Michael Jackson's life story

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  • chanty
    John, John, where art thou!
    • Jun 2004
    • 4622

    Re: Feather's life story

    Originally posted by Shiva
    But to make you feel like ur a nobody is fine...to be sarcastic and put you down is fine too.
    I don't see any drama, you can come at me with all the excuses, all I am doing is standing my grounds. After all this is a forum for fun, I dont see any drama. You are sitting with your bf friend having a coffee, good for you. I am having mine as well and enjoying my time.
    There is an argument and there is a counter argument, you say this and I will reply with that....and so goes on this thread.....there is no drama.

    Whats next?

    (btw, I am not new, thats my 3rd yr on MS, having few yrs more of membership on this forum does it make you that special?)
    Shiva...I don't know what to say here. You DO create drama on this board. You came here with a dramatic flare and you haven't stopped. You like the attention for some reason, be it positive or negative. What bothers me is when you state that you have mod rights and won't hesitate to use them at your discretion. Your opinions do not represent the majority of the members on this board. You are the one that doesn't like peoples responses to your posts and then become very defensive to the point of being irrational.
    Last edited by chanty; June 23, 2009, 12:35:19 AM.
    Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


    • Shiva
      MCast Mistress
      • Nov 2007
      • 2461

      Re: Feather's life story

      Originally posted by Jenks
      i found out Shiva is a mod by reading this thread. lol.
      ^ for example.. coz it seems I am threatening everybody and attacking everyone... I am the monster of MS now


      • Shiva
        MCast Mistress
        • Nov 2007
        • 2461

        Re: Feather's life story

        Originally posted by chanty
        Shiva...I don't know what to say here. You DO create drama on this board. You came here with a dramatic flare and you haven't stopped. You like the attention for some reason, be it positive or negative. What bothers me is when you state that you have mod rights and won't hesitate to use them at your discrestrion. Your opionions do not represent the majority of the members on this board. You are the one that doesn't like peoples responses to your posts and then become very defenive to the point of being irrational.
        Yes, I did formulate that I would use my mod priviledges on a 2 occasions when it was about sensitive issues:

        The first was about frisky radio when frisky sets were banned from MS: I am a frisky resident so I didnt want to open a post and give chances to ms users to trash frisky on my thread, he is a person I work with so there is mutual respect. MSers wana trash frisky, they are free to do it elsewhere than on my thread; just to remind you that frisky was being trashed big time from all sides. Coz opening a thread at that particular time could have been interpreted in negative ways by the concerned persons.

        The second time is when I opened a thread in the politic section on a very delicate subject between arabs and israelis.

        Yes I did this twice because I didn't wana give chances to people to fight and insult each other on the threads I opened. In other words, when it came to sensitive subject I didnt want people to fight. And I am thankful to the ones who participated in those threads without insulting each other, in fact one of them turned out to be VERY ineteresting and constructive. The thread of the israeli-arab conflict, where users from both sides exchanged ideas and views while keeping a mutual respect. And thats not "drama", that is success, a successful and mature debate! Not just a debate about dicks and pussies, something a bit more elaborate. Maybe if I open threads about dicks and pussies I will be seen less "dramatic", but that's not for me.

        And you talk about drama?? what drama? Where? I do create drama to YOU, but trust me that many users appreciate my "drama" coz i keep on receiving PMs of appreciation despite the 2 or 3 users that get bothered by my comments.


        • i!!ustrious
          I got some N64 Games Yo!!
          • Mar 2008
          • 12308

          Re: Feather's life story

          oh come on Shiva, you sure are coming across extremely vain right now imo. just chill...

          self forgetfulness is liberating...

