Obama and Gay marriage
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Re: Obama and Gay marriage
Has it occurred to you, by the way, that gay people might take offense to your unwillingness to call it marriage? Why does your opinion necessarily trump theirs?Comment
Originally posted by MiroslavIt's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .Comment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
"He started it...he's calling me NAMES...Mommy, it's not fair...wah wah wah."
Yes, they shouldn't have called you mean names. But sometimes it's more mature to take the high road. The "internet tough guy" act really makes you look like an insecure child, and criticizing others for saying mean things and then attacking people with comments like "butt pirate" makes you look like you're not even intelligent enough to recognize the irony of your own statements.
So next time they do that, just calmly call it to their attention and ask them not to do it again. It's what I've been trying to do with you for a while now.mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslavComment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
do you actually believe that this bothers me??? What I don't appreciate as I'm sure any real man (not a sissy gay boy BJ) will tell you is that you shouldn't talk about a mans family. My girlfriend has nothing to do with this. Attack me all you want I'm a big boy but that was uncalled for.
And you all support Man BJ's comments by not saying anything about it. You should all be ashamed of yourselves and the MODS for that matter for letting a rant like that stay posted.
The way I see it I have two options. I can become a gay hater over this and lash out or I can just walk. You see I will let you guys in on a little secret. This is the reason why mariner left. He couldn't take the absolute extreme left wing liberal views on here and if you don't go with it you are a racist or a gay basher or whatever..
Honestly I have seen this board really decline in intelligence and constructive conversation over the last couple years. It really is disappointing because I loved this board. I had great times. But for the mods to keep rubbish like that on the board and not rip it down when talking about a mans family, religion, and god I can't support.
So all you fuckers can go circle jerk yourselves from now on about how smart you are while watching your country decline to a third world.Comment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
I have read through this thread a few different times, and each time I'm more confused than the time before. It starts with this statement:
It continues:
This is starting to make some sense. Normally, someone rips you a NEW asshole, but the way this is phrased, it would appear that this is your first. Here's hoping that finally having a way to dispense with some of that waste will brighten up your demeanor a bit.Comment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
Yes, because you're obviously still whining and making a big deal out of it.
I'm sorry, I've tried to be patient with you... But I swear, you're like the North Korea of the [ms] forum; you're always bitter, arrogant, negativistic, hateful, and belligerent in everything you do and say. Other people now throw personal insults at you (which isn't right), but you always seem to lead the pack by a mile. If someone sees things differently thank you, you're always the first to personally attack them as an idiot, etc. instead of focusing your criticism on the arguments and opinions.
And guess what? Nobody here likes you or respects you because of that. It's obvious at this point that you will just always be a thoroughly unpleasant presence around here; and it's obvious that everyone else will always dislike you and side against you.
So if that's the way you're going to be... then don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. If you think you're so much smarter than the rest of us, then go find another place where your grand intelligence is appreciated. No one is forcing you to put up with all of us "idiots". Just leave. Honestly, no one will miss you.Last edited by Miroslav; May 28, 2009, 08:19:13 PM.mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslavComment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
Like Toasty and Miroslav said above, the problem here is you and your assumption that I am gay is, (like all of your assumptions), completely wrong. But that matters not. My only intolerance is towards your intolerance.
Why not pick on disabled children next time? Then, of course, anyone who disagrees suddenly becomes a disabled child according to your flawed logic.
As for your girlfriend, yes I am truly sorry. But not for what I said, just for her..
Goodnight i'm bored of you nowComment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
dont you see any kind of problem where you have 5+ different people all agreeing that you are the problem here... not us.
i wouldnt have a problem with you if you posted a link and some thought provoking opinion about an article and ask our opinions BUT YOU DONT DO THAT. what you do is post some story, dont even bother reading it, and make your own conspiracy theory about it to try and blend that story to your thinking. AND THEN, once people with intelligence actually read the story and provide their opinions on that article, you bash them and call them names constantly because they dont agree with the almighty runningman... this has happened in almost every thread you have started. YOU are the problem, not us.
Miroslav should have a plaque made in his honor for taking the high road 99% of the time with you and not dumbing down to your level while you have constantly battered him personally for no reason at all."pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" JamesComment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
why is everyone on this thread so anti everything.. i dont think ive ever seen so much hatred towards anybody like this over a childish issue..
i understand where everyone gets soo blasted about it.. but is it really necessary to blast someone elses family, religion, or personal opions so rudely??..
im new to this board and ive been goin thru all the threads.. and reading this from the beginning.. i dont even know where it started to get into lets bash this person.. or that person becusae our views are so different.. is it that bad to have totally differnt ideals and morals??
im gay i dont see anything wrong with calling someone a fag or butt pirate
i eat pussy and im cool with it.. if someone came out and called me a butt pirate i would come out and say your a bitch fucker and laugh that shit off
or if some bitch came out and called me a dyke id just be like..you love ugly dicks aint nothing wrong with a good set of tities
but i still believe in a God.. u guys come off as if ur gay u dont have a religion.. well i do!.. im buddhist.. my grams was (RIP <3 always) a buddhist nun for crying out loud.. yea she didnt approve of my life style but she still wanted me to go to the temple.. she still accepted me for who i am.. and left it at that.. i dont see anything wrong with runningmans posts.. i laughed at that.. but everyone elses.. WOW!! SHIT!! u guys got some anger issues or what!??!
are u guys gay?? y dont u just come out and say it..cuase.. i have never met someone who was gay and talked to a straight person like that.. the ppl i know have respect for whoever and whatever their views are.. we just say.. well thats too bad.. cuase ur missin out..
as a gay woman.. i would NEVER bash on someone elses religion.. weither they be gay or straight.. thats just how i was brought up.. its disrespectfull to see.. to hear and to READ!! no one should ever do something like that.. moraly.. its totally uncalled for
i joined this board becuase i LOVE MUSIC!! and politics always interested me and i stumbled on this.. i am APPALED at what EVERYONE is saying not just this running man guy who everyone on here seems to hate!..
yea his post threw me for a loop.. but not at much as bobjuice for saying
"Fuck you, fuck your church and fuck your non-existent god".. and to go and blast his family is a lil uncalled for..
i see everyone on here blasting this runningman guy but.. doesnt anyone see this bobjuice post!!!!
politics is for debating! i dont see any debating on here all i see is Bashing becuase someone is religious and doesnt believe gays should carry the word marriage..
im all for equal rights.. and that means ur entitled to ur opinion but when someon comes out and calls u a "Fucking Moron" for stating what u believe in.. i think thats totally uncalled for..
im not backing up this running guy yea he came out with some rude comments.. but other post on here were just as bad or even worse..
i dont know maybe its becuase im a girl.. im too nice.. i get offended sometimes.. and i like to act as mediator sometimes.. i read all the post by everyone.. and it doesnt seem like anyone has made a SOLID point!!!
its just turned into runningman is an ass!.. i was some good solid opinions enough of this fuck u fuck this!.. cause really.. it just makes u guys seem like idiots.. stop focusing on one person.. cuase thats what ur doing!
lets get to the fucking issue!!
u guys are acting like closet gays.. are u guys gay?? is that y this thread is so touchy?? if u are just say.. im gay i dont appreciate u calling me that..
dont come out and say "YOUR A FUCKING MORON"
those are fighting words.. shit i would go after u too.. lol kinda not really.. but still.. ACT LIKE ADULTS!!
or what was the fucking point on me joining this forum .. so i could get stupid with everyons irrelevant post!
i know runningmans stance.. he doesnt want gays to have the word "Marriage" he states they can have a different name for it..
but WHAT THE FUCK IS EVERYONE ELSES STANCE.. isnt that what this thread is all about..
my stance = yea id like to get married in the future.. but having friends who are catholic, christian church goers.. i understand the whole marriage is for a man and woman who are goin to have a family..
i could use the word "Union" or "harmony" or whatever else the thesaurus throws at me.. marriage is for church goers.. give me another word for it and id be cool with it.Comment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
just kidding. good to have a sense of humor when posting in the polotics section. i prefer to avoid this section and talk about real issues, real BS and thats in the General section.Originally posted by MiroslavIt's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .Comment
Re: Obama and Gay marriage
^^^Hi yoyob, The politics section is given a certain amount of leniency due to the often times sensitive nature of the topics being discussed.
You may want to stick to the PR & GYY section because most of the people who frequent this section are quiet nice to each other in those sections. Nobody would get away with saying some of the things being said here in other sections.
So don't judge MS by a handful of threads in the political section, it's an inaccurate representation of the members on this board at large. With regard to the rudeness your seeing, it happens once every 20 or so threads, and sometimes it is more called for than other.
This one isolated thread has become one of the ugliest, yes I think the mods want to see the individuals on here work it out on their own, sense they have all proven to be able to do so on most occasions, sometimes simply by being perfectly cordial in other threads about other topics.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
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