talented DJ/Producer he is so I must check out more of his stuff.

    Sasha did play some stuff off the hernan [ms] 7th b-day set ... it's just a pity Hernan hadn't turned up instead - ouch !

    Now I don't know why Sasha was so uninspired - it was only recently that he was saying how much great music is out there, plus his twitter indicated that he'd been picking out tracks especially for the night. It was just dull aimless pounding with not much in the way of variety ... so back to 2006 - 2007 era Sasha then .

    I think the club itself may play a part .. I don't get why people rave about fabric ... it's strikes me as tourist central, plus a crowd that would dance to anything and isn't that clued up or knowledgeable on what good EDM is. I got the impression that, if you'd rattled some pots & pans, they'd have danced to it and cheered. Sorry folks .. I much prefer Matter and those Bedrock nights.

    Still it was a night out and you take the rough with the smooth + things were saved by the final hour - Nhar's "Afterburner" did sound simply awesome on the sound system, and Sasha's new remix of Doves "Jetstream" sounded pretty good and got a reaction. Plus Tom Middletons remixes of Humate "Love Stimilation" and (I think) Coldplay's Life in Technicolour from his Transitions mix too were cool. He ended with Gebrunn Gebrunn - yes it sounded great, but surely to goodness he could have had something better up his sleeve ? I assume Diggers won't let him have a copy of Sainz's Lamur remix.

    Sorry to grumble - I do realise I'm lucky to see all these DJ's .. but these trips are (i) fairly expensive and (ii) a great deal of effort in travel etc. Interestingly comments on the Bedrock board range from

    "my god what a pile of dogshit... i've never seen him play a worse set than this. i've seen him about 8/9 times now, first time at warehouse in 2007, and he was shite then, although every other time he has been awesome... i'm actually quite pissed off that i made the trip from manchester - 5 hours on a coach for this crap... guy gerber was really good, the dance floor was absolutely packed, and when sasha came on everyone was up for it... the tunes he was thumping out were boring and they all sounded the same, and they just weren't working for me... i'm proper gutted because last time i saw him was at sankey's in mancheter and that was probably the best set i've ever heard in my life, and last night he just failed to deliver."


    "fuck was sasha awesome. cant believe the techno he was banging out. only recognised 3 tunes in the 3 hrs i saw him though. its been said many times before but fuck, what a sound system !"

    "Thought Sasha was amazing last night, bit slow to get started but after that he was bang on form till I was forced to thow the towel in and head home at about 7."

    " loved it personally we were there til 8.30 when he finished great stuff !! "

    "i thought that was the best i've ever seen him...i had a great night"

    Based on the last 3 comments it makes me wonder just what the poor old fabric regulars have to suffer through if last night was a great set

    Anyway - cheers to Domnal for making the trip ... at least I didn't have to suffer the long night alone.

    I just hope JD brings out the best in Sasha over the Bank holiday weekend - roll on Cream and a blinding set back up North !

    This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.
  • chunky
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jan 2006
    • 10570

    Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

    I've never liked Fabric as a venue. I've never had a good night in there. Its a poor lay out & full of The Devils Dandruff. And don't get me started on the sonic boom dance floor The Emperors New Clothes.
    Originally posted by res0nat0r
    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


    • simonr
      • Jun 2004
      • 8796

      Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

      I reckon the S & D Cream night should be great though ... us Northerners are harder to please & impress !

      Give me Cream over Fabric any day of the week.

      This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.


      • kervokian
        Getting Somewhere
        • Nov 2006
        • 182

        Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

        I was there as well. First of all just like you said simon i totally agree with you when you say "crowd that would dance to anything and isn't that clued up or knowledgeable on what good EDM is".
        I go out to lots of parties in London and although I go quite a lot to Fabric I'm starting to loose my patience with that crowd.Most of them are miserable fucks that go there just to take pills. Every single time I go to Fabric every 30min. there is some idiot asking if I want to buy pills or if I sell them or know where to get them.I don't know and a don't give a shit! lol These people need pills to feel electronic music and have no clue about what it's all about. I still remember when Guy Gerber was playing there were some people shouting at Sasha (he was already at the Dj booth preparing everything for his performance)and really thinking he was the one that was playing when in fact it was still Guy Gerber who was in the other side of the room in the Live Act booth. Idiots!

        Anyway moving on...Here goes my report of the night:

        My night at Fabric started in Room 3 as I am a deep house lover and I love Giom and was extremely curious to check out Kenny Hawkes as I haven't heard about him for ages and this is a guy I really respect a lot. The beginning of the night was perfect. Giom did an amazing pure west coast deep house set with lots of jazzy and chicago influence sounds. Still managed to see Kenny Hawkes spinning great music for 1h. A little bit after 2 me and my friends decided to move to Room 1 to check Guy Gerber (which ended being a wrong decision as a friend told me that later Kenny Hawkes started playing in back 2 back with Terry Francis) Here is one of the points I don't agree with Simon. He played some good stuff in his live act, but in a certain moment I started really feeling f*cking bored. Always the same rhythm...Anyway I am not a big fan of this new era of Live acts where you have these dudes playing their standardized thing with the same standardized formulas for only 1h.I'm more an old school guy that likes a Dj spinning for 7-8 hours and playing froom deep house to tech-house to progressive or whatever he thinks can make the dancefloor shake.

