10 most delicious miracles

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  • Huggie Smiles
    Anyone have Styx livesets?
    • Jun 2004
    • 11836

    10 most delicious miracles

    It's a rough time to be a deity. It used to be all they had to do to get a little shine was cure a disease, but these days there's always a douchebucket scientist ready to take the credit with their medicine or some such nonsense. Way to fuck up omnibenevolence, Science. Worse, courtesy of alarmist zombie flicks, gods can't even raise the dead without creating an uproar.

    Grandiose miracles have curiously had to take a back seat to more obscure ones to receive notice. Subtle tactics like influencing the outcome of a sporting event worked pretty well, but there was never any guarantee that athletes would thank the right god. Jesus has been coasting on Odin's work in football for years.
    The reason this happens is simple - Jesus' marketing staff OWNS. They understand a miracle without a recognizable stamp is up for grabs. They also pioneered the mantra "The quickest way to a believer's heart is through their stomach". For some reason our primal instincts seem to crave gods that are as powerful as they are delcious. Lord Ganesha appearing in a flower is precious and all, but hardly very appetizing:

    Hey, L.G., nobody wants their miracle to be a garnish.

    I don't want to tell you celestial beings how to do your job (I so do), but allow me to trot out a few examples of miracles closer to the mark.
    1. Marmite Messiah

    If this looks like a baby-shit stain to you, the reality is you're not far off. This is marmite, a byproduct of beer brewing, that is used for a toast spread. It is popular in the UK, presumably because their breads taste worse than yeast turds or the population have their tongues scalded with acid as part of a coming of age ceremony.
    I don't think this is Jesus' best work. Something about the eyebrows on this one gives me a bit more Charles Manson than son of God:

    2. Kit-Kat Khrist

    Maybe it's more Bearded Bobby Deniro than Buddy Christ, but there's no denying this is the most delectable miracle yet. Still you'd think someone with omnipotence would know a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup would be the more sanctified choice.

    3. Our Lady Of Limburger

    The clarity of the image on the grilled cheese sandwich is undeniable, but I do have to question if it is a truly a miracle. The creator looks as if she's no stranger to a diet rich in carbs and molten cheese sauces. it was probably just a matter of time before she made a series of sandwiches accidentally inscribed with the collective works of Shakespeare.

    4. Allah Tags The Produce Aisle

    Belief in Allah is not only a means to salvation, but it cures scurvy as well.

    For some reason Allah only puts his name on fresh fruit and vegetables. No wonder most Americans find him so foreign.
    5. Teach A Man To Fish Stick, He'll Eat (Poorly) Forever

    For those unfamiliar with the biblical account of Jesus, there is very little documentation about his teenage years. This is because relgious leaders felt that the canon would be negatively impacted by revealing what this picture so clearly shows - Jesus was Batman's archnemesis Two-Face.

    6. Betcha Can't Save Just One!

    According to 55 year old Rosalie Dawson, this chip bears the image of Jesus Christ. It's a shame that God opted to bless her potato chip rather than cure her glaucoma, but if she's convinced Drinky Crow is yahweh who am I to argue?

    Pictured: Her Own Personal Jesus

    7. Cinna-saint

    It's unusual for saints to make appearances like this, but after Mother Teresa's death got upstaged by Princess Di she was desperate for some comeuppance. The validity of this miracle was debated by The Vatican for some time until a cardinal noted these unusual markings inside one of the roll's folds:

    8. Cheesus

    Though this was uncovered years ago, it is still a controversial object. Many theologens contend it is indisputably an extruded, deep-fried manifestation of the crucifiction. Others contend it is "some dude just rockin' the fuck OUT."

    9. Mary + Jesus Jawbreaker

    Caveat emptor: There is no guarantee this will actually taste like Jesus or his mother.
    I definitely can see Mary and her veil, but Jesus seems to be an oversized prada bag.

    10. Pious Pop-tart
    Pop-tarts enjoyed the notoriety from this so much, they launched a whole new suite of flavors including Seraphic Strawberry, Chaste Chocolate Chip, and I Can't Believe It's Not Eucharist.
    ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....

  • Dhar_2
    meat and potatoes
    • Jun 2004
    • 18925

    Re: 10 most delicious miracles


    gotta love the fact a 'w' anyway is allah's tag!


    • lilsensa
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 6675

      Re: 10 most delicious miracles

      Cheesus!!! LOL
      RIP ~ Steve James


      • poults
        Platinum Poster
        • Nov 2006
        • 1987

        Re: 10 most delicious miracles

        Originally posted by Hoff

        ejejejejejejejejeje!!!!! you always delivering some good dogs shits !!! thankyou


        • TomTom
          Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
          • May 2002
          • 16206

          Re: 10 most delicious miracles

          That's some funny shit.


          • Jenks
            I'm kind of a big deal.
            • Jun 2004
            • 10250

            Re: 10 most delicious miracles

            the Cheesus! haha.


            • Kamal
              • May 2002
              • 28835

              Re: 10 most delicious miracles

              your brain misinterpreting obfuscated signals like that is called matrixing. Like kat rightly pointed out in another thread, despite swallowing like millions (or even billions) of bits of information, your brain only processes 2000 bits of data. Given the marginal quantity of information we as individuals can swallow, it's easy to see why we stupidly disbelieve these into symbols / signs / figures we can associate with.

              can you imagine the enormous misinterpretations we could actually make if our brains did process the millions (or billions) of bits of data.

              the quantum of interpretations wouldn't fit into this thread I tell you.

              Jib says:
              he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
              Originally posted by ace_dl
              Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
              I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


              • bobjuice
                • May 2008
                • 4894

                Re: 10 most delicious miracles

                Good stuff

                Saw another one of these yesterday - when the GYY banner comes up, the one that says "sometimes you gotta talk"
                have a look at that glass, spooky!

