I posted some pics in this thread http://www.mercuryserver.com/forums/...t=72170&page=2 already but here is a review and pics in better quality from last Friday.
Besides the beginning of the evening, we had a great time. Driving from my flat to the stadium took an hour and the subway was so packed with people that you could barely breathe so the ride was pure pleasure.
We arrived and went to the entrance, the guy took my ticket and tore a piece of the corner out so I can't use it anymore. Next thing I hear behind me is my mate Uli saying "I don't have the ticket with me".
I thought he is joking but he wasn't. We had the tickets since autumn 2008 and before we left the flat we checked if we have everything and he leaves his ticket on the table in my flat. Dumbass. 
So we returned to my flat and rushed back to the stadium in record time but the subway was even more packed on our way back so we did not see any of the warm up bands. They had Polarkreis 18 and M83 as warmup artists. Polarkreis 18 had a big hit in Germany I can't stand so I am sure I did not miss much but I wanted to see M83. I have heard a track from them in a mix I liked a lot but when we arrived they said Goodbye and thanks on Stage.
But 15 minutes later, everything was forgotten when Depeche Mode reached the stage and the crowd in the stadium went bonkers for the 1st time. They started with In Chains and Wrong from the new album and all in all they played five songs from their new CD - which sucks because their new album sucks. Crowd reaction was very weak and everybody was glad when they started playing older tracks. All in all it was a good mixture and a feast for hardcore fans because they played some tracks from the late 80ties as well - but in new versions. Concert highligh for me was when they played "Enjoy the Silence" and almost the whole text was chanted from 60.000 people in the stadium and Dave just stood there and enjoyed it. Goosebumps time without end. Gahan is still a very good and charismatic singer and knows how to cheer people up and inteact with the crowd. They were 5 people on stage all in all but I have no clue who their drummer or the other guy on the keyboard was. Martin Gore wore a Silver space suit and he had his moments as well singing 2 accapella songs, one from the new album and the older hymn "Question of Lust". In their 2 encores they played Master and Servant, Personal Jesus and Stripped and left the crowd begging for more. The concert including the encores went on for a bit more than 2 hours and all in all it was a fantastic night.
Besides the beginning of the evening, we had a great time. Driving from my flat to the stadium took an hour and the subway was so packed with people that you could barely breathe so the ride was pure pleasure.

So we returned to my flat and rushed back to the stadium in record time but the subway was even more packed on our way back so we did not see any of the warm up bands. They had Polarkreis 18 and M83 as warmup artists. Polarkreis 18 had a big hit in Germany I can't stand so I am sure I did not miss much but I wanted to see M83. I have heard a track from them in a mix I liked a lot but when we arrived they said Goodbye and thanks on Stage.

But 15 minutes later, everything was forgotten when Depeche Mode reached the stage and the crowd in the stadium went bonkers for the 1st time. They started with In Chains and Wrong from the new album and all in all they played five songs from their new CD - which sucks because their new album sucks. Crowd reaction was very weak and everybody was glad when they started playing older tracks. All in all it was a good mixture and a feast for hardcore fans because they played some tracks from the late 80ties as well - but in new versions. Concert highligh for me was when they played "Enjoy the Silence" and almost the whole text was chanted from 60.000 people in the stadium and Dave just stood there and enjoyed it. Goosebumps time without end. Gahan is still a very good and charismatic singer and knows how to cheer people up and inteact with the crowd. They were 5 people on stage all in all but I have no clue who their drummer or the other guy on the keyboard was. Martin Gore wore a Silver space suit and he had his moments as well singing 2 accapella songs, one from the new album and the older hymn "Question of Lust". In their 2 encores they played Master and Servant, Personal Jesus and Stripped and left the crowd begging for more. The concert including the encores went on for a bit more than 2 hours and all in all it was a fantastic night.