Creatures of the Night, Tonite, 7pm CET: New Series

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  • Fresh_Meat
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jul 2008
    • 129

    Creatures of the Night, Tonite, 7pm CET: New Series

    Hello there friends of the good taste,

    Hope you had a good weekend? Are you ready to start into a week, that will mostly be just like every one recently before?

    Here is a little change: Tonite, 7pm CET we start of with a new unregular show series here at the Berlin Mitte Institut:

    The Creatures of the Night

    This series of shows is dedicated to the restless creatures of Berlin’s party nights. They do parties, play as resident DJ and contribute their very special part for making many of Berlin’s parties so outstanding and unforgotten. They are the ones to book the big names into town, support their friends and warm up the party and play late in the morning. They are also the ones who stay unknown and in the background for most of the time. Very unfair, as we think: They are a very essential part: Warming-up, closing-down, organising the event, doing promotion, taking care of the booked artists etc.

    For every COTN show we invite several heads from Berlin’s night scene with the aim

    * to have good music played by them
    * to have them talk about their background and their motivation behind DJing / event promoting
    * to get to know, how a typical Techno event is organised
    * to bring the guests from different projects together, to support networking and an lively communication

    For the first show we invited the following: Alex aka 100tons, running the Fish’ n Slips parties at Golden Gate club and being a DJ in and around Berlin, Flamea, responsible for parts of the organisation of the Delikat Möbelrücken parties and being an enthusiastic DJ too, Bastian Kurzweil aka (B)Tonmischer, a booker, event organiser and DJ from Berlin’s RAW club, Nils Petersohn, a just starting event organiser for Stilbruch and Tanz im Garten. And we will have Fresh Meat, Kandel and Robosonic in the studio the squeeze the guests on information.

    See you later

    Technocally yours,

    The Berlin Mitte Institut

    Join Berlin Mitte Institut on Facehonk / Myspace / Zwitter / Soundcloud / Youporn
  • Fresh_Meat
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jul 2008
    • 129

    Re: Creatures of the Night, Tonite, 7pm CET: New Series

    Es war eine sehr schöne Sendung – vielen Dank an alle, die zugehört haben. Leider ist der Shouted-Videoserver ausgefallen, sodass wir nur Audio übertragen konnten. Aber wir haben ein paar Videos auf Youtube hochgeladen, da könnt ihr euch nochmal ein Bild von der Sendung machen. Die letzte halbe Stunde habe ich an den Anfang kopiert, da dort 100Tons und Flamea schön aus dem “Nähkästchen” plaudern, sehr informativ und unterhaltsam. Viel Spaß beim Hören und Schauen!

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