          (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


          • Shiva
            MCast Mistress
            • Nov 2007
            • 2461

            Re: Feather's life story



            • picklemonkey
              Double hoodie beer monster
              • Jun 2004
              • 15373

              Re: Feather's life story

              Originally posted by Shiva
              What are you saying Feather? Lets see...mmmm

              As a starter this thread was opened to involve female msers in a typical male/female dilemma thing, to get us precisely in this situation we are now. And yes the whole thread involves ME, directly or indirectly, because it is known that i would reply to such posts. So stop trying to make me seem the one who sees things differently, or "gives different interpretation to things than the rest of the user", as you put it. You said it yourself GYY is a small community and we almost know who is gona answer to what and they way he/her is gona answer. Reading back some of your posts clearly shows that you haven't gotten any good experiences with women, and thats probably because you don't know how to deal with them.

              Anyway, these posts do not involve Shiva but the Pope of Rome (and we are only at page :

              Originally posted by floridaorange
              maybe if you all are lucky, shiva will add some points to the topic, she would know better than any seeing as how I am sure she has plenty of guy friends that have had to settle for just being friends
              Originally posted by floridaorange
              ^Sure I guess, but Shiva's obviously had to deal with the "let's just be friends" scenario more than many women than you or I know who have.
              Originally posted by picklemonkey
              Originally posted by rainman
              ^^ no disrespect shiv, but do you ever get tired of guys kissing your ass because you are hot? i personally find it rediculous, but it has to get old at some point.
              Originally posted by floridaorange
              ^^without putting words in her mouth, how would she know any different?
              Originally posted by feather
              Women are messed up complicated creatures and I blame it on Cosmopolitan and Sex and the City.

              You can say all you want about men, but we're ultimately simple creatures. Beer, blowjobs, tits, asses.

              As I see it, is that the battle of the sexes turned into all that equality shit which has then gone the extreme and men are now defined by what women say about them even though we continue existing as we were and doing what we do.

              The problem arises because women's ideas and what they want, are so confused they no longer marry with the reality of what they see.

              (you can tell I've had my share of psycho women)
              Originally posted by feather
              I'm gonna come right out and say this: Any thread revolving looks, sex, beauty, Shiva--turns into what we have here. There is always some sort of miscommunication mis-translation going on. It's clear she has different perceptions on these issues from most of us, and I think it's a fine example of the point rainman raised.
              Originally posted by ddr
              you do kind of encourage those kinds of posts... i remember when we had that banner with random photos and most of the time 3/5 of the pictures were of you, posted by you... lol it has gone down a lot in recent months because people are starting to post pictures though =p
              Originally posted by ddr
              that is where i am getting at though.... sure a few face pics or everyday 'hello' type pictures are great but when you post "glamour/sexy poses" shots of yourself, especially if you are a good looking woman, you will get attention because of it.
              Originally posted by feather
              I was simply pointing out that this is a recurring thing whenever the topic of looks, beauty, sex, and Shiva, comes together in a thread. Nothing to do with making fun of you or blaming you.

              This whole thread and past thread of similar topics simply indicate you have a different outlook on these things. I am simply going out on a limb here and pointing that out. I will admit that this is presumptious, but perhaps your good looks and your vocation colours your perception of such issues, and this is further exacerbated by your obliviousness to what I'm trying to say here.
              Originally posted by Yao
              K, dude...this has nothing to do with different look on things. I Made a little except of some of the posts that IMO show exactly how this thread got turned into what it is:

              ...whatever. Many women have this happen but Shiva seems to have such an amount of experience in this that particularly she should shed a light on this?


              Keep pushing for Shiva.

              You got your answer.

              But it's not enough?

              Yay, it's all her fault now and women in general cannot communicate with men!

              Who's the moron here having communication problems? It sure as hell ain't Shiva, but a bunch of guy that persist in pushing her forward when any women-related topic hits the board. If you keep ignoring what someone says long enough, you're gonna end up exactly at this spot. For fucks sake man, if you have such a problem with Shiva being present around here, then stop mentioning her goddamn name.
              And to all that will most definitely be pissed off with me now:
              Originally posted by Miroslav
              I have to second this. Well said.