        Regarding Sasha's set...last time I saw was at Ministry of Sound a few months ago and boy what an amazing set he did that night! In Fabric initially I felt a litte bit disappointed. The first two hours were nothing special, but were Ok, some good moments, others more boring but ok. Anyway during these first two hours I was very pissed off as the room was so crowded and was impossible to move or dance, so maybe this affected my perception. Anyway the last 3 hours were completely different, with more free space to dance in the dancefloor and with Sasha at his best. A completely different Sasha from the one I was expecting but amazing. Incredibly dark, but always progressive and trying to keep things melodic with some small moments more trance oriented. I ended not staying until the end. Left around 7.50 completely tired and thought he was finishing his set. I still prefer the Sasha set at MOS a few months ago as it was more mental, but I enjoyed a lot to see this darker side of Sasha.In the end I think that he just adapted himself to the dancefloor he had at Fabric. Anyway I can't stand that crowd. Especially girls have a fucking attitude problem.A guy cannot dance and enjoy the music in that club without having a junkie prima dona bothering you.
        tsvba's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds


        • simonr
          • Jun 2004
          • 8796

          Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

          Originally posted by kervokian
          A guy cannot dance and enjoy the music in that club without having a junkie prima dona bothering you.
          Classic comment !

          And thanks for adding your thoughts

          This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.


          • Dzone
            Platinum Poster
            • Jul 2004
            • 1978

            Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

            Sorry about that Simon....but Hernan turned up here instead :P

            After ur report, i would rather go see Moby, Trentemoller & Tom Middleton @ Matter instead of makin the trip to Sheffield for Sasha @ plug on the 13th of June.

            Thanks for the review
            ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


            • Haziel
              Likes a finger upthere
              • Jan 2007
              • 3195

              Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

              This is the 8th time of this present year and I'm not exaggerating that I read a review were Sasha ends his set with Gebrunn Gebrunn , I mean is this the only tune you can find to end your set Alex? seriously he must have played this track more than 124 times already First time I heard him play it was back in 2006 on that wmc boat party ...

              ends rant/

              Good review Simonr


              • demonAfro
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 3488

                Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                Originally posted by simonr
                isn't that clued up or knowledgeable on what good EDM is


                • jeffrey collins
                  Not cool enough
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 7427

                  Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                  hearing this. it makes me wonder if the owners of fabric were asking him to play more minimal and techno'ish stuff as opposed to the more melodic stuff he has been playing as of late.
                  Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                  My Painting Blog

                  My Soundcloud page.


                  • funky_monkey
                    Addiction started
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 349

                    Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                    Fully agree with simonr's review. The opening track was a jawdropper tho Would love to know what it was...
                    --The world is always three drinks behind--


                    • Tortuga
                      Addiction started
                      • Feb 2006
                      • 350

                      Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                      Originally posted by funky_monkey
                      Fully agree with simonr's review. The opening track was a jawdropper tho Would love to know what it was...
                      Ben Watt - Guinea Pig (DJ Koze Mix)


                      • sakio pod
                        SALAD TOSSER
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 6034

                        Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                        oh well ya win some ya lose some that blows

                        and for fucks sake pick a new track yeah haziel it was digweed who dropped it on the boat that year but you'd think with all the other banging tracks you could try and drop something different every week

                        it gets old real quick. in a state, xpander, and now add this Gebrunn Gebrunn


                        • kervokian
                          Getting Somewhere
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 182

                          Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                          Originally posted by jeffrey collins
                          hearing this. it makes me wonder if the owners of fabric were asking him to play more minimal and techno'ish stuff as opposed to the more melodic stuff he has been playing as of late.
                          That wouldn't be a surprise, I guess. Anyway Sasha fortunately did not play too minimal (i only remember a couple of tracks or so a liitle bit more minimal oriented), but yes he did play more techno'ish stuff. Last December when diggers played at Fabric is was more or less the same, though John Digweed focused x5 more on the minimal oriented stuff than Sasha at Fabric.
                          Anyway Fabric (and matter...matter is even worse...shity crowds) is nowadays definately not the best place to catch Sasha or Digweed.Too crowded and too many stupid people on pills and not for the music.
                          tsvba's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds


                          • dusk
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 7266

                            Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                            Originally posted by kervokian
                            Too crowded and too many stupid people on pills and not for the music.
                            What a bummer.... suppose peeps don't realize that the music alone can get you high...

                            I wouldn't really mind the techonish stuff as long as its good. However I guess the atmosphere along with the crowd does make a huge difference.

                            Thanks for the review Simon, luckily there's more shows up ahead for you... certainly cannot strike out 3 times
                            ~ You are what you think you are ~


                            • funky_monkey
                              Addiction started
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 349

                              Re: Report - Sasha at fabric

                              Originally posted by Tortuga
                              Ben Watt - Guinea Pig (DJ Koze Mix)

                              Beautiful, that made my day
                              --The world is always three drinks behind--

