How dare the top bush lawyer have the gall to claim that "smoked marijuana has no future in medicine." I'm sorry, do you have an M.D. after your name, sir? A PhD? No? Why, then, would you think that you have the knowledge or the authority to dictate how very, very sick people can mitigate their debilitating pain? Do you know how much LESS it will cost the American taxpayer if they have this kind of pain relief? Perhaps you should Rush Limbaugh how far he would go to relieve his pain.
All I have to say is that this is the reason why I'm going into medicine - to tell these arrogant fucks who make drug policy in the US to step the fuck off. The whole reason this is an issue in the first place is that the drug regulators refuse to make mj a schedule 2 drug when it has been PROVEN to have multiple medical uses. To all those conservatives out there who think that God is giving the neocon right the right to rule this country, pray that you don't get sick and need this drug. How this will enable greater addiction, I really don't know. Would you rather be pain free and addicted to pot or live every day in hell? Hmmm...let me think.
Sorry to rant, but if the Supreme Court closes the door on this VERY SAFE, VERY EFFECTIVE treatment of sick people, WHOSE STATES VOTED TO LEGALIZE MEDICAL MARIJUANA, then I really might give up on this country.
The plane, as the Big Lebowski has said, will have crashed into the mountain.
All I have to say is that this is the reason why I'm going into medicine - to tell these arrogant fucks who make drug policy in the US to step the fuck off. The whole reason this is an issue in the first place is that the drug regulators refuse to make mj a schedule 2 drug when it has been PROVEN to have multiple medical uses. To all those conservatives out there who think that God is giving the neocon right the right to rule this country, pray that you don't get sick and need this drug. How this will enable greater addiction, I really don't know. Would you rather be pain free and addicted to pot or live every day in hell? Hmmm...let me think.
Sorry to rant, but if the Supreme Court closes the door on this VERY SAFE, VERY EFFECTIVE treatment of sick people, WHOSE STATES VOTED TO LEGALIZE MEDICAL MARIJUANA, then I really might give up on this country.
The plane, as the Big Lebowski has said, will have crashed into the mountain.
