Pelosi vs. CIA

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  • superdave
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1366

    Pelosi vs. CIA

    No surprise Gingrich and the Republicans are after Nancy Pelosi and they should be. A good analogy is sharks with blood in the water. I think she was out of line saying the CIA lied to her unless she can prove it. I'm sure most people think she is the liar here.

    I hope that the CIA and the Republicans get her to step down. I've always thought she was stupid and she finally got exposed at that press conference. Even her friends in the press went after her. This torture witch hunt is backfiring on the Democrats now too.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is engaging in a "despicable, dishonest and vicious political effort" to withhold what she knew about the CIA's harsh interrogation techniques, former Speaker Newt Gingrich said Friday.
    Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte
  • labmonkey
    Addiction started
    • Apr 2005
    • 352

    Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

    There is no question that the CIA lies, after all, who do you think knowingly provided the false information about the WMD's?

    For those who need further convincing, just read the recent Testimony of Agent Ali Soufan of the FBI on May 13, 2009 to the Senate Judiciary Investigative Committee. He is the person who interrogated detainee Abu Zubaydah. His testimony proves that the CIA lies, and also exposes Cheney's lies as well.

    "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted"


    • Jenks
      I'm kind of a big deal.
      • Jun 2004
      • 10250

      Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

      even though i voted for obama, if nancy pelosi died in a fire i'd probably throw party.


      • thegymguru
        Fresh Peossy
        • May 2009
        • 26

        Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

        We've witnessed a political ploy backfire with Pelosi. The turn of events with her show she is another politician among many who are self serving rather than serving the people who elected them.

        Washington is broken and it does not seem to matter anymore if democrats or republicans are in power. Personally I think we could use a few libertarians in Congress these days considering how big our government has become.


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

          Originally posted by Jenks
          even though i voted for obama, if nancy pelosi died in a fire i'd probably throw party.
          I wouldn't go quite that far, but she's clearly more a part of the problem than the solution. Not a fan.


          • runningman
            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
            • Jun 2004
            • 5995

            Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

            I can't wait until that witch losers her job. It's funny becuase the Repubs know they can't go after Obama so the go after the next best thing. Speaker. AHAHHAHA.. Fucking Hilarious.

            You can almost here the chants -- Newt, Newt, Newt, Newt. HAHAHA


            • toasty
              Sir Toastiness
              • Jun 2004
              • 6585

              Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

              Mike Huckabee has called upon Pelosi to resign, in verse:

              "Fancy Nancy"

              Here's a story about a lady named Nancy
              A ruthless politician, but dressed very fancy
              Very ambitious, she got herself elected Speaker
              But as for keeping secrets, she proved quite a "leaker."

              She flies on government planes coast to coast
              And doesn't mind that our economy is toast
              She makes the Air Force squire her in their military jets
              There's room for her family, her staff, and even her pets.

              Until now, she annoyed us, but her gaffes were mostly funny;
              Even though it was painful to watch her waste our tax money.
              But now her wacky comments are no laughing matter;
              She's either unwilling to tell the truth, or she's mad as a hatter!

              She sat in briefings and knew about enhanced interrogation;
              But claims she wasn't there, and can't give an explanation.
              She disparages the CIA and says they are a bunch of liars;
              Even the press aren't buying it and they're stoking their fires.

              I think Speaker Pelosi has done too much speaking;
              And instead of her trashing our intelligence officials, it's her nose that needs tweaking.

              If forced to believe whether the CIA and her colleagues in Congress are lying;
              Or it's Speaker Pelosi whose credibility and career is dying.
              I believe in the integrity of the men and women who sacrifice to keep us safe;
              Not the woman who has been caught flat-footed, lying to our face.

              I say it here and I say it rather clear-
              It's time for Nancy Pelosi to resign and get out of here.


              • speciale
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Dec 2005
                • 3728

                Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

                Originally posted by toasty
                I wouldn't go quite that far, but she's clearly more a part of the problem than the solution. Not a fan.

                I will celebrate once that dumb bitch is out of office. still cant believe she is in congress. what a ding bat
                Originally posted by Miroslav
                It's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .
                No Soup for You


                • thegymguru
                  Fresh Peossy
                  • May 2009
                  • 26

                  Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

                  She's 3rd in line in succession of power in this country...scary.

                  Pelosi needs to back up her claims or say she screwed up. And lets move on.


                  • runningman
                    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5995

                    Re: Pelosi vs. CIA

                    Now she is in China talking about everything but Human rights.. she is such a loser. I feel like I am watching the Godfather.. Pelosi fucks up so she goes away. Just like Pacino after he killed the cop.