              I'm still not sure why it is that some people felt that we had to take a simple post about a humor article and turn it into this drawn out request / expectations for Shiva to serve as the spokesperson for women who receive attention from men. It's all seemed quite strange and silly to me. I don't think she deserved all of the backlash for this thread - and that's irrespective of any personal opinions I have about her pictures or male-female interactions in general, etc.
              Originally posted by floridaorange
              ^ That last paragraph = exactly.
              And God forbid we take posts with a grain of salt more often than not and give members the benefit of the doubt and center the discussion on what we have in common instead of what we do not.
              But frankly, I did not know how many real 30 - 40 year old (experienced) female models you all have had the opportunity of knowing and discussing philosophical topics with. I made the assumption that Shiva was the exception and thought she if anyone would have had enough experience with keeping her guy friends in the friendship category to be able to articulate a profound response on such. And since I already knew from experience she would be happy to go into depth on this topic, her name naturally came to mind when this thread was originated. And of course any female on MS is welcome to add their experiences to the discussion...right?
              What I should have probably allowed her to simply chime in if she wanted to. I assumed we were all familiar enough with her that it would be no biggie for me to name drop. But h well, lesson learned, and now I'm looking fwd to letting this one join the archives ^_^
              Originally posted by feather
              My only contribution in this thread was explaining a post and then making an observation based on my time on this board and past instances. I almost made a post with quotes in response to Yao, but who gives a flying fuck. I'm not going to add more fuel or be further embroiled in the kinda nonsense that happens around these threads.

              I stand by what I said. Some of you see it, and some don't. That's fine, god forbid we all decide to agree with each other at the same time.
              Originally posted by DjNutcase
              No, it's a statement of truth. Ass kissing is only when you are saying something with intent to win favour of the person.

              Without a doubt, Shiva is a gorgeous woman... but mentioning this is not ass-kissing but a fact... or compliment,if you like.

              Like it or not, she can do nothing about this fact.

              However, she releases regular, mental Mcast sessions , responds in these threads with helpful advice and posts good pictures of herself like the other members and is a good energy on the board .

              Now how many models do we know who do that?

              Let's not get stupid things get in the way of positive discussion.

              Let's just be thankful for our MS and our Shiva and behave like adults so she can hopefully put her old photos back up...
              Originally posted by Haziel
              We are a lot them

              I might get a shiva tattoo next to my che guevara and Mao tse tung one
              Originally posted by DIDI
              Shiva, feel free to speak openly here.
              Originally posted by feather
              Shiva ... go over every single one of my posts in not just this thread, but any thread involving you in the past, especially the sad thread over the calendar for which red1 was banned.

              Go over them, read them, understand them. And then come back here and tell me to 'calm down and stay cool' again. Who's the one flying off the handle here?

              How did I 'relaunch' this thread? What comments have I made regarding your pictures? Enlighten me and I shall apologise for them.

              PS. My work IS the internet.
              Originally posted by Miroslav
              good god...this thing is still alive??

              Shiva...I'm sorry to say it, but it really looks like you're the only one going ballistic here over the simple posting of an anonymous negative rep comment that you left... It's not worth getting worked up about. Rep is silly and it really doesn't mean jack around here.

              Slightly off topic... I most recently got negative repped for my last post in the politics forum (http://www.mercuryserver.com/forums/...ad.php?t=72537), along with a friendly anonymous message of: "die!"
              Originally posted by feather
              Shiva, the only person who seems to be finding everything offensive here is you.

              The only reason I have not come out and called you a crazy psychotic egomaniac who's losing it, is because you ARE pregnant and I have given you as much benefit of the doubt as possible and tried to discuss the topics in this thread without pandering to your condition or your looks.

              Now at the risk of sounding unsympathetic, we all have real lives and we all have some issues going on. You might think that your situation is unique to you and we need to accord you extra accomodation, but all our situations are unique to us, and trust me, all the problems and issues we have in our lives have as much ramifications in our own eyes.

              My point is, when you come on here, you come on here as just another MS member who talks shit or jokes or posts about music.

              I have never made any personal attacks on you or anyone in this forum because I dont believe being online gives me the excuse to be a prick or behave any differently from real life, but that doesn't mean that I am going to censor myself because your unique condition is at the forefront of my mind.

              Time and again you have come back and participated in this thread when new posts weren't even directed at you. If you wanted a break, why don't you back away slowly from the computer and the internet, sit back, and watch some TV or spin some music or do whatever you do. The energy, time, and emotions you have exerted in this thread is hardly what I would consider a 'break.'

              Some of us might think it's a bit over the top, some of us might think you're oblivious to what we tried discussing in here, and some of us will feel that the misfortune of being a good looking woman on an internet forum has put you in such a position and situation that continually trigger scenarios like this (even if I think everyone can agree that you do in fact enjoy the attention) and that in fact we're just a bunch of sad desperate music geeks. But nobody ever bore you any ill will, nobody set out to do whatever you think is being done to you.

              I also understand that MS, especially GYY, is a small community. We come on here and interact with each other enough that I consider all of you friends even if we've never met. So as much as I would like to say 'it's only the internet,' I do appreciate that sometimes, it's not just the internet. And it is this weird pseudo virtual proximity to each other that cause these dysfunction to happen.

              But on the internet, not everyone will agree with you, not everyone will give you the time of the day cos you're good looking or pregnant, some people will act like love sick puppies around you, some people will try to be some deluded knight in shining armour, and some people are reading this thinking wtf are these losers doing, some are laughing their asses off and thinking thank god I have a life, and some will think I'm the bigger loser for typing up this long ass post.

              Be it the internet, MS, or real life, it's entirely up to you how much you want to let things affect you, especially over things you have no control.

              Now excuse me while I go look for boobs to post. (Nah not really, I'm at work.)

              Did u get to count how many times the word "shiva" was written? Don't bother coz u'll get bored....With all those posts, you are still standing there telling me it's not about me??

              Well I donno if you're in a good position to call women "psycho women". But from a woman to a man, you clrealy sound more psycho than any woman I have ever met. Now it is clear to me why you have problems dealing with women, no more doubts, crystal clear.

              And just to clarify few things:
              I am very much enjoying this thread, laughing as much as most msers are, as long as it stays within the boundaries of respect.

              Secondo, no I am not "just an ms user" when I come to the GYY, I am an artist resident of MCast (and part of MCast Team) when I come to the whole MS forum; an artist who happens to give people some good time and gets to bring a couple of thousands listeners and new MS members as well; something you are not.

              And last but not least, I am a mod here and there, which also you are not.

              Boss, I have one for you:
              Originally posted by Kamal
              and to this day they haven't succeeded
              Probably you haven't met women that look for deeper meanings. Just as you have shallow women, you have shallow men as well.
              you forgot these:
              Originally posted by picklemonkey
              Originally posted by picklemonkey
              Originally posted by picklemonkey
              Originally posted by picklemonkey
              Originally posted by picklemonkey


              • feather
                Shanghai ooompa loompa
                • Jul 2004
                • 20894

                Re: floridaorange's life story

                Longest post on MS ... that took forever to scroll.


                Originally posted by Hoff
                a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                • chanty
                  John, John, where art thou!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 4622

                  Re: floridaorange's life story

                  I love you Picklemonkey!!
                  Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


                  • DIDI
                    Aussie Pest
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 16844

                    Re: floridaorange's life story


                    I love those emoticons I want to see the one to feather again!!

                    Longest post on MS ... that took forever to scroll.

                    But sooo worth it.
                    Originally posted by TheVrk
                    it IS incredible isn't it??
                    STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                    Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                    The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                    • i!!ustrious
                      I got some N64 Games Yo!!
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 12308

                      Re: floridaorange's life story

                      i'll just leave this here

                      (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


                      • nick007
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 6095

                        Re: floridaorange's life story

                        ^Incredibly entertaining

                        The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!


                        • Kamal
                          • May 2002
                          • 28835

                          Re: floridaorange's life story

                          cant believe this shit has gone on so long.

                          Jib says:
                          he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                          Originally posted by ace_dl
                          Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                          I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me

