Originally posted by Encryption
Takedown (Hackers)
its one of the worst movies ever, come so old so outdated and by the way hackers dont run around on laptops painted so fucking gay and they dont have such a gay gui runing in they boxes and then when you roam around in someone else computers it dosent take certain amount of TIME to track you down if you are there and the admin is fucking there he will hunt you and he can turn ur link off with a simple command even if you all ready have all rights inside the computer...and yea the movie blows the only nice thing in the movie is angelinas jolies titties 4 real
oh and mitnick its just an old relic that politicians try to use to show new hackers that they can be tracked but, the real good hackers are never caught like the guys who banged ebay, yahoo and amazon a few years ago that was mad they blew the net away for a whole day and they never got caught they even made the stock market prices of this companys drop and have loses just cus they are internet companys....anyway those guys were the Animal Farm legends amog hackers big guys along the level of the Computer Chaos club who were russian and rumanian guys one of they members known as tron was assesinated by the Russia goverment cus they could not stop him from making chaos around they computers, sad but true and even he knew he was being tracked he was killed with a ticket to south africa...
oh yea and the old school hackers used to take metaphetamines or whatever the name of that shit is, to stay up all night hacking and doing shit ha
too much pot sorryComment
Originally posted by gzipits one of the worst movies ever, come so old so outdated and by the way hackers dont run around on laptops painted so fucking gay and they dont have such a gay gui runing in they boxes and then when you roam around in someone else computers it dosent take certain amount of TIME to track you down if you are there and the admin is fucking there he will hunt you and he can turn ur link off with a simple command even if you all ready have all rights inside the computer...and yea the movie blows the only nice thing in the movie is angelinas jolies titties 4 real
oh and mitnick its just an old relic that politicians try to use to show new hackers that they can be tracked but, the real good hackers are never caught like the guys who banged ebay, yahoo and amazon a few years ago that was mad they blew the net away for a whole day and they never got caught they even made the stock market prices of this companys drop and have loses just cus they are internet companys....anyway those guys were the Animal Farm legends amog hackers big guys along the level of the Computer Chaos club who were russian and rumanian guys one of they members known as tron was assesinated by the Russia goverment cus they could not stop him from making chaos around they computers, sad but true and even he knew he was being tracked he was killed with a ticket to south africa...
oh yea and the old school hackers used to take metaphetamines or whatever the name of that shit is, to stay up all night hacking and doing shit ha
too much pot sorry
As for what the hackers did with Ebay / Yahoo etc. a few years ago was not hacking, it was a sophisticated (for its time) "technique" (not hack since they never compromised the system) of bringing / shutting down a server with a remote attack called DDOS. And if you hack 1000 NT Boxes, install "programs" that will cumulatively come alive after 2 months on a given date and time and consistently request the URL of a site, that's NOT hacking (puhleeze).... that's the lamest act in the book you can do.
Heck if you type up a ping and force increase the size of a datagram to the largest available, have your computer REPEAT the ping request AND have another 15 friends of yours ping the same request to the same remote computer, you can very well implement a lame ass DDOS attack so that's not really hacking. To learn the "technical" inefficiencies of a system and break that apart IMO is hacking not bloody brute forcing your way into shit. Run a compiler / debugger and translate a password, THEN I'll admit you're a hacker... :wink:
Jib says:
he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shittingOriginally posted by ace_dlGuys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for meComment