Being Poor

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  • Dzone
    Platinum Poster
    • Jul 2004
    • 1978

    Re: Being Poor

    Originally posted by chunky
    And live on less than $2 a day.
    And have no access to clean water.....
    ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


    • N-tchbl
      Addiction started
      • May 2009
      • 353

      Re: Being Poor

      whosh... this's the most true and the most sad thing ive read lately.

      Originally posted by Haziel
      I used to be poor now I'm a student which is fucking worse

      hehe.. true.. and you're not alone, if that means something | MySpace | Facebook | Soundcloud | iFACE Bookings


      • Kat
        A pretty fn good milkshake
        • Mar 2006
        • 4695

        Re: Being Poor

        being poor (now please dont jump on me here) is a choice
        it doesnt mean its not sad that half of the world is starving literaly but there are possibilities for every single one person alive to have anything they want
        how? well its a "quantum world" and if you understand it you can make it what you want and i can tell this from my own experience!!. i used to be poor (kinda) and learned how to think to live the way i want (almost)
        since i am fortunate enough to know this i wanted to put my money to good use so i have adopted 4 kids in africa so far, paying for their education, health care and food
        theres so many great things in this world and economy/capitalism is not one of them!!
        ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

        Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.


        • N-tchbl
          Addiction started
          • May 2009
          • 353

          Re: Being Poor


          I can not believe the fact that every single poor person of this world can turn his/her fate 180 degrees and change it, its too idealistic, but for the most of them/us.. there is a solution, at least some kind of it. To be less poor or something, but to not sit in one place and cry above their 'destiny' to be poor and sad. Every day i see people begging for money on the streets of the town i live in, those are all healthy people, still young enough and capable for working something.. cleaning, being a construction workers.. something, anything.. this country's crying for ppl like them and need them, and what do we get? Poor people and poor country.. cuz they dont wanna work, it's easier to wonder around and wear that look of "i'm poor, give me some money" than simply work for it and have your own life settled down, at least in some way.

          I guess not every poor man of this world is in a position to find something to work and get over the state of being poor, but i strongly believe that in a big percentage, being poor - its a matter of choice. Do something, change yourself, change the world you're living in..
          ..its not easy i suppose, it's not easy for me too to be a student in an average Serbian poor family, to work, and to play music...... sometimes i have no time to sleep, but i want my life and i want it now, i don't wanna wait for the university degree cuz i might get into the situation that i cannot find a job even with that damn degree..... so, start changing your life from THIS moment, somehow, anyhow...... i think the most of us can do it.

 | MySpace | Facebook | Soundcloud | iFACE Bookings


          • Dhar_2
            meat and potatoes
            • Jun 2004
            • 18925

            Re: Being Poor

            well thats put a downer on an already shitty day!


            • chunky
              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
              • Jan 2006
              • 10570

              Re: Being Poor

              Originally posted by Katkich
              being poor (now please dont jump on me here) is a choice
              it doesnt mean its not sad that half of the world is starving literaly but there are possibilities for every single one person alive to have anything they want
              how? well its a "quantum world" and if you understand it you can make it what you want and i can tell this from my own experience!!. i used to be poor (kinda) and learned how to think to live the way i want (almost)
              since i am fortunate enough to know this i wanted to put my money to good use so i have adopted 4 kids in africa so far, paying for their education, health care and food
              theres so many great things in this world and economy/capitalism is not one of them!!
              Yeah that would explain why all them starving Ethiopians didn't just get up and move somewhere else. I'm sure many of the worlds countries would be more than willing to let them in to work construction, wash dishes of do some cleaning.

              Just before America & Britain where bombing Iraq they dropped leaflets telling citizens to move out. Maybe they should of had leaflets with big job opportunities in the US and UK. Without education its very hard to travel for most of the poorer people of the world.

              What I dont understand is if you feel the opportunity's are there for every Man, Women & Child on the Earth then why bother adopting 4 kids from Africa. If the opportunities are there they shouldn't need your help, all they had to do was learn to think to live the way they want. And if they can't do that then they deserve the predicament they are in.
              Originally posted by res0nat0r
              OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


              • Kat
                A pretty fn good milkshake
                • Mar 2006
                • 4695

                Re: Being Poor

                Originally posted by chunky
                Yeah that would explain why all them starving Ethiopians didn't just get up and move somewhere else. I'm sure many of the worlds countries would be more than willing to let them in to work construction.

                Just before America & Britain where bombing Iraq they dropped leaflets telling citizens to move out. Maybe they should of had leaflets with big job opportunities in the US and UK. Without education its very hard to travel for most of the poorer people of the world.

                What I dont understand is if you feel the opportunity's are there for every Man, Women & Child on the Earth then why bother adopting 4 kids from Africa. If the opportunities are there they shouldn't need your help, all they had to do was learn to think to live the way they want.
                it IS possible but not probable! its not possible while thinking inside 3D reality box. actually it is also probable when we reach a critical mass... and so on
                ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

                Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.


                • |Thrax|
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 1744

                  Re: Being Poor

                  Poor? Pay Up.
                  Having Little Money Often Means No Car, No Washing Machine, No Checking Account And No Break From Fees and High Prices

                  "You have to be rich to be poor.

                  That's what some people who have never lived below the poverty line don't understand."
                  This is the voice from planet love. Have no fear we are your friends. To bring peace and love to your world, we are sending you our very special agent. Her name is love love love...

                  Myspace::Facebook:: NIGHTMOVES.ME nightlife+lifestyle photography


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29116

                    Re: Being Poor

                    Originally posted by Kamal
                    It's all relative at the end of the day I feel. Being poor in a rich country is worse than being poor in a poor country. Not only do you not have the pleasure of owning the finer things, you know exactly what you're missing out on.
                    your joking of course...right?

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • Haziel
                      Likes a finger upthere
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 3195

                      Re: Being Poor

                      Abundance weakens you... and poverty anuls you.

                      So I just rather have some extracash


                      • Kamal
                        • May 2002
                        • 28835

                        Re: Being Poor

                        Originally posted by floridaorange
                        your joking of course...right?
                        no, I've had friends from a lot of very very poor communities back home, they maybe poor and make little money but their imposed lack of knowledge of the outside world left them much happier in life. kinda like the bushmen from god's must be crazy part 1. the intro of that movie says it all.

                        Jib says:
                        he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                        Originally posted by ace_dl
                        Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                        I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                        • Aleks_B
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 758

                          Re: Being Poor

                          ^ i can see where you are coming from, most defo... ignorance is bliss they say...
                          aleks_b - re_azure | my_space


                          • Micko
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 8123

                            Re: Being Poor

                            This only reminds me of all that I have to be thankful for

                            and I truly am....


                            • dusk
                              DUDERZ get a life!!!
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 7266

                              Re: Being Poor

                              Originally posted by Kamal
                              . kinda like the bushmen from god's must be crazy part 1. the intro of that movie says it all.


                              Also knowing real richness in life is divine providence.
                              ~ You are what you think you are ~


                              • DIDI
                                Aussie Pest
                                • Nov 2004
                                • 16845

                                Re: Being Poor

                                Katitch I am jumping!! Your post just made me incredibly angry. I think the choice that was made here was for your choice not to know what real poverty is. Did you read the whole list ??

                                N-tchbl, Ditto
                                Originally posted by TheVrk
                                it IS incredible isn't it??
                                STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                                Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                                The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies

