For fyrestarter. Searched it and didn't find it on here. Another timeless classic from lawler. Highly recomended. enjoy
Steve Lawler @ The Mission Bucharest 2-6-04
Re: Steve Lawler @ The Mission Bucharest 2-6-04
Part 1:
01. 00:00 Intro Underworld - Two Months Off (Lawler Intro Remix)
02. 01:22 Africanism vs. Dr. Kucho - Tanzania
03. 06:00 Steffano Noto Presents Faith Sounds - London Night
04. 12:00 Pete Tha Zouk - Shine On (Carlos Manaca Mix)
05. 20:00 Alma Matris - Rapido
06. 23:00 Green Velvet - La La Land vs. Donna Summer - I Feel Love (mashup with Angelo Kortez - Drums tease)
07. 27:00 Angelo Kortez - Drums
08. 33:30 Celeda - Music Is The Answer (Unknown Remix or accapella)
09. 40:00 Lil' Mo'Yin Yang - Reach
10. 45:30 Shakedown - At Night (Some Tribal Mix)
11. 51:30 ID
12. 55:00 Mark Knight and Martijn ten Velden - Our House
Part 2:
01. 00:00 ID Sounds like some mix of Mark Knight - Acid Test
02. 01:30 Roland Clarke - If I Was A DJ
03. Maskio - Down & Out (Maskio Killer Remix)
04. 11:30 Bucci Bag (Andrea Doria) - More Lemonade (Steve Lawler House Edit)
05. 17:00 Mark Knight - Acid Test
06. 23:00 Steve Lawler - Lost
07. 31:00 Martin H - Over
08. 38:00 Luke Chable & Danni Bonacci - Ride (Original Mix)
09. Steve Lawler - Out At Night
10. ID
11. 54:00 Patrice Strike - Wonder (Pankaj and Edwards Mix)
Part 3:
01. ID
02. Konk West - Roberto Plays [Batofar EP]
03. ID
04. Industry - Release Me (Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix)
05. ID
06. 27:00 Hoxton Whores vs Ramirez - Hablando
07. 32:00 Junior Jack - StupidiscoOriginally posted by res0nat0rOK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3! -
Re: Steve Lawler @ The Mission Bucharest 2-6-04
sick set bro
thanksI wonder if this new healthcare thing covers my pre-existing condition: AWESOMENESS.Comment
Re: Steve Lawler @ The Mission Bucharest 2-6-04
excellent set - proper house music
...and much better than his set from kristal club bucharest the same year
thanks for sharing itComment
Re: Steve Lawler @ The Mission Bucharest 2-6-04
OK I gave this a listen on the way back from London. I only got to listen part 1 and half of part 2. I really don't get why he played all them anthems in part 1 I Feel Love, Music Is The Answer, Reach, La La Land (alcatraz give me love is in there to) etc. The first hour did nothing for me at all. I think I will stick with the Kristal set.
Saying that I Feel Love is a real set wrecker for me. I never want to hear that track ever again.Originally posted by res0nat0rOK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!Comment
Re: Steve Lawler @ The Mission Bucharest 2-6-04
Part 2 is the shit though. Always loved "Out at night', and i've heard More lemonade and acid test a billion times but they always get me groovin. About to start Kristal 11-17-06 again with volume turned down a little. Hopefully that helps. lawler gets alot of shit but in 06 i liked most of his sets. Kristal, exit, Dome. been on areal lawler kick again latelyComment
Re: Steve Lawler @ The Mission Bucharest 2-6-04
01. [000] Underworld - Two Months Off (Lawler Intro Remix)
02. [001] Africanism vs. Dr. Kucho - Tanzania
03. [007] Steffano Noto Presents Faith Sound - London Night (Original Mix)
04. [012] Pete Tha Zouk - Shine On (Carlos Manaca Mix)
05. [020] Alma Matris - Rapido (Ralph Rosario Big Room Remix)
06. [022] Donna Summer - I Feel Love
07. [023] Green Velvet - La La Land (Acapella)
08. [026] Angelo Kortez - Drums (Jesse Garcia Tribal Spain Edit)
09. [033] Celeda - Music Is The Answer (Acapella)
10. [034] ID
11. [037] Lil Mo' Yin Yang - Reach (Basement Jaxx's "Firecracker" Mix)
12. [047] Shakedown - At Night (Some Tribal Mix)
13. [048] Alcatraz - Giv Me Luv
14. [052] Bill Hicks - Gifts Of Forgiveness
15. [055] Mark Knight & Martijn Ten Velden - Our House
16. [061] Roland Clarke - If I Was A DJ
17. [066] Maskio - Down & Out (Maskio Killer Remix)
18. [071] Bucci Bag (Andrea Doria) - More Lemonade (Steve Lawler House Edit)
19. [077] Mark Knight - Acid Test
20. [083] Steve Lawler - Lost
21. [092] Martin H - Over (Original Mix)
22. [098] Luke Chable & Danni Bonacci - Ride (Original Mix)
23. [102] Steve Lawler - Out At Night
24. [110] ID
25. [114] Patrice Strike - Wonder (Pankaj and Edwards Mix)
26. [121] ID
27. [127] Konk West - Roberto Plays
27. [128] Chuck Roberts - My House (Acapella)
29. [130] Industry - Release Me (Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix)
30. [151] Hoxton Whores vs Ramirez - Hablando
31. [152] Junior Jack - StupidiscoComment