Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce
The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!Comment
Re: Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce
DA BOMB hot sauce... This is by far the hottest stuff I've ever had!
Re: Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce
have heard a lot of good things about the Pain 100% sauce, in terms of both taste and level of spiceyness.
Haven't tried it myself, maybe pick some up today.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce
I remember Heston trying out the "devils penis" chilli's ... the sheer look of pain was hilarious.
"Heston Blumenthal went in search of the perfect chilli con carne in last week's programme. He joined the crowds at a chilli cook-off in downtown Washington DC before heading back to Bray to test several types of dried chillies, including Somalian hot and devil's penis chillies, before creating his own spice blend.
Heston took one of his chefs for an MRI scan to discover the effect that feeding him chilli oil nine times stronger than any natural chilli has! The ingredients that went into Heston's final dish were whiskey, beef short-ribs and a curious blend of spices, all accompanied by a sour cream sorbet and a sweetcorn muffin. "sigpicSimonR
This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.Comment
Re: Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce
Tried the 95% pain, and true to it's name, just a small drop and your whole digestive system knows it. I decided to put just small amounts on my salt & vinegar chips and then add the chip to my veggie sub...good taste, wow is it hot though.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce
^that is a pretty decent all purpose hot sauce...
there are probably 75 - 100 different hot sauces to choose from at Firehouse Subs, ever go there? I probably eat there once every 3 at that rate I will have tried them all in 25 years
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce
^^^^That stuff above is all childs play compared to this-
Its made from Ghost chilis- . In 2007, it was confirmed by Guinness World Recordsto be the hottest chili in the world. In 2000, scientists at India's Defence Research Laboratory (DRL) reported a rating of 855,000 units on the Scoville scale,[3] and in 2004 an Indian company obtained a rating of 1,041,427 units through HPLC analysis.[6] This makes it almost twice as hot as the Red Savina pepper, Guinness World Record holder at that time.
I love hot sauce. So much so, that I use Sriracha lke its ketchup. I tried one drop of this stuff and my mouth was on fire for over a half an hour, with nothing to sooth the burn (tried lots of water and beer). Ask Picklemonkey about his experience with itPush the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011Comment