Maybe i've been in a cave for the last few years, or maybe i've just been healthy enough not to know about this department at the hospital, but DAMN they're doing some wicked stuff these days with the human body and computers.
Long and short of it, i was sitting in a Gamma tube the other day thinking about all this stuff, and watching in real time, radioactive agents being flushed throughout my body.
Depending on your diagnosis, if doctors want to see how a part of your body is functioning in real time, what's better than cutting you open and taking a look, or shoving a camera up your pee hole or your tooter or down your throat, or even better than taking an xray of iodine tracing through your blood Nuclear Medicine.
They inject a radioactive agent called Xenon or something into your blood stream, then put you under a giant gamma scope and watch the material travel through your body. The substance is pixelized on a computer screen to form the image, like thousands of tiny little dots. Then a computer program takes those dots and makes real time graphics that make your doom3 g33k mega jumbo card in your computer look like a freaking commodore64.
A woman was in the dept having a lung/upper respiratory scan done. The radioactive agent was vaporized and inhaled with pure oxygen into the lungs producing the same result, real time action of your body. Apparently it will work on any part of the body, injected or inhaled.
If you were to have a pair of gamma goggles on, anyone injected with this radioactive ingredient would be glowing like mad. The human eye can't see gamma rays tho, so...damn, there goes the killer glowing dance moves at the club.
Medicine is so amazing these days. To think just a hundred or two years ago doctors were robbing graves to figure out how the body worked. Now they're using nuclear technology..and not even killing you in the process.

Maybe i've been in a cave for the last few years, or maybe i've just been healthy enough not to know about this department at the hospital, but DAMN they're doing some wicked stuff these days with the human body and computers.
Long and short of it, i was sitting in a Gamma tube the other day thinking about all this stuff, and watching in real time, radioactive agents being flushed throughout my body.
Depending on your diagnosis, if doctors want to see how a part of your body is functioning in real time, what's better than cutting you open and taking a look, or shoving a camera up your pee hole or your tooter or down your throat, or even better than taking an xray of iodine tracing through your blood Nuclear Medicine.
They inject a radioactive agent called Xenon or something into your blood stream, then put you under a giant gamma scope and watch the material travel through your body. The substance is pixelized on a computer screen to form the image, like thousands of tiny little dots. Then a computer program takes those dots and makes real time graphics that make your doom3 g33k mega jumbo card in your computer look like a freaking commodore64.
A woman was in the dept having a lung/upper respiratory scan done. The radioactive agent was vaporized and inhaled with pure oxygen into the lungs producing the same result, real time action of your body. Apparently it will work on any part of the body, injected or inhaled.
If you were to have a pair of gamma goggles on, anyone injected with this radioactive ingredient would be glowing like mad. The human eye can't see gamma rays tho, so...damn, there goes the killer glowing dance moves at the club.
Medicine is so amazing these days. To think just a hundred or two years ago doctors were robbing graves to figure out how the body worked. Now they're using nuclear technology..and not even killing you in the process.