Seriously, just how dumb is this bitch? Just when I thought it couldn't get any stupider with her...she goes and does this.
She doesn't feel like being a "lame duck" governor and doesn't want to "go with the flow" with "politics as usual" she's going to serve the people of Alaska by just up and abandoning the post to which the people elected her? seriously?? And she thinks this is somehow going to be good for her in 2012?
And what was up with that speech?? That was the most pathetic, incoherent, rambling pile of shit I have ever heard. It doesn't even make basic rational sense. "It would be apathetic to finish my term as governor...I'm not a quitter, so I've decided to quit." What? Is she on meth?
But hey, I'm happy to see her go; if she's so dumb that she wants to kick her own ass, it saves others the trouble. I just hope this is the final nail in the coffin of her political career and that no one ever takes her seriously after this.
The scary thing is that about eight months ago, a good 47% of this nation thought she would make a great VP.
